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試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104 初等考試_一般行政:英文#18814
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36 Hackers can ___________ our computers and steal our personal information.
(A)take up
(B)take off
(C)take over
(D)take away


37 Many women take up karate ___________ to feel secured in the streets at night.
(A)in case
(B)so that
(C)so as
(D)in care


38 People in this town wanted to ___________ the overpriced shop although it has a great variety of imported goods.


39 Every time I ___________ a new word, I look it up in the dictionary.
(A)fall over
(B)bound for
(C)cruise in
(D)come across


40 When ordered by their parents to eat vegetables, many children do so only ___________ .


第 41 題至第 45 題,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者

     Taiwan ranked ninth among 12 Asian countries rated in an English skills index, outperforming only Vietnam, China and Thailand. The  41  was reported by Education First, an international education company, that rated 1.7 million adults from 54 countries globally from 2009 - 11 based on tests covering English listening and reading proficiency. Taiwan ranked ninth in Asia and 30th in the world and its global ranking was  42  the 26th - 38th range that represents low proficiency, according to the company’s English Proficiency Index.

     Commenting on Singapore and Malaysia’s English skills, Education First Senior Vice President Christopher McCormick said the two nations have higher proficiencies because their populations are composed of multiple  43  groups who rely on English to communicate.  44  South Korea(21st overall)and Japan(22nd overall)put a high priority on education, the lack of an English-speaking environment, the focus on memorization and the passive interaction  45  teachers and students led to their proficiency levels falling below the OECD average, he said.











請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題

AP classes are college-level courses taken during high school that will provide students the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most colleges and universities. According to The College Board, AP classes help students:

■ Gain the edge in college preparation

■ Stand out in the college admissions process

■ Broaden your intellectual horizons

For more information on how to register and the benefits of scheduling AP courses, talk to your high school counselor, an AP instructor or go to http://www.CollegeBoard.com.

If your high school doesn’t have all of these classes, colleges and universities will consider this fact. Also, many colleges and universities have special admissions procedures for students who have high academic potential but need help to reach that potential because of educational or other disadvantages.

【題組】46 What is mainly described in this passage?
(A)The College Board.
(B)Disadvantaged high school students.
(C)College admissions procedures.
(D)Special classes in secondary schools.


【題組】47 Who are the target readers of this passage?
(A)College professors.
(B)High school students.
(C)College board members.
(D)Admissions officials.


【題組】48 Which of the following is not true about AP courses?
(A)They are offered in all schools.
(B)They make students more knowledgeable.
(C)They prepare students for college studies.
(D)They are recognized for college credit in many universities.


【題組】49 What does AP most likely stand for in this passage?
(A)Associate Professor.
(B)Associated Press.
(C)Account Payable.
(D)Advanced Placement.


【題組】50 Which of the following words from the passage is closest in meaning to “advantage”?


試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104 初等考試_一般行政:英文#18814-阿摩線上測驗
