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18. I prefer tea _______ coffee.
(A) to
(B) than
(C) against
(D) over

2( ).有疑問

1. Human beings are forced to scrutinize the environmental problems they are facing now.
(A) survey
(B) discuss
(C) examine
(D) debate


Zoos are important places for both animals and people. Some people are against the idea of zoos, where animals are held 26 They would prefer that animals be allowed to live in the wild, and ask the government to 27 zoos. However, zoos not only give us a chance to observe animals we ordinarily never see, but also give scientists a chance to better understand nature. Because humans have 28 their habitats, many animals are in danger of going 29 . It is especially important to allow baby animals to be born within the zoo, allowing scientists to observe them as infants and watching them grow into adults. This will help us better understand, and therefore better protect many different species. While 30 have a point that animals deserve their freedom just like people do, making sure that these different species have a future is the most important thing.
(A) pessimists
(B) activists
(C) anarchists
(D) catalysts


三、短文填空(21~30 題,選出最適當的選項) 
A sugar glider is a small, grey, furry mammal with big eyes. You'd be lucky to see one, 21 , because they are small, timid, an nocturnal. If you do get a 22 of a sugar glider, you might notice that when it is 23 through the tree tops, its skin stretches out between its arms and legs, almost in the shape of a square. Sugar gliders are a type of possum native 24 Australia. They get their name from their 25 for sweet foods like flower nectar, acacia gum, and the sap from eucalyptus trees.

(A) on
(B) for
(C) to
(D) with


17. Children who see their parents drunk are twice as ____ to regularly get drunk themselves, a survey of young teenagers has suggested.
(A) like
(B) liking
(C) alike
(D) likely


精熟測驗 - 私醫聯招◆英文-阿摩線上測驗
