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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 普通考試_各類科:英文#109806
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31 Data are ____ across different countries, and it is hard to figure out who knows what.
(A) scribbled
(B) scattered
(C) scolded
(D) scorned


32 The new prime minister tried to stimulate economic growth in this region by offering ____to foreign investors.
(A) incentives
(B) impacts
(C) instruments
(D) intrusions


33 In the video the driver ran away immediately as the police officers ____ him. A chase then began.
(A) approached
(B) delighted
(C) employed
(D) recommended


34 There was a long ____ of people waiting patiently for the bus to arrive.
(A) queue
(B) range
(C) series
(D) trail


35 The company worked hard to ____ communication with its customers in the hope of promoting mutual understanding.
(A) discourage
(B) enhance
(C) ignore
(D) suspend


36 The book entitled A Different Angle encourages us to examine ____ issues from different perspectives.
(A) accountable
(B) controversial
(C) ferocious
(D) persistent


37 To reduce pollution, the government resorts to renewable or ____ energy resources such as solar energy and bioenergy.
(A) alternative
(B) explicit
(C) resistant
(D) skeptical


38 Please handle the glassware with extreme caution. They are .
(A) feeble
(B) fragile
(C) fragrant
(D) feasible


39 The ____ of depression are not fully understood but are likely to be a complex combination of genetic, environmental, and psychosocial factors.
(A) causes
(B) effects
(C) resources
(D) cures


40 The police found a large of ________ drugs in the man’s vehicle and he was arrested on the spot.
(A) audience
(B) distance
(C) multiple
(D) quantity


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
    Have you noticed the phenomenon of puppy dog eyes, the inner eyebrow raising movement of dogs? Do you believe it    41    for dogs to appeal to humans? Researchers dissected dog and wolf heads and found that the facial muscle anatomy of both animals was almost identical --    42    an eyebrow muscle, found only in dogs. The inner eyebrow raising movement makes the dogs’ eyes appear larger and more infant like,   43   prompts a “nurturing” response in humans. When dogs make the movement, it seems to elicit a strong desire in humans to   44   them. This would give the dogs that moved their eyebrows more a selection advantage over others, reinforcing the trait in   45   generations. The findings show how important faces can be in capturing our attention, and how powerful facial expression can be in social interaction.

【題組】 41
(A) irritation
(B) evolution
(C) migration
(D) realization


(A) as well as
(B) except for
(C) in addition to
(D) such as


(A) when
(B) who
(C) what
(D) which


(A) carry out
(B) make up
(C) look after
(D) take over


(A) former
(B) later
(C) old
(D) past


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
     Hikikomori is a psychological condition which makes people shut themselves off from society, often staying in their houses for months on end. There are at least half a million of them in Japan. It was once thought of as a young person’s condition, but sufferers are getting older and staying locked away for longer. It is an economic as well as a social threat to the country, and is seriously worrying Japanese government.
    As of 2015, there were 541,000 hikikomori aged 15-39 in Japan, according to government statistics. There is no data on other age groups, suggesting that the figure is likely to be far larger. Some families are also loath to report hikikomori in their households, Kingston said. Doctors began to observe hikikomori as a social phenomenon around the mid-1980s, when young men exhibited signs of lethargy, refused to communicate, and spent most of their time in their rooms. There’s no unifying reason why people become hikikomori. Some withdraw from society because they feel they don’t know what
to do with their lives and can no longer cope with the pressure from people around them. Others are triggered by events in their lives, like bad grades or heartbreak. Hikikomori feel a deep sense of shame that they cannot work at a job like ordinary people. They think of themselves as worthless and unqualified for happiness. Almost all feel remorse at having betrayed their parents’ expectations.
    As hikikomori refuse to participate in society, let alone go to work, Japan’s economy also suffers. They diminish the size of the workforce, so they contribute to a tighter labor market. Also, they are not self-sufficient, so when family support dries up due to death or financial problems, they will need to rely on state assistance.
    Japanese government plans to set up counseling centers and have support staff visit hikikomori at home in a bid to boost the country’s flagging workforce. But some criticize this may put pressure on hikikomori. Professor Jeff Kingston,an Asian studies professor in Tokyo, said, “One can only hope that more access to various therapies and public health campaigns to destigmatize the phenomenon will encourage more to seek help, find it, and learn to manage their symptoms so that they can lead more productive and fulfilling lives.”

【題組】46 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) A group of people who suffer and make others suffer.
(B) A phenomenon caused by the flagging economy in Japan.
(C) An efficient system to take care of the unemployed.
(D) A new medical treatment for the disease called hikikomori.


【題組】47 Which of the following is one of the causes of hikikomori mentioned in the passage?
(A) A tighter labor market.
(B) A poor family background.
(C) A failed relationship.
(D) A government policy.


【題組】48 Which of the following is one of the features of hikikomori?
(A) They always perform well at school.
(B) They are social and reliable employees.
(C) They drain up the money in the family.
(D) They boost the country’s flagging workforce.


【題組】49 According to the expert in the passage, which of the following may be the solution to the hikikomori phenomenon?
(A) Organizing campaigns to encourage them to seek help.
(B) Sending support staff to visit them more often.
(C) Giving money and job to families with hikikomori.
(D) Forcing them to hospitals to receive therapies.


【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following is one of the bad influences that hikikomori impose on Japanese society?
(A) They make up the main workforce in Japan.
(B) They become financial burdens to the government.
(C) They make people in the society more indifferent.
(D) They bring shame and pain to the family and country.


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 普通考試_各類科:英文#109806-阿摩線上測驗
