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Questions 176~180 refer to the following agenda and email.
Human Resource Management New Trends Seminar 
Date: September 9
64128c0d915ff.jpg The Human Resource Management New Trends Seminar will be held at the Grand Ballroom of the luxurious Sapphire Hotel, located in the heart of downtown. The hotel is conveniently situated near multiple public transportation options, including a subway station and several bus stops within walking distance. For those driving, the hotel also offers ample onsite parking.

Dear Organizing Committee,

I am writing to express my sincere apologies on behalf of Ms. Lisa Wong, who unfortunately will not be able to attend the Human Resource Management New Trends Seminar as scheduled. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ms. Wong will not be able to participate in the event. 

However, I have worked closely with Ms. Wong for many years and I am familiar with the topic area of the seminar. Therefore, I would like to inquire if it is possible for me to substitute for Ms. Wong and deliver the speech in her place. I understand that Ms. Wong's absence may cause some inconvenience, and I hope that my offer can help alleviate any issues that may arise.

Please let me know if this arrangement is possible, and if there are any further steps that need to be taken. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused by Ms. Wong's absence, and I thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

Oliver Ho

【題組】176. What is the main topic of Dr. Jane Kim's keynote speech?
(A)The importance of diversity and inclusion in HR management.
(B)The impact of technology on workforce diversity and inclusion.
(C) The role of HR directors in promoting diversity and inclusion.
(D)The challenges of implementing workforce diversity and inclusion.


103. Living in this neighborhood is ideal for those who enjoy dining out, with many restaurants _____ popular bars and nightlife spots.
(A)remote from
(B)in accessible to
(C)within easy reach of
(D)on the track of


104. In order to reduce costs, the company is considering _____ its production facilities.
(A) closing
(C)to closing
(D) closed


109. As we continue to expand our operations and scale our business, we hold a strong belief _____ investing in innovative technologies will play a key role in driving our growth and success.
(A) where
(D) which


110. As a company _____ to delivering cutting-edge solutions, we seek out partnerships with other like-minded businesses.
(A) that committed
(B)that committing
(C)which commits
(D) committed


111. _____ insights for making nursing work more inclusive, and connected, the first national nursing conference will take place on 3 October.
(A) Packed with
(B)Notorious for
(C)Banned from
(D) Convenient to


113. The employees had been very nervous about the reform, _____ it would result in layoffs or reduced benefits.
(A) feared for
(B)feared that
(C)fearing for
(D) fearing that


119. How many sales calls _________ before you secured your first contract with the new client?
(A) had you made
(B)will you make
(C)have you made
(D) were you making


124. Coffee beans are generally broken up into four _____ based on how long the beans are roasted.
(A) amounts
(D) categories


125. He promised to make the job of the volunteers easier by reducing time _____ raising funds.
(A) spend
(D) which spends


126. Over the past five years, Steven _____ two of his childhood dreams.
(A) has fulfilled
(B)has been fulfilled
(C)had fulfilled
(D) had been fulfilled


127. I feel that I could reach a point _____ I must make up my mind to terminate the employment contract.
(A) where
(D) however


128. Recently, we have seen a lot of fatal accidents _____ on dashcam.
(A) to catch
(D) that caught


Questions 139~142 refer to the following letter.

Dear Jason,

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude for your support in __139__ Modern Technology Computer Magazine for over five years. Your trust in our magazine has been invaluable to us, and we are constantly striving to provide you with the latest and most __140__ content on the technology industry.

To show our appreciation, we are pleased to offer you a special discount of 30% if you renew your subscription for another year before the end of this month. __141__

Renewing your subscription before the deadline will not only ensure that you continue to receive our magazine's monthly issues, __142__ guarantee that you receive this exclusive discount. We are confident that you will find our content informative, engaging and valuable in keeping you up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the technology industry.

We look forward to serving you in the future. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone: 520-337166 ext. 204, Julia Copper.

Best regards, Julia Copper
Customer Support Staff 
Modern Technology Computer Magazine

(A) subscribe
(B)subscribe to
(D) subscribing to


Questions 143~146 refer to the following announcement.

Welcome to Superb Urban Specialty Delicatessen. We take pride __143__ serving mouth-watering, high-quality meats, cheeses, sandwiches, and salads. Our deli is a perfect spot for a quick and delicious lunch or a leisurely dine-in experience. 

Our deli is open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm daily, seven days a week, so you can grab your favorite sandwich on your way to work or enjoy a fresh salad for dinner after a long day. Our menu __144__ a diverse selection of items, from classic cold cuts to unique sandwich creations, all made with the freshest ingredients.

We offer a range of hot and cold sandwiches, including our signature pastrami on rye and classic Italian sub. If you're looking for something lighter, try one of our fresh salads, such as our Cobb salad or Caesar salad.

 __145__ next month, some of our menu items will experience a 20-30% increase in price due to rising food costs. We understand this may be an inconvenience, but we want to __146__ you that we remain committed to providing the highest quality food and service. 

Thank you for choosing our deli. We look forward to serving you soon!

(A) famous for
(D) renowned as


(A) As of
(B)Prior to
(C)Just now
(D) Ahead of


Questions 151~152 refer to the following email.

Subject: Request for One-Year Leave of Absence without Pay

Dear HR Manager, 

I am writing to request a one-year leave of absence without pay from my position as a specialist in the Information Department.--[1]--I have been working diligently in this position for three years, and I believe that a one-year break will allow me to come back with a fresh perspective and renewed energy to tackle new challenges.

 --[2]--The reasons for my request are personal and professional. Firstly, I would like to pursue a Master's degree in Business Administration, which will require my full attention and dedication.--[3]--Secondly, I am experiencing some family matters that require my attention and support. Lastly, I am also keen on pursuing some personal interests that I have neglected due to work commitments.

 --[4]--I will ensure that all my current projects are handed over smoothly before my departure. I am committed to returning to my position after my leave and continuing to contribute to the success of the company. Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely, David Cole

【題組】152. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? "I understand that my request may cause some inconvenience to the team, and I apologize for any disruption this may cause."
(A) [1]
(D) [4]


Questions 153~154 refer to the following letter.

Dear CEO,

We, the undersigned employees, would like to bring to your attention the growing challenge that many of us are facing in balancing work and the care of our four-and five-year-old children. As we all know, caring for young children is a full-time job in itself, and it can be incredibly difficult to manage the demands of work and parenting simultaneously. 

With this in mind, we are respectfully requesting that the company consider opening an on-site daycare facility for our young children. Such a facility would not only make it easier for us to manage our work and parenting responsibilities, but it would also demonstrate the company's commitment to supporting its employees and promoting work-life balance.

We understand that this is a significant request, and that there may be a number of logistical and financial considerations to take into account. However, we believe that the benefits of such a facility would far outweigh the costs, both for us as employees and for the company as a whole.

Thank you for taking the time to consider our request. We hope that you will give serious thought to this proposal.


 [List of Employee Names]

【題組】154. According to the letter, what is the specific request being made by the undersigned employees in response to the challenge they are facing?
(A) To establish an on-site daycare facility for their young children.
(B)To allow them to work from home to care for their young children.
(C)To create a flexible work schedule that allows for breaks to care for their young children.
(D) To increase their salaries so they can afford childcare.


Questions 168~171 refer to the following results of a survey. 

Cute Yumi's Kitchen Customer Satisfaction Survey Results -2020 

1. Toronto-Downtown: 200 customers
2. Toronto-North York: 150 customers
3. Toronto-Scarborough: 150 customers 

Cleanliness of the restaurant:
Excellent: 220 (44%)
Good: 200 (40%)
Fair: 50 (10%)
Poor: 30 (6%)

Friendliness of the staff:
Excellent: 190 (38%)
Good: 220 (44%)
Fair: 70 (14%)
Poor: 20 (4%)

Quality of the food:
Excellent: 230 (46%)
Good: 220 (44%)
Fair: 50 (10%)
Poor: 0 (0%)

Value for the price of the food:
Excellent: 180 (36%)
Good: 220 (44%)
Fair: 75 (15%)
Poor: 25 (5%)

Issues during the visit:
Yes: 65 (13%) 
No: 435 (87%)
Recommendation to others:
Yes: 430 (86%)
No: 70 (14%)
Have used the official Online Table Reservation App:
Yes: 320 (64%)
No: 180 (36%)
Overall, Cute Yumi's Kitchen received mostly positive feedback from their customers in 2020.

【題組】170. What percentage of customers rated the value for the price of the food as "Fair" or "Poor" in the survey?
(A) 15%
(D) 30%


Questions 176~180 refer to the following agenda and online comments. 
for October Training Session, 2020-Selling through Storytelling 

 1. Date: October 15
2. Time: 9:00 AM-3:30 PM
3. Location: Grand Ballroom, Four Seasons Hotel, New York City
4. Trainer: Mr. Johnson Smith

Mr. Johnson Smith is a seasoned sales trainer with over 20 years of experience in the industry. He is an expert in the art of storytelling and has helped numerous organizations improve their sales through effective storytelling techniques. 

9:00 AM-9:30 AM: Registration and Welcome Remarks
9:30 AM-10:30 AM: Introduction to Selling through Storytelling
● What is storytelling?
● How storytelling can help in sales
● Types of stories that can be used in sales

10:30 AM-11:30 AM: Understanding Your Audience
● Elements of a great story
● How to structure a story
● How to create emotional connections through storytelling 

 11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Lunch Break

12:30 PM-1:30 PM: Storytelling Techniques for Sales
● How to use storytelling to overcome objections
● Using stories to differentiate your product or service
● Creating urgency through storytelling

1:30 PM-3:00 PM: Storytelling Practice and Effective Storytelling in Virtual Sales
● Participants will work in groups to create and practice their own sales stories, with a focus on using storytelling in virtual sales
● Mr. Smith will provide feedback and guidance on how to effectively use storytelling in virtual sales

3:00 PM-3:30 PM: Q&A Session and Raffle
● Participants can ask Mr. Smith any questions they may have
● A raffle will be held at the end of the session, with the top prize being a month's worth of free coffee from a popular coffee chain

Comment Section 

James Charles
 "I'm so excited for the October Training Session on Selling through Storytelling! Mr. Johnson Smith is a fantastic trainer with years of experience, and I can't wait to learn how to use storytelling to improve my sales skills."

 Jake Paul
"The agenda for the training session looks amazing. I'm especially looking forward to learning how to create emotional connections through storytelling-I think it will really help me connect with my clients." 

Lele Pons
"I've heard so much about how effective storytelling can be in sales, and I'm glad to finally have the opportunity to learn from a true expert like Mr. Johnson Smith. I'm counting down the days until the training session!" Chiara Ferragni "I love that the training session includes a hands-on practice session where we can create our own sales stories. It's such a great way to put what we learn into action and get feedback from a pro like Mr. Smith." 

Casey Neistat
"The Q&A session and raffle at the end of the day are such a fun way to wrap up the training session. I'm hoping to win the top prize-a month's worth of free coffee would be amazing!" 

Shane Dawson
"I appreciate that the training session includes a focus on effective storytelling in virtual sales. With so many people working remotely, it's important to have skills that translate to virtual environments. Thank you, Mr. Smith, for including this in the agenda!"

【題組】178. According to the comments section, which attendee is excited about learning how to create emotional connections through storytelling?
(A) James Charles
(B)Lele Pons
(C)Jake Paul
(D) Chiara Ferragni


Questions 186~190 refer to the following advertisement, letter, and email.
 Modern Technology Exhibition Center is excited to announce our 10th anniversary computer equipment expo, taking place from November 1st to November 14th. We are proud to present nine different booth options, split into three categories: large, medium, and small. Each category features a prime location booth near the entrance, ensuring maximum exposure for your company.  6412acbee7b57.jpg Our booths offer plenty of space for your company to showcase your latest computer products and services. We are expecting a high volume of foot traffic, with attendees from various industries, including software development, education, and finance.
You will also be able to hire on-site staff to assist you with any setup or maintenance needs during the exhibition. The cost of employing one staff member is $200 per day.
To reserve your booth, please email our event organizers at events@mtecglobal.com. We are thrilled to host this annual event and look forward to working with you to make it a success. Take this opportunity to showcase your company and join us in celebrating our 10th anniversary!
Dear Super-Ice Tech,
We are writing to confirm that we have received your payment for the rental of the "DigitalDreams" booth at the Modern Technology Exhibition Center. We are excited to have you as one of our exhibitors for our 10th-anniversary computer equipment expo.
Your rental period is from November 1st to November 14th, and we have noted that you have rented the booth for two weeks. However, we also noticed that you have only hired two on-site staff for the first week of the exhibition. If you require any additional support during the second week, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to provide any assistance you may need.
 We would like to thank you for your payment of $14,800 via credit card. Your payment covers the following costs:
1. Booth rental fee for 2 weeks: $12,000
2. On-site staff fee for 2 staff members for the first week of the exhibition: $2,800
Total: $14,800
We hope that your participation in our exhibition will be a success. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Richard Larson
 Event Organizer, Modern Technology Exhibition Center
Email: events@mtecglobal.com
 Subject: Complaint about the exhibition
Dear Richard Larson,
I am writing to express my disappointment with the "DigitalDreams" booth's location at the Modern Technology Exhibition Center during the recent computer equipment expo. Despite the high rental fee we paid, the booth's location was not prominent enough, which resulted in a lower turnout than expected. We were hoping to attract more visitors and generate more leads for our business, but we did not receive as much attention as we had anticipated.
Furthermore, I was disappointed with the behavior of some of the on-site staff. Based on the online reviews we received, some visitors reported that they were not very helpful and lacked enthusiasm. Additionally, there was an incident where one of our visitors had an argument with one of the staff members. Thankfully, one of our employees intervened and prevented the situation from escalating further. 
As a company that values customer service, we expected better support from your team. We believe that the experience could have been much better with more attentive and helpful staff. We would like to request a partial refund of our rental fee due to the issues we faced during the exhibition.
Despite the negative experience, we appreciate the opportunity to participate in the expo and showcase our products and services. We hope that you will take our feedback into consideration and make improvements to enhance the overall experience for all exhibitors and visitors.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Tracy Washington Chief Executive Officer, Super-Ice Tech

【題組】188. What is the purpose of the email sent by the Modern Technology Exhibition Center to Super-Ice Tech?
(A) To ask Super-Ice Tech to send payment for the rental of a booth.
(B)To confirm receipt of Super-Ice Tech's payment for the rental of a booth.
(C)To inform Super-Ice Tech that they need to hire more staff for the exhibition.
(D) To request Super-Ice Tech's attendance at the 10th-anniversary computer equipment expo.


Questions 191~195 refer to the following announcement, news article, and blog post. 

Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company Announcement 

Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce that all of the improvements we proposed last year have been successfully implemented. We believe that these measures have contributed to providing a better service and enhanced travel experience for our passengers. Below are the five measures that we implemented: 

Comfortable seating: We have replaced all old and uncomfortable seats with new ergonomic seats. The new seats have more legroom, better recline, and are more comfortable than the previous ones. 

Wi-Fi access: We have installed Wi-Fi access points on all our buses, allowing our passengers to stay connected with their friends and family while on the road.

On-time departures: We have improved our scheduling system to ensure that all buses leave on time, reducing the waiting time for our passengers.

Improved luggage handling: We have trained our staff to handle luggage more efficiently, reducing the chances of damage or loss. 

Customer service: We have established a 24/7 customer service hotline to handle inquiries, complaints, and suggestions from our customers. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you. 

We hope that these measures have made your journey with us more comfortable, convenient, and enjoyable. We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to improve our services further. 

Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company Announces High Customer Satisfaction Ratings and Improvement Measures for Remaining Issues 

We are delighted to announce that the results of our customer satisfaction survey for the first half of 2020 are in, and they are overwhelmingly positive. Our passengers have reported high levels of satisfaction with our services, and we are grateful for their continued support. 

The survey results have shown that the measures we implemented last year have been successful in improving the travel experience for our passengers. The new comfortable seating, Wi-Fi access, on-time departures, improved luggage handling, and customer service have all been well received.

However, the survey has also highlighted two areas where we need to improve further. The first is the cleanliness of our buses. While we have made efforts to maintain a high level of cleanliness, we acknowledge that there is still room for improvement. To address this, we will be increasing the frequency of bus cleaning and introducing a new system to monitor and improve the cleanliness of our buses. 

The second area is the availability of onboard amenities, such as food and beverages. While we provide bottled water to our passengers, we understand that some may want additional options. To address this, we will be introducing a new menu of snacks and drinks on our longer routes, starting from next month.

We believe that these measures will help us to address the remaining issues and continue to provide a high-quality service to our passengers. We thank our customers for their valuable feedback, which has helped us to identify areas for improvement. 

We will continue to listen to our customers and strive to improve our services further. Thank you for choosing Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company for your travel needs. 

Title: My Commute Experience with Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company: A Mixed Bag 

As a regular commuter who relies on Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company for my daily transportation needs, I have mixed feelings about the service they provide. On the one hand, I have noticed significant improvements in the past year, thanks to the measures they introduced. On the other hand, there is still one issue that frustrates me to no end: the frequency of buses during peak hours.

Let me start with the positive. The new ergonomic seats are a game-changer. They are so comfortable that I almost forget I'm on a bus. The Wi-Fi access is reliable, and I can easily catch up on work or entertainment during my commute. The staff's luggage handling has improved, and I haven't experienced any damage or loss of my belongings. And, the customer service hotline is always there to help, and they are quick to respond to any queries or concerns.

However, the one issue that persists is the frequency of buses during peak hours. As someone who needs to be at work on time, I cannot afford to miss a bus or be late due to overcrowding. It's frustrating to see buses pass by with no room for additional passengers, leaving many of us stranded and late for work. I have not seen any improvement in this area, despite the company's announcement of measures to improve scheduling.

Overall, while I acknowledge the improvements made by Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company, I am disappointed that the issue of overcrowding during peak hours has not been addressed adequately. As a regular commuter who relies on their service, it is unacceptable to be left stranded or late for work due to overcrowded buses. I urge the company to take this issue seriously and make significant changes to their scheduling and bus frequency during peak hours.

In conclusion, I expect Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company to prioritize the needs of their customers, particularly during peak hours. While the improvements made are appreciated, they do not excuse the company from providing a reliable and timely service. I implore them to take action on this pressing issue and ensure that their service meets the needs of their customers.

【題組】192. According to the news article, what are the two areas that the customer satisfaction survey has highlighted as needing improvement?
(A) Comfortable seating and on-time departures
(B)Availability of onboard amenities and bus cleanliness
(C)Improved luggage handling and customer service
(D) Frequency of bus cleaning and bottled water supply


Questions 196~200 refer to the following news, information, and email. 

Jacksonville International Airport to Offer New Routes to Taiwan and the Philippines 

Jacksonville, Florida-The Jacksonville International Airport (JAX) is set to welcome two brand new terminals, offering flights to Taiwan and the Philippines. The airport's expansion will provide more convenience for travelers from the southeastern United States looking to visit these destinations.

 To help passengers get to the airport, JAX is also launching a free shuttle service from downtown Jacksonville to the airport, with a stop at Pumpkin Center along the way. The shuttle service will operate 24/7 and will be available to all passengers who need to get to the airport from downtown Jacksonville. 

The new shuttle service is expected to be especially helpful for passengers who need to get to the airport before the completion of the city's new subway system. The subway is currently under construction and is not expected to be completed for several more years. 

"We are excited to offer these new routes to our passengers," said JAX spokesperson, Susan Smith. "We believe that this expansion will make travel to Asia and the Pacific more accessible to people in our region. And with the launch of our new shuttle service, we hope to make it even easier for our passengers to get to the airport and take advantage of these new routes." 

The new terminals are expected to be operational by the end of the year, with the first flights to Taiwan and the Philippines launching soon after. Passengers who book flights on these new routes will be able to enjoy world-class amenities and service, making their journeys comfortable and memorable. 

Downtown Jacksonville to Jacksonville International Airport Shuttle Schedule

 Monday to Friday: 

Departure Time from Downtown Jacksonville: 6:00 am, 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 10:00 pm

 Arrival Time at Pumpkin Center: 6:45 am, 10:45 am, 2:45 pm, 6:45 pm, 10:45 pm

 Arrival Time at Jacksonville International Airport: 7:30 am, 11:30 am, 3:30 pm, 7:30 pm, 11:30 pm 

Saturday and Sunday: 

Departure Time from Downtown Jacksonville: Every hour from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm

 Arrival Time at Pumpkin Center: 7:45 am, 8:45 am, 9:45 am, and so on until 11:45 pm 

Arrival Time at Jacksonville International Airport: 8:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am, and so on until 12:30 am 

Note: Schedule is subject to change without prior notice. Please arrive at the pick-up location at least 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

 Subject: Urgent Action Needed to Address Shuttle Bus Delays 

Dear Shuttle Bus Service Manager,

 I am writing to express my deep frustration with the persistent delays of the shuttle bus service from Pumpkin Center to Jacksonville International Airport. As a regular commuter and employee of the airport restaurant, I have experienced numerous delays that have caused me to be late for my work shifts. This is unacceptable and has had a negative impact on my job performance.

 I urge you to take immediate and effective action to address this ongoing issue. The current delays are not only inconvenient but also affect the productivity of airport employees like me. As a commuter who relies on the shuttle bus service to get to work, I expect it to be reliable and on-time.

 I demand that you take concrete steps to address this issue, such as improving communication with passengers, increasing the number of shuttle buses, or adjusting the shuttle bus route to avoid traffic congestion. 

If no action is taken promptly, I will have no choice but to seek alternative transportation options to ensure that I can arrive at work on time.

 Thank you for your attention to this matter. 

Julie Morgan
Pumpkin Center Resident and Airport Restaurant Employee

【題組】199. What time will the shuttle bus arrive at Pumpkin Center on Saturdays and Sundays?
(A) Every hour from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm.
(B)Every 45 minutes from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm.
(C)Every 30 minutes from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm.
(D) Every 15 minutes from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm.


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