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12. New research in geophysics disproved ____ had been a universally accepted truth.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) whom
(D) that


三、短文填空 (21~30 題,選出最適當的選項)
    The cardiovascular system 21 the heart, blood vessels, and blood. From the heart, blood travels into the arteries and their smaller branches. It continues to the capillaries. Then, it moves to the branches of the vein 22 to the heart. The heart serves as a pump. Arteries transport blood from the heart to body organs and tissues. Veins transport blood back to the heart.

(A) is composing
(B) is composing of
(C) is composed
(D) is composed of


   You needn't have tried aromatherapy to understand the therapeutic powers of essential oils. These magical liquids, 26 from a range of aromatic plants, offer a truly holistic therapy, because they work on both body and mind. When you put 27 oils in your evening bath to help you to relax, you are recreating the rituals that are thousands of years old. Hippocrates claimed that the secret of health was an aromatic bath and a scented massage every day. Cleopatra often took a jasmine bath, while other Egyptians blended oils to use as medicines. In Shakespearean Britain, women spread rosemary and lavender on floors to 28 and purify rooms. Now it has been shown in various scientific studies that many of these essential oils have powerful anti-septic and anti-bacterial actions. It seems that every essential oil consists of hundreds of chemicals, all with potential healing and medicinal properties. When an oil is 29 , these chemicals enter the body's system and bloodstream. Compared to drugs, oils have relatively weak effects. But this in itself makes the oils safe remedies. For this reason, aromatherapy is often introduced as treatment 30 conventional medicine, to complement mainstream medical practices.
(A) between
(B) alongside
(C) next
(D) together


一、字彙 (1~5 題,選出與畫底線部分意義最接近的選項;6~10 題,選出最適當的選項)
【題組】6. Human memory _______ over time. That's why old people tend to forget things easily.
(A) refreshes
(B) rejuvenates
(C) deteriorates
(D) deliberates


Passage #2 
   Mesopotamia, meaning “land between the rivers," is widely considered to be the cradle of civilization. It was here, in 5000 B.C., that people settled into an agricultural lifestyle by the mighty Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Because there was little rain, the people depended on these rivers for their survival. The Mesopotamians created channels to distribute the flood waters that flowed for a short duration each year to their crops. The efficiency of their irrigation systems allowed their society to flourish, enabling them to create the world's first towns and cities. At the center of each town stood a temple complex with food stores, a treasury, and living spaces, all of which were incorporated into the overall design. Over time, these towns evolved into city-states, eventually becoming an empire.
   Soon there arose a need to keep reliable records of commodities traded, and out of this need, writing was born. The first format that writing took was a code of symbols which corresponded to various items and numbers. These were carved into soft clay and were known as cuneiform. This system proved to be very versatile and quickly spread to other uses. The Sumerian scribes used it to record daily life and to write the first major literary work known to Western civilization. Perhaps the best known of Mesopotamia's civilizations was Babylon. During the second millennium B.C., it rose from a regional capital to become the center of a kingdom that stretched across southern Iraq and beyond. Its king, Hammurabi, left his mark with a remarkable collection of laws. Hammurabi's code defined the constraints of private property, as well as legal decisions for crimes, and family disputes.
   Although it was eventually lost to the sands of time, Mesopotamia left a legacy of law, literature, and engineering for modern civilizations to build on. In fact, much of what we know of that chapter in the region's history has come from excavations of ruined cities, supplemented by translations of ancient clay tablets.

【題組】38.Why was cuneiform initially invented?
(A) To write poems and songs
(B) To keep records of goods and transactions
(C) To record Mesopotamian history
(D) To record the epic of Gilgamesh


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