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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(171~175)
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2.To my amazement, I found a(n) _____ letter lying in the middle of my office desk. In fact, the person in the letter referred to himself as a secret admirer.
(A) compatible
(B) ethnic
(C) dispensable
(D) anonymous


IV. Passage completion    
        Rajni Devi liked school and had big dreams. She was not going to end up like so many other girls in India: ___28___ as a child bride. Rajni was 14 years old when her mother told her she must get married, but she refused. She was determined to stay in school, and she wasn't ready to be a mother yet. ___29___, for a girl in rural India, it wasn't as simple as just saying no. She fought hard. She spent weeks fighting, reasoning with and coaxing her parents. Every day, she told them she didn't want to get married. She'd rather die ___30___ get married, she said. She reminded her mother of her own struggles as a teenager spent married and bearing children. Eventually, Rajni's parents ___31___. 
        But their daughter had only just begun. She was determined to change things, not just for herself, but for other girls too. In the months that followed, she stopped five other child marriages in her community. She coached the girls in her small village, in Uttar Pradesh, on ___32___ to intervene and talk to their parents. She told them that they could get an education and achieve dreams beyond marriage.
        Rajni, now 18, has used her courage to help a generation of girls in her village stay in school and avoid marriage. She has won honors and acclaim for her efforts and now leads a self-help and empowerment group of twenty girls in her village. 

(A) how
(B) married off
(C) however
(D) gave in
(E) than



16. The ____ of fruit always become pretty high right after a typhoon.
(A) size
(B) price
(C) money
(D) fever


4. The greatest part of her latest novel is how she _____ describes the life of an ordinary woman in a Muslim country.
(A) shallowly
(B) vividly
(C) vaguely
(D) soberly


7. In order to have better working results, everybody in the office needs to learn a _____ approach to communicate with other staff members.
(A) commercialized
(B) collaborative
(C) coextensive
(D) coastward


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(171~175)-阿摩線上測驗
