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【精選】 - 國營事業◆國文 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2011難度:(876~900)
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My boss, a perfectionist, is difficult to please; he pays much attention to ________.


50.It is important ________ in your assignments on time.
(A)to turn


22. Assigning one person to this job was a ___. I should have assigned two people.
(A) drama
(B) quarter
(C) mistake
(D) ketchup


三、克漏字測驗(請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案) When it comes to growing up, we think of becoming taller, stronger, and older. But there is 11 to growing up than that. As you grow up, you also learn to 12 your own decisions. 13 , as a high school student, you are given a certain amount of freedom; you get to choose the group of subjects you want to study and you can choose from a variety of school clubs to pursue your 14 . When you grow up, you can not only do many fun activities outside the protection of your home but you also have to be 15 for yourself and choose the right thing to do.
(A) do
(B) give
(C) make
(D) take




21. I ________ for more than 10 years, and now I am still taking English classes at school.
(A) study English
(B) studied English
(C) am studying English
(D) have been studying English


45. Her performance at the concert was really ________. No wonder she had won a full scholarship to the renowned Manhattan School of Music.
(A) enormous
(C) comfortable
(D) regretful




四、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 Lanyu,also known as Orchid Island, is located off the southeastern coast of Taiwan. On the island has lived an aboriginal tribe 71 the Tao. The Tao’s customs, clothes, and language are very different from ours. For instance, they have built their houses half underground 72 they can stand strong typhoons that often hit the island. Last June, I flew to Lanyu for vacation. I was there watching the people 73 their Flying Fish Festival. Flying fish were a special catch for the people, and in the festival, the Tao dressed up, danced, and launched new boats into the sea to 74 for a big catch and also to give thanks to the gods. Lanyu is a beautiful island with interesting customs and friendly people. I can never forget this place. 75 you are interested in customs of aborigines, I strongly recommend you to pay a visit there.
(A) care
(B) argue
(C) pray
(D) leave


67. A: The new movie didn’t appeal to many people. B:______________________
(A)Yeah. It was a box office hit.
(B)I know. It attracted few viewers.
(C)I agree. It was very enjoyable.
(D)Right. It sold out on the first day.


22. 下列「 」中的字,何者為「動詞」?
(B)「點」秋江白 鷺沙鷗
(D)忘「機」友 。


27. 「古人之觀於天地、山川、草木、蟲魚、鳥獸,往往有得,以其求思之深而 無不在也。」意謂:
(C) 古人效法老子以萬物為師


40.__________ teacher roller-skates with __________after breakfast.
(A) They ; they
(B) They ; them
(C) Their ; them
(D) Their ; they


20.「莊子云:『人之生也,與憂俱生。』是知人生於世,如何擺落憂傷,□□□□,確實是一大學問。」上引文 句中,□□□□最適宜填入的選項是:


(A)暫時不處 理公務,靜待首長選出
(C)其機關公文應由首 長署名者,由秘書蓋印。


18. The bank is conveniently located_____the office and the subway entrance.
(A) among
(B) between
(C) into
(D) with


5. 在詩文中,常見作者以動物或植物作為比喻。下列「」內的詞語,何者象徵小人?


26. Harry really liked the new Mazda, but the price was over his _____.
(A) money
(B) target
(C) pocket
(D) budget


29. Generally, it is considered impolite _____ when other people are talking.
(A) to interrupt
(B) to cut
(C) to break
(D) to miss


47. A: I was not chosen to the school basketball team. B: ______ There are still chances.
(A) I’m happy to hear that.
(B) It’s not good that you quit.
(C) Don’t let it get you down.
(D) That’s the spirit.


第三篇: OK,老闆/我躡足來到你面前/瘦小的心情立正站好/扁扁的抱負夾進公文卷裡/恭請過目請核 示/像沉默的盆景/一生沒有任何意見 OK,老闆/像忠誠的卡鐘/為遺忘趕工/為青春訂契約/昨天或更久的從前/沒有人喜悅/也沒 有人懂得悲傷 OK,老闆/午後咖啡雪茄煙/在夢與醒的邊緣/在分類檔案的角落/從白領趕到白髮/我的肚皮 沒有任何意見/對薪水還有相當程度的迷戀 OK,老闆/疲憊的鞋聲又追逐/在歲月轉彎的十字路/紅燈忘了停止/綠燈不敢通行/高分貝的 引擎到處流行/塵埃在空中傳說漂浮的故事(焦桐〈OK,老闆〉)


三、克漏字測驗【請依照句子前後文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: Reading signs can be very useful when you travel in a foreign country. Even if you do not speak the language of the country you're visiting, you can still 21 with no problems if you know how to read symbols and simple instructions. Many of these signs use both words and images to 22 people know their meanings, whereas there are also many signs that wholly depend on symbols. Some people may even argue that it is 23 fun and useful to learn to read them, although others may consider it nerve wrecking.
 The truth is, even with the most strict standard, it is still quite accurate to call such a learning process interesting since you will always get to know something new.
 Take the traffic sign 5d9ac88870226.jpgin the United States 24 –truth be told, this sign looks familiar to us, right? Exactly! In the United States, however, it is commonly seen with the word “xing” on it. You may find it near schools, hospitals, or some residential areas. Since the letter “X” symbolizes “cross,” the symbol is to warn you of people trying to cross the streets. 25 you agree it's such a cute and fun idea to use X to save space on a small sign?

(A) get
(B) take
(C) let
(D) cause


17. With her loud voice and colorful outfit, Martha always ______. She gets all the attention.
(A) cuts it out
(B) takes a hike
(C) takes center stage
(D) stays put


25. The rich man ________ to the charity every year.
(A) composes
(B) donates
(C) involves
(D) defends


       Jane and Philip are in general a happily married couple; however, they do struggle over one point of __ (26)__ . They disagree as to how their family should follow the traditions of seasonal holidays. In her opinions, the emphasis __(27)__ presents has made the season lucrative for all those mercenary retailers who overcharge at holiday time. In addition, people should be watching their expenses and avoid unnecessary __(28)__ in their budgets. Therefore, she aspires to keep her home free of all such customs and wants her children to __(29)__ from traditions such as gift-giving and dyeing Easter eggs. Although Philip understands her concerns, he prefers the conventional way of celebrating holidays. He believes that children enjoy the customary __(30)__ that are connected with the holidays.

(A) burdens
(B) sections
(C) downers
(D) activities


【精選】 - 國營事業◆國文 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2011難度:(876~900)-阿摩線上測驗
