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Since this is such a good job, you have to be very ___ to get it.


461. Harry Potter series are one of the best-selling _______ around the world.
(A) colonies
(B) fictions
(C) steps
(D) biospheres

3( ).

10 It is often hard to ____the truth of a legend, but we seem to always enjoy learning the stunning part of it.
(A)run out of
(D)carry out

4( ).

Jerry: I can do it in no time. Alan: You mean _________?
(A) you can never do it
(B) you can do it quickly
(C) it will take you a long time to do it
(D) you have no time

5( ).

Poor _____ has caused millions of deaths in developing countries where there is only a limited amount of food.
(A) reputation
(B) nutrition
(C) construction
(D) stimulation

6( ).

The terrible flood ___ bridges, houses, and crops. The town soon disappeared.
(A) washed away
(B) washed up
(C) blew away
(D) blew up

7( ).

John proposed to May, but she kept him in ____ for several days before she said that she would marry him.
(A) aboundance
(B) compassion
(C) irritation
(D) suspense

8( ).

39 You should_______ homemade juice in 2 hours. Don’t store it for too long.

9( ).

3 Retaining the status of nationality, even at the cost of economical independence, is of critical importance to the Ojibwe tribe. It’s a _____ : sovereignty produced by colonization.
(A) paradox
(B) paradigm
(C) parable
(D) paradise

10( ).

34 The officer calmly denied any______ in bribery and insisted on his innocence.
(A) objection
(B) constitution
(C) involvement
(D) inspection

11( ).

12 The contestants of the tug-of-war competition usually have ____ palms.
(A) frantic
(B) brave
(C) coarse
(D) discreet

12( ).

請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
     The process for awarding host city honors came under intense scrutiny after Salt Lake City had beenawarded the right to host the 2002 Olympic Games. Soon after the host city had been announced, it wasdiscovered that the organizers had engaged in an elaborate bribery scheme to     31   with IOC(International Olympic Committee) officials. Gifts and other financial considerations were given to thosewho would evaluate and vote on Salt Lake City’s bid. These gifts included medical treatment for relatives,a college scholarship for one member’s son and a land deal in Utah. Even IOC president Juan AntonioSamaranch received two rifles    32   $2,000. Samaranch defended the gift as inconsequential since, aspresident, he was a non-voting member. 
     The subsequent investigation has uncovered inconsistencies in the bids for every Olympics (bothSummer and Winter) since 1988.   33   , the gifts received by IOC members from the JapaneseOrganizing Committee for Nagano’s bid for the 1998 Winter Olympics were described by the investigationcommittee as “astronomical.” Although nothing strictly illegal had been done, the IOC feared thatcorporate sponsors would lose faith in the integrity of the process and that the Olympic brand would betarnished to such an extent   34   advertisers would begin to pull their support. The investigation resulted in the expulsion of 10 IOC members and the sanctioning of another 10.New terms and age limits were established for IOC membership, and 15 former Olympic athletes wereadded to the committee. Stricter rules for future bids were imposed, with   35      imposed on the valueof gifts IOC members could accept from bid cities.

(A) centurion
(B) certainty
(C) chagrin
(D) ceilings

13( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Long-term memory store is like the central processor of a computer, which dominates the final management and storage of all the information taken into this memory store. Endel Tulving (1972) 41 that different information is processed and stored at different levels of memory—episodic memory and semantic memory. According to this 42 , specific and concrete details of life experience are processed in the episodic memory. 43 , perceptions of facts and abstract notions that are not identified by a particular context are stored in the semantic memory. Semantic memory, according to Tulving, is not a separate independent system, but rather a sophisticated store of information 44 details of life or learning experience are contextualized into abstract conceptions. For example, the description of the waitress that you met this morning is presumably stored in the episodic memory whereas the abstract perception (in the semantic memory) of a great educator might be 45 by your experiences with different teachers at different stages of school education.

14( ).

    Men and women often have different ideas of what’s important—and at what point “important” topics should be 
raised. A woman told me, with lingering astonishment, of a conversation with her boyfriend. Knowing he had seen his 
friend Oliver, she asked, “What’s new with Oliver?” He replied, “Nothing.” 41 , later in the conversation it came 
out that Oliver and his girlfriend had decided to get married. “That’s nothing?” the woman gasped in 42 . 
<br>    For men, “Nothing” may be a ritual 43 at the start of a conversation. A college woman missed her brother but 
rarely called him because she found it difficult to get talk going. A 44 conversation began with her asking, “What’s 
up with you?” and his replying, “Nothing.” Hearing his “Nothing” as meaning “There is nothing personal I want to talk 
about,” she supplied talk by filling him in on her news and 45 hung up in frustration. But when she thought back, she remembered that later in the conversation he had mumbled, “Christie and I got into another fight.” This came so late 
and so low that she didn’t pick up on it. And he was probably equally frustrated that she didn’t. 

(A) conflict
(B) entertainment
(C) greeting
(D) response

15( ).

The other day I was in the grocery store and witnessed an incredible display of patience. The _____42_____ clerk had just been scolded by an angry customer, clearly without good cause. _____43_____ being reactive, the clerk reduced the anger by remaining calm. When it was my _____44_____ to pay for my groceries, I said to her, “I’m so _____45_____ with the way you handled that customer.” She looked me right in the eye and said, “Thank you, Sir. Do you know you are the first person _____46_____ to give me a compliment in this store?” It took less than two seconds to let her know, yet it was a highlight of her day, and of mine.
(A)  countdown  
(B)  takeout  
(C)  breakaway  
(D)  checkout 

16( ).

請依下文回答第 43 題至第 46 題: 
People think turkeys are very dumb because they don’t know enough to come in out of the rain. In fact, they’ve been known to hold their mouths open during rainstorms and drown! But that’s 43 true of the domesticated turkey. The wild turkey is one of nature’s most cunning creatures. Wild turkeys are very wary, 44 mothers with chicks. They are rarely seen by humans. They hide in the bushes where their natural coloring makes them just about 45 their natural enemies. Unlike the domesticated turkey, the wild bird is a powerful flyer. When it is frightened, the wild turkey spreads its five-to six-foot wings and flies away at up to 50 miles per hour. Even on the ground the bird is 46 and can run as fast as 25 miles per hour.


17( ).

You ask me what is poverty? Listen to me. Here I am, dirty, smelly, and with no “proper” underwear on and with the stench of my rotting teeth near you. I will tell you. Listen to me. Listen without pity. I cannot use your pity. Listen with understanding. _____1_____ Poverty is getting up every morning from a dirt-and-illness-stained mattress. The sheets have long since been used for diapers. _____2_____ This is a smell of urine, sour milk, and spoiling food sometimes joined with the strong smell of long-cooked onions. _____3_____ It is the smell of the outdoor privy. It is the smell of the milk which has gone sour because the refrigerator long has not worked, and it costs money to get it fixed. It is the smell of rotting garbage. _____4_____ Shovels cost money.
(A)I can call for help, but who should I call?
(B)I could bury it, but where is the shovel?
(C)If you have smelled this smell, you did not know how it came.
(D)Even the cheapest soap has to be saved for the baby’s diapers.

18( ).

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
    The Pathways Programs offer clear paths to Federal internships for students from high school through post-graduate school and to careers for recent graduates, and provide meaningful training and career development opportunities for individuals who are at the beginning of their Federal service. As a student or recent graduate, you can begin your career in the Federal government by choosing the path that best describes you and where you are in your academics: 
 1. Internship Program: This program is for current students enrolled in a wide variety of educational institutions from high school to graduate level, with paid opportunities to work in agencies and explore Federal careers while still in school. 
 2. Recent Graduates Program: This program is for individuals who have recently graduated from qualifying educational institutions or programs and seek a dynamic, career development program with training and mentorship. To be eligible, applicants must apply within two years of degree or certificate completion (except for veterans precluded from doing so due to their military service obligation, who will have up to six years to apply). 
 3. Presidential Management Fellows Program: For more than three decades, the PMF Program has been the Federal government’s premier leadership development program for advanced degree candidates. This program is now for individuals who have received a qualifying advanced degree within the preceding two years. For additional information on the Pathways Programs overall, please visit http://www.opm.gov/HiringReform/Pathways/.

【題組】36 What is this passage mainly about?
(A) Degree counseling.
(B) Job opportunities.
(C) Graduate programs.
(D) Leadership training.

19( ).

請依下文回答第 37 題至第 40 題         
        China is famous for its tea. Tea drinking was an important part of Chinese life, but 37 in the world did peopledrink tea with more ceremony than in Japan. There, a strict ritual was set down in the fifteenth century by the first greattea master, Shuko. This tea ceremony is still performed today. Guests must wash their hands and faces and removetheir shoes before 38 the tearoom through a low doorway that forces them to stoop and appear humble. As theguests sit cross-legged on mats, the host places a spoonful of powdered tea into a special bowl, adds boiling water, andthen stirs it with a bamboo whisk. 39 in early tea ceremonies, everyone drank from the same bowl, it later becamethe practice for the host to serve the tea in individual bowls. The guests sip the tea slowly and talk until they havefinished drinking. Then they are expected to throw back their heads and take the final sip with a loud sound to showhow good the tea is. As the ceremony comes to an end, the guests 40 the empty serving bowl for its beauty. Thehost washes the cups and the ceremony ends.

(A) anywhere
(B) everywhere
(C) somewhere
(D) nowhere

20( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: That, more or less, is how the story would run, I think, if a woman in Shakespeare's day had had Shakespeare's genius. But for my part, I agree with the deceased bishop, if such he was— it is unthinkable that any woman in41 Shakespeare's genius. For genius like Shakespeare's is not born among 42 , uneducated, servile people. It was not born in England among the Saxons and the Britons. It is not born today among the working classes. How, then, could it have been born among women whose work began, 43 Professor Trevelyan, almost before they were out of the nursery, who were 44 to it by their parents and heed to it by all the power of law and custom? Yet genius of a sort must have existed among women 45 it must have existed among the working classes.
【題組】 41
(A) had
(B) have had
(C) should have
(D) should have had

21( ).

Two years ago, a group of elders in a village in north-western Uganda agreed to lend their land to refugees from South Sudan. About 120,000 are now in the surrounding area. Here they live in tarpaulin shelters and mud-brick huts on a patch of scrub where cows once grazed. Kemis Butele, a gravel-voiced Ugandan elder, explains that hosting refugees is a way for a remote place, long neglected by the central government, to get noticed. He hopes for new schools, clinics and a decent road – and “that our children can get jobs.”
 There are more than 20 million refugees in the world today, more than at any time since the end of the second world war. Nearly 90% reside in poor countries. In many, to preserve jobs for natives, governments bar refugees from working in the formal economy. Uganda has shown how a different approach can reap dividends. The government gives refugees land plots and lets them work. In some places, the refugees boost local businesses and act as a magnet for foreign aid. Mr. Butele and many other Ugandans see their new neighbors as a benefit, not a burden. Sadly, such attitudes are still the exception.
Refugees are “brothers and sisters,”say many Ugandans. Mr. Butele was once one himself. But the welcome is also a pragmatic one. Northern Uganda is so poor that some locals pose as refugees to receive food aid. Others see refugees as buyers for local goods. Elsewhere in Uganda has indeed seen such positive spillover. One study from 2016 found that the presence of Congolese refugees in western Uganda had increased consumption per household. Another estimates that each new refugee household boosts total income, including that of refugees, by $320-430 more than the cost of the aid the household is given. That rises to $560-670 when refugees are given cash instead of rations.

【題組】50 Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Ugandans welcomed refugees because the central government promised new schools, clinics and a decent road.
(B) Most refugees stayed in poor countries in order to boost local businesses and act as a magnet for foreign aid.
(C) A study found that the presence of refugees in Uganda had decreased consumption per household.
(D) Each new refugee household boosted total income more than the cost of the aid the household was given.

22( ).

General Douglas MacArthur was an outstanding general, whose achievements made him a household name in the U.S. Born (244) a traditional military family, MacArthur chose to follow (244) his father’s footsteps to serve in the army. He attended the celebrated United States Military Academy at West Point (245) he was First Captain and graduated with honors. After graduation, he was involved in many important battles. While (246) in the Pacific and (246) commander of the U.S. Army forces in the Far East, he wrote this prayer. It was for his only child, Arthur MacArthur Ⅳ, who (247) Douglas MacArthur’s grandfather, (247) outstanding general. The prayer is an important piece of writing; it uses beautiful language and shows a great man’s high expectations of his son. As a matter of fact, this prayer is not only a letter (248) to God (248) a message to all the youth.
(A) which
(B) , which
(C) where
(D) , where

23( ).

請依下文回答第 43 題至第 46 題: New Yorkers are not notably genial neighbors. Many get to know one another solely by what manages to permeate their deadbolted doors—an odoriferous stew, the wail of a child, the hushed sighs of intimate moments. But the boom in condos loaded with amenities, along with the construction of some high-end rental buildings, has created opportunities for neighbors to make the transition from polite elevator nods to cocktail-caliber mingling. More and more properties in the city feature community amenities like gyms, lounges, and roof decks. These, and more novel spaces—cinemas, wet bars, squash courts, outdoor rain showers, are putting lounges with a lonely television set to shame, and they are fostering a clubby college-dormitory atmosphere in several developments. “We’re extremely social creatures, and I think people in New York suffer from an inability to really interact with people,” said Susan Meiklejohn, associate professor of urban planning at Hunter College. This is not because New Yorkers are cold, Dr. Meiklejohn said, but because the city is so dense that people avoid one another to establish buffer zones. “What level of friendliness can you possibly sustain each day if you have to say hello to everybody you meet on 34th Street?” she said. The design of many new buildings, however, are gradually making New Yorkers venture beyond tight-lipped hellos at the mailbox.
【題組】45 According to the passage, which amenity has gradually become out of date for the new buildings in New York?
(A)Community gyms
(B)Clubby roof decks
(C)Outdoor rain showers
(D)Lounges with a TV set

24( ).

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 39 題 The American computer company IBM says it has developed a microprocessor – a computer chip – that works much like the human brain. IBM calls the chip True North. It is the   36   of a postage stamp. The chip has 5.4 billion tiny parts that work like the human brain’s neurons and synapses. Neurons and synapses are the cells and electric forces that carry messages   37   the brain. True North has 1 million neurons and 256 million synapses. The human brain has 100 billion neurons and up to 150 trillion synapses. IBM says it can program the new chip to understand difficult problems and then solve them as humans would. The company says the True North chip could be used as a brain for    38   robots. It can also be used for controlling new kinds of wheel chairs or for recording conversations   39   several people and then making a printed record of those conversations. True North is still being tested. But IBM says it could be available for public use in two to three years. The chip is just one example of machines becoming more and more like humans. This field of study is called artificial intelligence, or AI. Some experts believe computers will someday become more intelligent than humans.
(A) sign  
(B) size
(C) search  
(D) sample

25( ).

22 題至第 25 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複。 Japanese people are known as conservative. They are conservative in preserving their cultural traditions. Japan’s traditional culture is both distinctive and exclusive. Anybody or anything that is not pure Japanese is conspicuous to Japanese. 22 Virtually all Japanese become discriminating. 23 The slightest variation from a very narrow norm in appearance and behavior is considered un-Japanese. It is, therefore, not acceptable. 24 It eventually becomes the basic concept of Japanese identity. Anyone who does not demonstrate the element to the proper degree is no longer considered truly Japanese. Anyone who wishes to be accepted would definitely compromise. 25
(A) Nihon means “Japan” and Teki “being suitable and compatible.”
(B) That discriminating power exists in every aspect of life.
(C) Americans are terribly slow in Nihon-ization.
(D) This built-in discrimination becomes essential.


