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49 After the 911 _____ attacks in the U.S., the homeland security studies have been initiated.


43 Although prosecutors and judges regard criminals’ confessions as important, police investigators should also search for ____ by resorting to scientific methods.


26 Residents along the coastline received an _______notice due to heavy rainfall and flooding from the storm.
(A) equipment
(B) execution
(C) evacuation
(D) employment


27 In this incident, no injuries to residents have been reported but one firefighter was _______ for burn injuries.
(A) dispatched
(B) monitored
(C) hospitalized
(D) qualified


28 The death_______ in the train derailment accident rose to 50 after the body of the last passenger trapped inside had been found.
(A) fall
(B) tow
(C) toll
(D) fell


29 Wildfires on the mountains are fairly common during the hot, dry summer months but are sometimes fanned into huge, uncontrollable _______by strong winds.
(A) blazes
(B) flashes
(C) glitters
(D) shimmers


30 Fire Services Act has been incorporated for _______ fire disaster and providing rescue operation and first aid to maintain public safety, and protect life and property of the people.
(A) presenting
(B) pretending
(C) preventing
(D) protecting


32 Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for more serious _______from COVID-19.
(A) applications
(B) complications
(C) duplications
(D) implications


33 To maximize passive fire _______ of buildings, building materials and furnishings are tested for fire-resistance, combustibility and flammability.
(A) direction
(B) protection
(C) instruction
(D) destruction


34 An Emergency Medical Service (or EMS) does not exist in isolation, but is _______ with other services and systems intended to maintain and enhance the community's health and safety.
(A) framed
(B) informed
(C) integrated
(D) separated


35 In order to reduce your chance of a cooking fire, keep _______ cleaners away from heat sources.
(A) reducible
(B) touchable
(C) preventable
(D) flammable


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
    There’s more to a firefighter’s job than extinguishing fires; firefighters also respond to emergency and save people’s lives. Firefighters   36   with their local community to increase their awareness of fire safety. In addition, they are also responsible for   37   fire safety standards by conducting practice drills and other trainings in public and commercial premises.
    Working as a firefighter means that you are the direct frontline representative for your respective department or team. It is essential that you know how to   38   your attitude especially in handling situations. A firefighter must know how to remain calm and at the same time know how to stay   39   . Firefighters are considered as the problem solvers and life savers in times of fire   40   , which is why it is very important for them to have extensive knowledge and experience in this kind of work.

(A) lifting
(B) raising
(C) delaying
(D) promoting


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
     The Formosa Fun Coast Water Park in New Taipei City burst into flames on the night of June 27, 2015 after colored powder was shot from the stage. Hundreds of tourists were burned and the Taiwanese therefore come to   41   the danger of dust. The five main causes of dust explosion are: large amounts of flammable dust disseminated in the air, source of   42   , poor ventilation, sufficient oxygen and careless use of powder. Health Business Weekly reports, many people believe the cause of this tragedy is lack of   43   knowledge and negligence of the danger of dust. Dust explosions are caused by flammable particles burning rapidly in a   44   space. If an indoor environment has sufficient oxygen where the dust is at a high 45 and meets a heat source, then there might be a chance of explosion.

(A) realize
(B) resume
(C) respect
(D) reassure


(A) admission
(B) reception
(C) recognition
(D) concentration


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
      A firefighter enters a burning building. In addition to his   46   clothing, boots, gloves and helmet, he also has a head-up-display (HUD), which presents key data in his field of vision. Moreover, his clothing is fitted with various sensors that feed the artificial intelligence that follows the firefighter with the firefighter’s position, temperature data, toxic gases and other   47    warnings. The artificial intelligence   48  the data, simultaneously collecting information from different sensors in the building and from databases with technical drawings of the structure. Based on all the data, the artificial intelligence sends instructions to the firefighter via his HUD, enabling him to   49    safely through the building. Moreover, if there is a group of firefighters who, for example, need to fight the blaze or   50   trapped occupants, the artificial intelligence can suggest ways in which the firefighters can work together to successfully perform their task.

(A) labor
(B) supply
(C) rehearsal
(D) hazard


