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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(181~185)
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A fifth-grade teacher is working with a group of students whose English language abilities vary. Which of the following would be the most appropriate method for evaluating the progress of students who are at different proficiency levels in English?
(A) selecting language achievement tests that allow the teacher to find out students’ levels
(B) using multiple measures, such as observations, test scores, and samples of daily work
(C) establishing a grading curve and distributing students’ test results along the curve
(D) assessing students only in the areas in which they have achieved competence


11.Sara had spent years working overtime at her cleaning job, saving enough for her daughter to get admitted to an academically ____ school.


Part IV. Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test, you will see a reading passage followed by several questions. Each question has four answers. Choose the best answer to each question. On April 4th, a chemical attack struck the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib, a province in northern Syria currently controlled by an alliance of rebel groups, including a powerful faction linked to al-Qaeda. At least 72 people, including 20 children, died, according to doctors and a Syrian monitoring group. The World Health Organization said victims appeared to display symptoms that tally with the use of a dead nerve agent as sarin (as opposed to, say, a less powerful one such as chlorine). One young boy was filmed slowly suffocating on the ground, his chest heaving and his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Photographs show dead children up in rows in the floor or piled in heaps in the back of a vehicle, their clothes ripped from them by rescuers who used hoses to try to wash the chemicals form their bodies. Other images show how victims foaming from their mouths or writhing on the ground as they struggle for air. Hours after the attack began, witnesses say regime warplanes circled back over the area and dropped bombs on a clinic treating survivors. After six years of war, international reaction to the attack followed a predictable pattern. The Syrian government swiftly denied dropping chemical weapons. Russia, its ally, said a Syrian air strike hit a rebel-held weapons stockpile, releasing deadly chemicals into the air. Leaders in the West condemned the regime, issuing hollow statements about the need for “accountability” while avoiding any suggestion of how that might be achieved. The probable passivity of the West ought not to come as much of a surprise. When the Syrian government gassed to death more than 14,000 of its own people on the outskirts of Damascus in August 2013 it seemed inevitable that America would respond by launching air strikes against the regime. One week after the attack—the deadliest use of chemical weapons since Saddam Hussein gassed Iraqi Kurds in 1988—John Kerry delivered one of his most bellicose speeches as secretary of state, arguing the case for American military action in Syria. “It matters if the world speaks out . . . and then nothing happens,” Mr. Kerry said. Yet chemical attacks by regime forces continued. Both America and Russia promised to punish the Syrian regime should it use chemical weapons again, but neither side has honored this promise. And Trump’s officials have said for the first time that they are willing to live with Mr. Assad as they concentrate on defeating Islamic State. Ironically, this approach is in fact more likely to fuel further extremism in Syria. If the Syrian regime continues to drop gas on its own people, there is nothing to stop it.
【題組】56.Where did the chemical attack take place?
(A)Northern Iraq
(B)Northern Syria
(C)Southern Iraq
(D)Southern Syria


42. Which of the following is NOT an example of effective tasks?
(A) An activity that requires solving a problem.
(B) A task that has real-life implication.
(C) An activity that has a measurable outcome.
(D) A task that is complicated to complete.


62. Have you come up with anything since our last meeting?
(A) The copy machine is broken.
(B) Not really. I’m still thinking about it.
(C) It’s Friday at 3:00 in the boss’s office.
(D) I went with Paula and Betty. Alfred couldn’t make it.


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(181~185)-阿摩線上測驗
