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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 中國醫藥大學_學士後中醫學系入學招生考試試題:英文#114145
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1. Police ____ on high-crime neighborhoods in response to a recent rise in violent crime.
(A) touched down
(B) turned down
(C) cracked down
(D) ran down


2. On the verge of vomiting, Emily struggles to walk to the bathroom, attempting to maintain her dignity, but it’s a ____ task.
(A) harmonious
(B) hieratic
(C) heterogeneous
(D) herculean


3. In Berks County, Pennsylvania, power shutoffs for ____ utility customers rise 111% over the previous year.
(A) declarative
(B) delinquent
(C) decorous
(D) derivative


4. We hear on the ____ that the companies are discussing a merger.
(A) grapevine
(B) skyline
(C) trophy
(D) kernel


5. According to Norse mythology, the mischievous god Loki, a shape-shifting deity known for his ____, would often transform into animals in order to interfere with the other gods’ plans and alliances.
(A) avarice
(B) chicanery
(C) apathy
(D) diffidence


6. If the president really means to lead, and to bring about a world more or less ____ to us, we should stop pretending that we can do the job on the cheap and by remote control.
(A) regnant
(B) eligible
(C) congenial
(D) nongermane


7. Constant exposure to our public figures’ foibles and flaws is at once humanizing and ____; as we become sympathetic to their plights, we also become increasingly wary of their motives.
(A) disillusioning
(B) humbling
(C) emboldening
(D) disdaining


8. The manager tries to energize the remaining people around increasing top-line growth, that is, getting close to their customers, expanding the business they are good at and looking for opportunities to use technology to ____ the work.
(A) regulate
(B) gulp
(C) leverage
(D) retrocede


9. Earlier this year, Oracle (the second largest provider of business application software) merged with PeopleSoft (the third largest provider), which had already ____ J. D. Edwards (another major provider) back in 2003.
(A) engrailed
(B) denigrated
(C) inhaled
(D) swallowed


10. A good business letter is simple and straightforward without being simplistic or ____.
(A) patronizing
(B) palpable
(C) panoptic
(D) panoramic


11. According to some historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he ____ the rest of Europe.
(A) had conquered
(B) would conquer
(C) conquered
(D) would have conquered


12. Amniocentesis can be used not only to diagnose fetal disorders ____ the sex of the unborn child with 95 percent accuracy.
(A) but determining
(B) but also determining
(C) but determine
(D) but also to determine


13. If water is heated to 212 degrees F ____ as steam.
(A) it will boil and escape
(B) it is boiling and escaping
(C) it boils and escape
(D) it boil and escapes


14. Recently, there have been several outbreaks of disease like legionnaire’s syndrome, and doctors don’t know ____.
(A) what is the cause
(B) what the cause is
(C) that is the cause
(D) that the cause is


15. In a suspension bridge ____ that carry one or more flexible cables firmly attached at each end.
(A) there were two towers on it
(B) two towers there are
(C) there are two towers
(D) towers there are two


16. Inquiries are held which seem to go on forever and you only wish that the procedure could be speeded ____.
(A) through
(B) along
(C) up
(D) in


17. The director made use of the latest technology to film his new movie and eventually took critics and audience by ____.
(A) comparison
(B) charisma
(C) anatomy
(D) storm


18. In the traditional realm of business, people open a retail store first and then launch a website, but since the dotcom revolution, many surviving dotcoms that skipped the first step are realizing the benefits of opening a ____ location.
(A) brick-and-mortar
(B) plaster-of-Paris
(C) set-in-stone
(D) rock-solid


19. I didn’t want to ____ the chance of seeing the beautiful scenery in Barcelona, so I agreed to go on the trip.
(A) draw up
(B) take up
(C) pass up
(D) set up


20. My application was holding ____ by the postal strike.
(A) on
(B) up
(C) off
(D) in


       Gen Z employees are thriving in the new world of work. They’ve entered the workforce at a time when flexibility is commonplace, digital communication is    21    and employees have the leverage to ask companies for what they want.
       At the same time,    22    , some experts are concerned that remote and hybrid work arrangements are already leaving some early-career workers behind. Many of these worries revolve around the absence of workplace    23    : a lack of the casual conversations and informal observations that traditionally teach young employees how to act. Amid virtual settings, some experts believe entrylevel workers are missing out    24    picking up vital cues that guide behavior, collaboration and networking.
       “It’s particularly centred around communication,” explains Helen Hughes, associate professor at Leeds University. “It’s things like understanding norms, values and etiquette: Who should you call? How should they be contacted? Are some people out of bounds?” These sorts of questions were once promptly answered in    25    settings—a desk drop-by, or quick tag in the office kitchen. “Social comparison is harder in a remote or hybrid environment—you can’t see everyone around you and get a sense of how you’re doing,” says Hughes.

(A) horrendous
(B) ubiquitous
(C) filterable
(D) retrospective


(A) however
(B) although
(C) since
(D) inconsequently


(A) insufferables
(B) insusceptibles
(C) insatiables
(D) intangibles


(A) off
(B) of
(C) on
(D) to


(A) door-to-door
(B) hand-to-hand
(C) face-to-face
(D) back-to-back


       Hyperreality, in semiotics and postmodernism, is an inability of consciousness to distinguish reality    26    a simulation of reality, especially in technologically advanced postmodern societies. Hyperreality is seen as a condition    27    what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and where the other begins. It allows the co-mingling of physical reality with    28    reality and human intelligence with artificial intelligence. The concept of “hyperreality” was contentiously coined by French sociologist Jean Baudrillard who defined it as “the generation by models of a real without origin or reality.” Hyperreality is a representation, a sign, without an original referent. He believes hyperreality goes    29    confusing or blending the “real” with the symbol which represents it; it involves creating a symbol or set of    30    which represent something that does not actually exist; Santa Claus is a case in point.

(A) from
(B) of
(C) to
(D) out


(A) in which
(B) of which
(C) to which
(D) from which


(A) normal
(B) factual
(C) virtual
(D) intellectual


(A) against
(B) further than
(C) under cover
(D) on top of


(A) sojourns
(B) setbacks
(C) signatures
(D) signifiers


       Many things have changed in astronomy over the past half-century. Until about 30 years ago, there was a great    31    of charts and catalogues. Telescopic equipment was limited and there were few books on practical astronomy. Today, the range of off-the-shelf telescopes and equipment covers almost everything one could need. Electronic calculators and computers have revolutionized almanacs and chart production, and    32    the analysis of observations and the publication of results.
       All these advances must surely make this the golden    33    of amateur astronomy. Well, perhaps, but a great deal has been lost as well. Now one may have to travel 80 km to find a sky comparable to that found in urban areas 60 years ago. The daytime skies are now    34    by aircraft condensation trails which can    35    for hours and often spread out to form amorphous clouds, making solar observations impossible and hampering night-time observation too.

(A) shorthand
(B) shortstop
(C) shortlist
(D) shortage


(A) facilitated
(B) minimized
(C) embellished
(D) upheld


(A) rule
(B) age
(C) goal
(D) parachute


(A) flattered
(B) plagued
(C) confiscated
(D) extrapolated


(A) proceed
(B) pursue
(C) peculate
(D) persist


       Given that bureaucracy is held in such ill repute today, it is hard to remember that it was once considered a great organizational innovation. By organizing the    36    of labor, by making management and decision-making a profession, and by providing an order and a set of rules that allowed many different kinds of specialists to work in coordination toward a common    37    , bureaucracy greatly extended the breadth and depth of intelligence that organization could achieve. Begun as a system of organizing government activities, it has    38    to big business and large organization of all kinds.
       Max Weber, who    39    the systematic study of bureaucracy as its role in western society began to explode in the late nineteenth century, saw bureaucracy as both the most efficient possible system, and a threat to the basic liberties he    40    dear, thus foreshadowing the sentiments which bureaucracy frequently evoked today.

(A) division
(B) distinction
(C) divergence
(D) detachment


(A) end
(B) finish
(C) culmination
(D) termination


(A) carried
(B) spread
(C) caught
(D) pulverized


(A) opened
(B) sprang
(C) fired
(D) launched


(A) lured
(B) held
(C) knew
(D) fell


       2022 was the year of “goblin mode.” In 2022, the guardrails came off. People went raw, unfiltered and real, ditching highly curated aesthetics like “cottage-core” for something more messy and primal. The slang term describes “a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations,” according to Oxford Languages. Linguist Ben Zimmer said, “It may seem a bit frivolous, but I really think ‘goblin mode’ speaks to the times and the zeitgeist — and it’s certainly a 2022 expression.”
       The word of the year is drawn from data analysis of Oxford’s vast language corpus — large bodies of tagged, electronic text — that are regularly updated with new English words drawn from all around the world. Oxford’s lexicologists study the compilation to analyze trends and pull a list of data-driven candidates for the word.
       This year, “goblin mode” was up against two other words with heavy associations with online life, runners-up “metaverse” and the hashtag “#IStandWith.” In the end, “goblin mode” ran away with 93 percent of the more than 340,000 votes. It proved unstoppable after receiving a helpful nudge from various online communities; PC Gamer even implored readers to “put aside our petty differences and vote for ‘goblin mode’ over ‘metaverse’ as the Oxford Word of the Year.”
       “Goblin mode” resonated with those feeling “a little overwhelmed at this point,” Oxford Languages president Casper Grathwohl said in a statement announcing the word of the year. “People are embracing their inner goblin, and voters choosing ‘goblin mode’ as the Word of the Year tells us the concept is likely here to stay,” Grathwohl said.
       The inclusion of a word that captures the trend of rejecting norms and performative style was especially pertinent in a year that had no shortage of change when it came to the global climate, international politics or bodily rights, Oxford’s experts said. The whole point of the word of the year, they said, is to reflect “the ethos, mood, or preoccupations” of the past 12 months.
       Other changes emerged in the way many people resumed pre-pandemic routines — such as returning to the office — but not in quite the same way as they had before. Katherine Martin, product director at Oxford Languages who works on the New Words team, said during last month’s launch that Oxford’s team was inspired to rethink its word of the year selection and put it up to a public vote for the first time. “After a year like this, with so much change, it felt wrong to keep the same old approach to our word of the year,” Martin said.
       “Goblin mode,” meanwhile, didn’t come out of nowhere; it appeared on Twitter at least as early as 2009, according to Zimmer. “Goblin mode” has a precursor in “beast mode,” a reference to the ’90s-era “Beast Wars: Transformers” cartoon where the robots could shift into “beast mode.”
       Interest in “goblin mode” spiked in February when a viral tweet featured the word in a fake headline (purportedly written to show how easy it is to spread fake news online) about the short-lived romance between actor Julia Fox and the rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West. “Julia Fox opened up about her ‘difficult’ relationship with Kanye West ‘He didn’t like when I went goblin mode,’” the doctored headline read. (Fox clarified on her Instagram at the time, “Just for the record. I have never used the term ‘goblin mode.’”) Zimmer said after the viral tweet, people, at least on social media, latched onto the word. “Of course that is not always a reflection of the way that language is used elsewhere, but these days it’s often a very good barometer,” he said.
       Words of the year selected by other dictionaries showed what else people were searching for when not in goblin mode. Merriam-Webster crowned “gaslighting”— “The act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for one’s own advantage” — as its word of the year, while Collins Dictionary chose “permacrisis,” defined as “an extended period of instability and insecurity,” a word that “sums up quite succinctly just how truly awful 2022 has been for so many people.”

【題組】41. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “zeitgeist” in the first paragraph?
(A) premise
(B) temperance
(C) sequel
(D) spirit


【題組】42. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?
(A) The Oxford word of the year 2022 is “goblin mode.”
(B) “Gaslighting” was the 2022 Oxford word of the year.
(C) “Goblin mode” won with 93% of the votes.
(D) Online communities helped “Goblin mode” in winning the most votes.


【題組】43. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true about “goblin mode” ?
(A) The term depicts self-indulgent, lazy, or greedy behavior.
(B) The term reflects the trend of accepting social norms and expectations.
(C) The term captures the overwhelmed feeling people had in facing changes.
(D) The term appeared on Twitter as early as 2009.


【題組】44. Which statement is true about the viral tweet that spiked the interest in “goblin mode” ?
(A) The story about the short-lived romance between Julia Fox and Kanye West was a fake news.
(B) The rapper Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) invented the term “goblin mode.”
(C) Julia Fox told the reporter her difficult relationship with her fiancé in an interview.
(D) Julia Fox clarified on her Instagram she disliked the term “goblin mode.”


【題組】45. Which word is also a Word of the Year selected by dictionaries?
(A) cottage-core
(B) metaverse
(C) permacrisis
(D) #IStandWith


       The news that one of the Hollywood superstars was diagnosed the aphasia drew everyone’s attention on the causes and effects of such disease. According to the medical statistics in the USA, approximately one-third of stroke survivors suffer from impaired communication abilities, and 30%– 42% of these patients have longstanding symptoms of aphasia, and the most common, Broca’s aphasia, is caused by lesions on anterior brain regions, which often require long-term care, leading to substantial economic and mental health burdens on the family and society.
       Community medical resources have confirmed that promoting full engagement with rehabilitation treatment for post-stroke patients has reduced the disability rate below 40% and increased activities of daily living by 35%. In addition, intensive speech and language therapy (SLT) improves the functional reorganization of the central nervous system; however, high-intensity and high-dose interventions may not be acceptable to all patients. Therefore, other treatments adjunct to SLT might be useful. More specifically, while intensive SLT is effective, recent evidence suggests that scalp acupuncture therapy (SAT) may have beneficial effects on comprehension, oral expression, repetition, denomination, reading and writing in postapoplectic aphasia (Tang, Tang, & Yang, 2019). One research group from Taiwan (Liu, Huang, Xu, Wu, Tao, & Chen, 2021) tried to appraise the costeffectiveness of combining SAT with SLT community patients with Broca’s aphasia after stroke, compared to SLT alone. They found that combination therapy was cost-effective and reduced the use of non-standard treatments and medications, leading to lower direct non-medical costs and self-paid expenses.
       In Liu et al.’s (2021) research, a within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis was applied among 203 participants with Broca’s aphasia after stroke who had been randomly assigned to receive scalp acupuncture with SLT (intervention) or SLT alone (control). Both groups underwent SLT, which roughly last 30 minutes each day, 5 days a week for 4 weeks; while the intervention group simultaneously received scalp acupuncture. Moreover, outcomes were measured using informal assessments and self-report questionnaires and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were calculated as a measure of the additional costs necessary to achieve greater treatment outcomes. The results of this economic analysis revealed that patients receiving combination therapy reduced their use of non-standard treatment interventions and medications, reflected in reduced direct non-medical costs and self-paid expenses. Combination therapy was less costly than SLT alone calculated according to the modified intention-to-treat principle. In other words, SAT is a cost-effective treatment option for patients with Broca’s aphasia after stroke, compared to SLT alone.
       In short, the study, which included the first economic evaluation of acupuncture treatment in patients with Broca’s aphasia after stroke, had valuable findings and methodological limitations. There are only a few studies on acupuncture treatment in patients with Broca’s aphasia after stroke, Liu et al. (2021) concluded that acupuncture seems to be effective in improving post-stroke aphasia, functional communication and language function, and the best curative effect was achieved with the combination of acupuncture with speech and language training. Potential limitations included lack of blinding, variability of treatment regimens, and a heterogeneous patient sample. While SAT appears to be an effective treatment for post-stroke aphasia, the real-world implementation of SAT in lowincome and middle-income countries and regions may be restricted by poor acupuncture services, inefficient systems, and a deficiency of therapists. Standardized education and training for the public, community physicians, and government agencies are needed to improve awareness of the benefits and cost-effectiveness of SAT. Still, although the effects of acupuncture appear to be persistent as the differences between the groups were slightly larger after 12 weeks follow-up investigation than those who received immediately post-treatment, long-lasting health economic effects require further study.

【題組】46. Which of the following is NOT a methodological limitation of the study?
(A) Heterogeneous patient sample
(B) Variability of treatment regimens
(C) Bias due to the treatment for each group was blinded
(D) Long-term health economic effects


【題組】47. What was one of the impacts of the combination therapy with SAT and SLT?
(A) Reduced direct and indirect non-medical costs
(B) Reduced self-paid expenses and treatment time
(C) Reduced use of standard treatment interventions
(D) Reduced use of non-standard treatment interventions and medications


【題組】48. What information was true in Liu et al.’s design of research?
(A) Different instruments were used to collect data such as questionnaires.
(B) A total of 203 participants with Broca’s aphasia were equally allotted.
(C) Both groups applied the SAT to determine the medical effects.
(D) The data collection lasted for one month approximately.


【題組】49. What is needed to improve awareness of the benefits and cost-effectiveness of SAT?
(A) Increased investment in research and development
(B) Increased availability of acupuncture services
(C) Standardized education and training
(D) More robust economic analyses


【題組】50. What did the economic analysis demonstrate about scalp acupuncture therapy (SAT) in comparison to speech and language therapy (SLT) alone?
(A) SAT and SLT are equally effective.
(B) SAT is less effective and less accessible.
(C) SAT is more expensive and less effective.
(D) SAT is cost-effective and more accessible.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 中國醫藥大學_學士後中醫學系入學招生考試試題:英文#114145-阿摩線上測驗
