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1( ).有疑問

12.Our professor             the law: Any one who is late for class must write an apology letter.
(A)lay down
(B)laid down
(C)lay back
(D)laid aside


11.My kids were making such a racket that I couldn’t sleep, so I told them to             .
(A)knock it back
(B)knock it down
(C)knock it off
(D)knock it up


10.With his imaginative mind, he should be able to devise an             marketing plan.


6.I want you to go by the book at first; you can get creative later, after you learn the process.
(A)abide by the law
(B)learn the basics
(C)closely follow procedures or rules
(D)carefully do some reading


Most of us think the mail-order bride went the way of the stagecoach. She did, for a while. Now she’s back, this time in cross-cultural form. In the past decade, the number of visas issued to Asians coming to this country to marry Americans have jumped from 34 to 3,400, and the number of mail-order-bride services has quadrupled. Louis Florence and his wife, Tessie, have operated their American Worldwide Service since 1979. They claim to have arranged more than 750 marriages. For about $360 a man can correspond exclusively with many women from a whole catalog of candidates. Louis Florence says his customers are men who are disillusioned by American women: “They are turned off, they say, because of the lack of femininity, but once they’re married all the love and romance goes out of the marriage. It’s been our experience from talking to these gentlement-these gentlemen have been married four, five years now-that once they are married to these ladies from Philippines and Malaysia, it’s as though they’re on their honeymoon right now. From my personal experience, being married to lovely Tessie, she has been brought up in the Asian culture that makes her feel that she will love, honor, obey, and treat her husband very nicely all the time.”
【題組】44.What is not true about American-Asian Worldwide Service?
(A)Men can write to many women on its list for about $360.
(B)It has arranged about 750 marriages.
(C)Men’s privilege in this service corresponds to women’s
(D)The idea of this service might come from Louis Florence’s personal experience.


精熟測驗 - 學士後西醫-英文-阿摩線上測驗
