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11 When it comes to luxurious accessories, rather than do without, many fashionmongers are looking critically at their spending.
(A) Many fashionmongers are buying less expensive luxurious accessories subject to their critical financial conditions.
(B) Many fashionmongers have changed their tastes for luxurious accessories instead of limiting their shopping budgets.
(C) Many fashionmongers are having problems balancing between their needs for luxurious accessories and their spending.
(D) Many fashionmongers have become more selective when buying luxurious accessories instead of not buying them at all.


Peter﹕________ , John ? You don,t seem very happy. John﹕My dog was hit by a car yesterday.
(A) What made you so happy
(B) What do you do
(C) Would it be all right
(D) Is there anything wrong


The teacher loved to teach young students, ________ those who were smart.
(A) officially
(B) especially
(C) popularly
(D) similarly


5 My brother is very_______; he won’t give up easily.


It pays ____honest.
(B)to be
(D)to have been


Taking regular vacations is necessary for those who ________ too much on work.
(A) complicate
(B) concentrate
(C) contain
(D) consist

7( ).

11 The manager knows how to pay _____ to his staff and improve their relationship.
(A) compliments
(B) complaints
(C) committees
(D) competitions

8( ).

34 Among the ten competitors for the singing _____, one of them failed to show up because of a traffic jam.
(A) contact
(B) context
(C) content
(D) contest

9( ).

9 Many young people are _____ by Lady Gaga’s irresistible charm.
(A) smeared
(B) drizzled
(C) revolted
(D) captivated

10( ).

37________ some money to buy a new computer, Sue cashed a check.
(A) Needing
(B) Needed
(C) Need
(D) To need

11( ).

In 1995, Beth plucked up the courage and went to the United States tofurther ______  her singing skill. A year later, she participated in a Canadian contest for vocalists.  
(B) hone  

12( ).

By the time we meet again, summer ______.
(A)has arrived
(B)had arrived
(C)is arriving
(D)will have arrived

13( ).

453. Judging from his initial _____ attitude toward our proposal, we might have been over-optimistic about winning his approval.
(A) conserved
(B) preserved
(C) reserved
(D) deserved

14( ).

32 Many charities are devoted to supporting the______ in society, such as providing food and clothes.
(A) dissident
(B) omnipotent
(C) indicator
(D) indigent

15( ).

      Packaging is an important form of advertising. A package can sometimes 39 someone to buy a product. For example, a small child might ask for a breakfast food 40 comes in a box with a picture of a TV character. The child is more interested in the picture than in the breakfast food. Pictures for children to color or cut out, games 41 on a package, or small gifts inside a box also make many children want to buy products—or to ask their parents for them. 
     Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for 42 . Food products sold in reusable containers are examples of this. 43 a similar product in a plain container might cost less, people often prefer to buy the product in a reusable glass or dish because they believe the container is free. However, the cost of the container is added to the cost of the product.

(A) when
(B) where
(C) what
(D) that

16( ).

請依下文回答第 42 題至第 45 題:
 “From an evolutionary point of view, we typically don’t think of the nose as very important,” said Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Arizona. “But it is stuck square in the middle of the face. Why would something that was less relevant to normal activities be so prominent? It implies there is something more important there than we have realized.”
 Indeed, scientists are learning that fragrance affects us more than previously thought. New research indicates that smells influence our minds, our moods and our bodies. Although we know a great deal about the eyes and ears, we only partly understand smell. According to Charles Wysocki, an olfactory scientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, we do know that an odor is first detected by the olfactory epithelium, a sort of receptor sheet located in the nose. This starts a chain of events that leads to an information flow to the olfactory bulb and limbic system of the brain, which plays a key role in regulating body functions and the emotions. Some of the most significant new findings about smell show that scents can keep people more alert and improve performance of a routine task. Subjects tackled a 40-minute vigilance test, which required them to watch a video screen and press a button whenever a certain line pattern appeared. While performing the task, some were intermittently given a whiff of peppermint or lily of the valley through oxygen masks. Scientists discovered that those workers receiving the fragrances performed 25% better than those given only whiffs of pure air. Although it isn’t clear exactly how fragrance works, it is believed that this finding may soon have practical applications. Truck drivers, even passenger car drivers, who need to keep alert while traveling long distances, could find it helpful.

【題組】44 According to the passage, what are some of the significant new findings about smell?
(A) Olfactory epithelium is a sort of receptor sheet located in the nose.
(B) From an evolutionary point of view, the nose is not considered very important.
(C) Scents can keep people more attentive and improve performance of a routine task.
(D) Limbic system of the brain plays a key role in regulating body functions and emotions.

17( ).

請依下文回答第 38 題至第 42 題 
What to write about is the first problem of a student who must periodically submit a theme or an essay. This question arises not from actual lack of material but from 38 to take the right view of the material one has. A short reflection should convince the student that he or she thinks about many things; and a solution to the problem will be found partly at least in an examination of what he or she already has in mind. One of the great 39 of education comes when we perceive that there is no such thing as a naturally uninteresting subject. Anything can be interesting if one knows enough about it. A certain amount of imagination is required and a certain focusing of the view, of course, but there is no reason why a small thing should be of small interest, or why a familiar one should be 40 rich possibilities. The automobile is an exceedingly commonplace object in American life, yet with the right approach it becomes a subject of commanding interest to the economist, to the engineer, or to the prospective vacationer. Perhaps few things arouse so little thought as the table salt, yet when salt is considered in relation to living organisms, in connection with certain historical movements, or with regard to its industrial uses, it is 41 transformed into a subject of extraordinary interest. These are examples of ordinary objects capable of 42 treatment, and it is precisely this kind of connection that the student must make between his stock of knowledge and its opportunities for development and interpretation.

(A) access
(B) failure
(C) resort
(D) success

18( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
Many are the journalists who dream about reporting on the world’s deadliest scenes of strife. Few are the ones who actually do it. Even fewer are those who do it well. Camille Lepage, a young photographer from France who was educated in the U.K. but 41 work took her far from Europe, was among the latter. Last fall, Lepage ventured into the Central Africa Republic, where a coup staged by mainly Muslim rebels had crumpled the state and prompted largely Christian militias to retaliate with fury. She spent her time 42 the fighters and also those most affected by the turmoil, while learning all she could about its roots. William Daniels, a photographer who worked with her here, 43 that locals respected her commitment and professionalism. “She was very active, very patient, very passionate about this work,” he says. “Very brave.” On May 13 the office of French President Francois Hollande issued a statement 44 Lepage’s death, at the age of 26, which it described as murder. French peacekeeping troops had discovered her body after they stopped a car driven by antibalaka militiamen. On a recent trip to New York City, Lepage admitted to fears about the conflict she was covering but said that she did not seek out scenes of violence on purpose. 45 , she wanted, in a way typical of her, to find the humanity in that bleak situation. The pictures she made in her brief life will define how she will be remembered, but the pictures she was going to take will help form her legacy.

(A) approving
(B) confirming
(C) recovering
(D) supporting

19( ).

47 題至第 50 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複 Thank-you notes are highly valued and even expected by some people. 47 The note is as much an acknowledgment of the giver as of the gift. This acknowledgment can help cement an existing friendship or warm a growing relationship. 48 Corporate etiquette demands that career-minded people write notes of thanks. They write notes for gifts, invitations, and lunches. 49 How to write short but meaningful notes? The tip is to personalize the note. 50 Or you may mention what makes an experience helpful or attractive to you.
(A) In particular, they express gratitude to those who offer help on their way up the ladder.
(B) For example, you may write about what is unique about a gift.
(C) You may find shortcuts to personalizing thank-you notes.
(D) In business, too, the thank-you note is a must.

20( ).

請依下文回答第 34 題至第 37 題 Solving crimes is one of the most important jobs of law enforcement. Improvements in crime technology help detectives solve crimes faster today. For example, crime labs have new kinds of DNA testing, which can identify body fluids such as blood, sweat, and saliva. There are also new kinds of fingerprint testing. In the past, fingerprint testing was only helpful if the fingerprints from the crime scene could be matched with “prints” that were already on file. People whose fingerprints were not on file couldn’t be identified in this way, and as a result, many crimes had not been solved. However, the newest kind of fingerprint testing can do much more than simply record a fingerprint pattern. It can provide additional information, such as the age and sex of its owner. The fingerprints can reveal if the person takes medication, too. But the latest technology does even more. It can even get fingerprints from fabric, for example, blankets or curtains. In a recent case, the police in Tacoma, Washington, found the body of a woman who had been murdered in her bedroom. There was no witness, and her apartment had few clues. The only real evidence did not seem very helpful. The victim’s bed sheet had some of her blood on it and looked as if someone had wiped his hands. At the time of the murder, it was impossible to identify a fingerprint from fabric. The detectives were unable to use the evidence, but they saved it anyway. Then they called Eric Berg, who was not only a forensic expert, but a computer expert, too. He had spent years developing computer software to improve crime scene photos. Eric used his computer to make the palm print more apparent. When he was done, he gave the evidence to the detectives. The detectives found a man whose palm print matched a print on file. Only two hours later the suspect was arrested and put in jail.
【題組】35 How is the new fingerprint testing different from the old ones?
(A)It can identify body fluids, such as blood, sweat, and saliva.
(B)It relies on fingerprints taken from the crime scene.
(C)It can reveal if the person has taken any medicine.
(D)It can record a fingerprint pattern.

21( ).

第 36 題至第 40 題為題組:     Fidget spinners are driving many adults crazy, but one Texas woman is warning about her daughter’s dangerous experience. The mother is sharing her experience in hopes it will 36 a warning to other parents about the choking hazards of the latest toy craze. A fidget spinner has a stable middle and a disc with two or three paddles that can be spun, 37 a ceiling fan, to relax the user. Kelly Rose Joniec of Houston wrote in a Facebook post that she was on her way home Saturday afternoon when she heard Britton, her 10-year-old daughter, choking in the back seat. She 38 and discovered that her daughter had swallowed one of the bearings from her fidget spinner. 39 trying to dislodge the small piece of metal with the Heimlich maneuver, Joniec took Britton to the nearest urgent care center. Doctors were unable to tell where the object 40 . It wasn’t until after an ambulance ride to Texas Children’s Hospital that an X-ray revealed the round metal bearing in the girl’s esophagus.
(B) Beyond  
(C) After

22( ).

Many people feel jealous from time to time. Jealousy is easy to deal with, once you understand what it’s teaching you. Here are some pointers on working through your feelings of jealousy. First of all, you should understand your emotions. Jealousy is a combination of fear and anger; a fear of losing something, and anger that someone is “moving in on” something that you feel belongs only to you. When you start feeling jealous, ask yourself: is it more fear based, or more anger based? If you feel a dropping or clutching sensation in your stomach, it’s probably fear. If you feel a burning, tight sensation in your shoulders and jaw, then you’re likely feeling anger. You might also feel a combination of those sensations. Secondly, understand that jealousy can alert you to what you want, and what is important to you. If you’re jealous of someone talking to a friend of yours, personal relationships may be important to you. If you’re jealous about money, you may have an underlying need for security. When you begin to understand what makes you jealous, you can begin to take positive steps to maintain those things, without the cloud of negative emotion that accompanies jealousy.
【題組】45If you are jealous of someone talking to your good friends, which of the following statements may be true?
(A) You value this relationship greatly. 
(B) You do not have financial security.
(C) You are not sociable. 
(D) You do not understand your emotions.

23( ).

第 31 題至第 35 題為題組:

      Life in a big city has some advantages. In a big city, there is every kind of facility for education. Any kind of education, liberal or vocational or technical is    31    the reach of the persons living in big cities. An ordinary man living in a big city can afford for his children that education which a rich man in a village cannot afford easily. Good and well equipped educational institutions are the permanent assets of big cities. A boy or girl living in a big city has a better general knowledge than a village boy or girl has and    32    well-informed about the affairs of the world. Thus a child born and bred in the city is more enlightened than a child born and brought up in rural atmosphere.

      Life in a big city is free from    33    and diseases because ample medical facilities are available there. Hospitals, well equipped with latest medical instruments, are the source of medical relief to every reason living in a big city.    34    the government hospitals, we find well qualified and highly competent private medical practitioners in big cities. Such facilities are not available in a village.

      Life in a big city is not dull and drab because there are    35    means of recreation there. The picture halls, theaters, the beautifully illuminated markets, the well-furnished and well-maintained hotels and restaurants, the charming parks and gardens and the good-looking and heart-captivating towns of new styled buildings give immense pleasure to everybody living in a big city.


24( ).

About ninety percent of human beings living on earth rely mostly on their right hands. They use their right hand to write and draw, to hold chopsticks and forks, and ___226___ basketball and computer games. ___227___, the other ten percent prefers to reach out to the world ___228___ their left hand. These left-handers usually ___229___ a lot of difficulties when using tools designed mainly ___230___ right-handers. ___231___, left-handedness was considered strange or even a disease in the past. In fact, left-handed people are not only healthy and natural, but sometimes as ___232___ as da Vinci and Napoleon. Some scientists think left-handedness is due to heredity遺傳, while ___233___ say it results from hormones. No matter what the causes of left-handedness may be, remember to show your ___234___ to left-handers when you meet them. Better yet, you can join many left-handers ___235___ Left-Handers’ Day on August 13 every year! Left-handers will likely be happy to have your support.
(A) to
(B) of
(C) with
(D) for

25( ).

Buying overpriced indulgences may feel good in the short term, but you pay the price later. Or at least that’s the conventional wisdom. But a study by a couple of business-school professors says splurging now makes you happier later. Even more surprising: not splurging now gives you pangs of regret later. One study in the Harvard Business Review polled college students and alumni on the subject of spring breaks. Regret about not having spent more money or traveling during breaks increased with time, whereas regret about not having worked, studied, or saved money during breaks decreased with time. The authors write: “We saw a similar pattern in a study of how businesspeople perceived past choices between work and pleasure. Over time, those who had indulged felt less and less guilty about their choices, whereas those who had been dutiful experienced a growing sense of having missed out on the pleasures of life.” The authors also did a study of mall shoppers, asking about their regret about buying an expensive item of clothing. Those who anticipated short-term regret bought less-expensive items, while those who anticipated long-term regret splurged. Luxury-goods makers, of course, will eat this up. I can see the slogan now: “Luxury: It’s Good for Life.” Well, whether luxury is good for your finances is another matter. Wealth Report readers, what do you think? Do the long-term benefits of indulgence outweigh the short-term risks of regret?
【題組】15 What does the author mean by saying “luxury-goods makers will eat this up?”
(A)More luxurious food will be produced for the market.
(B)Luxury-goods businesses will be harmed by the study.
(C)Luxury-goods makers will make full use of this study.
(D)Consumers will regret that they have eaten too much luxurious food.


