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試卷測驗 - 97 年 - 97私醫聯招 英文#62107
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1. Don’t let stereotypes _____ your judgments. We should not prejudge people before we ever lay eyes on them.
(A) warp
(B) delve
(C) wrap
(D) swarthy


2. Some critics said that Barak Obama, the American presidential candidate possesses some major qualities of a leader, that is, _____, energy, and eloquence.
(A) anxiety
(B) charisma
(C) feebleness
(D) vanity


3. The president's speech was only ten minutes long. He was very _____.
(A) verbose
(B) tenacious
(C) loquacious
(D) concise


4. Modern society will not tolerate discrimination and _____ any idea that people should be separated.
(A) uphold
(B) agree with
(C) condemn
(D) coincide


5. Thanks to a great sales team, the company has almost doubled its _____ this year.
(A) revenue
(B) resources
(C) inventory
(D) invention


6. The key to staying healthy is _____ — don’t smoke; don’t drink too much; and try to visit your doctor once a year for a full health check.
(A) creation
(B) convention
(C) invention
(D) prevention


7. The skirt and jacket looked a bit _____ together.
(A) even
(B) odd
(C) event
(D) oval


8. Thousands of buildings _____ in the earthquake.
(A) preceded
(B) rejected
(C) collapsed
(D) teased


9. Ken really _____ his parents when he failed three classes during his first semester in university.
(A) let down
(B) impressed
(C) influenced
(D) broke down


10. The new product is not safe. We need to _____ people not to buy it.
(A) renounce
(B) deny
(C) warn
(D) conclude


【題組】11. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behavior.
(A) change
(B) encourage
(C) denote
(D) detox


【題組】12. The funds available for the health service are finite, and we cannot afford to waste money.
(A) endless
(B) updated
(C) limited
(D) confusing


【題組】13. Beverly Hills is one of the most affluent areas of Los Angeles County.
(A) attractive
(B) desirable
(C) wealthy
(D) snobbish


【題組】14. With present day technology it has been possible to locate the exact spot where the famous ship, the Titanic, went down.
(A) faded
(B) sank
(C) slumped
(D) diminished


【題組】15. Ultrasonic waves can detect cracks in metal that the human eye cannot see.
(A) stop
(B) mend
(C) arrange
(D) find


三、語法與用法 (16~35題,選出最適當選項) 
 16. Taoyuan is a small city. I wish _____ in Taipei.
(A) I live
(B) I lived
(C) I am living
(D) I have been living


17. Acting like a blanket, _____ some of the Sun’s heat from reaching the Earth.
(A) clouds stopping
(B) and clouds stop
(C) clouds able to stop
(D) clouds stop


18. _____, an atom becomes an ion.
(A) When electrically charged
(B) It is electrically charged
(C) When electrically charging it
(D) Charging it with electricity


19. Northern Taiwan generally receives more rain than _____ southern Taiwan.
(A) does
(B) in
(C) it does in
(D) in it does


20. What’s the name of the man _____?
(A) you borrowed his car
(B) which car your borrowed 
(C) whose car you borrowed
(D) his car you borrowed


21. The police officer stopped us and asked us where _____.
(A) were we going
(B) are we going
(C) we are going
(D) we were going


22. We are confident that both sets of fans will _____ at the match.
(A) behave itself
(B) behave them
(C) behave themselves
(D) behaving


23. Dave lost his job and was short of money; therefore, _____ his flat and move in with his brother.
(A) that he did was to sell
(B) what he did was to sell |
(C) what he did sold
(D) what he did was selling


24. When I went into the bathroom, I found that the bathtub _____.
(A) had overflowed
(B) is overflowed
(C) overflows
(D) is overflowing


25. The prisoners _____ are all women.
(A) who being released
(B) are being released
(C) being released
(D) who are being release

26( ).

 In 1976, Steve Jobs, 26 twenty, founded Apple Computers with Wozniak. They first worked in Steve Jobs garage 27 they developed their first Apple computer. To help company grow, Steve felt like 28 a user-friendly operating system into his Apple computer, which proved 29 a great success and started the personal computer revolution. As a young leader, Steve had a strong passion 30 perfection. He was very demanding to his employees, and that led him into a serious crisis later.

【題組】 26.
(A) in age
(B) aging
(C) age at
(D) aged

27( ).

(A) which
(B) where
(C) how
(D) who

28( ).

(A) introducing
(B) to introduce
(C) introduced
(D) introduction

29( ).

(A) being
(B) into
(C) to be
(D) as

30( ).

(A) on
(B) in
(C) with
(D) for

31( ).

Happily married people tend to have lower blood pressure than their single peers, but being single may be healthier than being unhappily married, 31
 The study, published on March 20 in The Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 32 303 generally healthy men and women, 204 married and 99 single. Each responded to questions about martial quality, social support, and mental health. Scales were used to rate stress and life satisfaction. 
 Then each subject wore a portable blood pressure monitor for 24 hours while performing their normal activities. The groups had little difference in walking blood pressure, but married people 33 in blood pressure during sleep. People whose blood pressure does not dip during sleep are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, according to Julianne Holt-Lunstad, 34
 The unhappy married had higher daytime and 24-hour blood pressure readings than single people. Marital satisfaction is associated with satisfaction with life, lower stress, less depression, and lower walking blood pressure. 
 “Just being married per se isn’t helpful,” Dr. Holt-Lunstad said, “because you can potentially be worse off in an unhappy marriage. So, 35 .”

(A) newly study suggests
(B) a new study suggests
(C) a study is newly suggested
(D) suggesting a new study

32( ).

(A) sampling
(B) to sample
(C) was sampled
(D) sampled

33( ).

(A) having significant larger dips
(B) with significantly larger dips
(C) had significantly larger dips 
(D) dipped significant larger

34( ).

(A) the lead author and an assistant professor of Psychology at BrighamYoung University in Utah
(B) who the lead author and an assistant professor of Psychology at BrighamYoung University in Utah
(C) is the lead author and an assistant professor of Psychology at BrighamYoung University in Utah
(D) the lead author and an assistant professor of Psychology is at BrighamYoung University in Utah

35( ).

(A) wise choice
(B) choose wisely 
(C) to choose a wise one
(D) wisely choosing

36( ).

四、閱讀測驗 (36~50題) 
 Passage 1 
 The La Brea tarpits, located in Hancock Park in the Los Angeles area, have proven to be an extremely fertile source of Ice Age fossils. Apparently, during the period of the Ice Age, the tarpits were covered by shallow pools of water; when animals came there to drink, they  got caught in the sticky tar and perished. The tar not only trapped the animals, leading to the death, but also served as a remarkably effective preservant, allowing near-perfect skeletons to remain hidden until the present era. 
 In 1906, the remains of a huge prehistoric bear discovered in the tarpits alerted archeologists to the potential treasure lying within the tar. Since then thousands and thousands of well-preserved skeletons have been uncovered, including the skeletons of camels, horses, wolves, tigers, sloths, and dinosaurs.

【題組】36. Which of the following is NOT true about the La Brea tarpits?
(A) They contain fossils that are quite old.
(B) They are found in Hancock Park.
(C) They have existed since the Ice Age.
(D) They are located under a swimming pool.

37( ).

【題組】37. The underlined pronoun they in paragraph 1 refers to _____.

(A) the La Brea tarpits

(B) Ice Age fossils

(C) shallow pools of water

(D) animals

38( ).

【題組】38. According to the passage, how did the Ice Age animals die?
(A) The water poisoned them.
(B) They got stuck in the tar.
(C) They were attacked by other animals.
(D) They were killed by hunters.

39( ).

【題組】39. When did archeologists become aware of the possible value of the contents of the tarpits?
(A) During the Ice Age
(B) Thousands and thousands of years ago
(C) Early in the twentieth century
(D) Within the past decade

40( ).

【題組】40. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of a skeleton found in the tarpits?
(A) a snake
(B) a sloth
(C) a horse
(D) a bear

41( ).

Passage 2
 It seems the art of survival — or continual positive projection — in the world of pop music these days, depends very much on change. If artists fail to recreate their persona — chameleon-like, over and over again — they risk facing accusations of dullness; that is, they are not fashionable. 
 This phenomenon is especially prevalent in the female ranks. It is not sufficient for an artist to be beautiful and sexy. These characteristics too must be changed often, and remodeled to avoid being bogged down by a stereotype. 
 Two examples of the rock 'n' roll art of move and change are Cher and Madonna, the latter a brilliant illustration of the trend. Her latest disc, 'Something to Remember', showcases her hit ballads and how she has so effectively been able to stay at the top without diminishing credibility in her particular field. (For these purposes, we will forget her unworthy flirtation with sex, that horrible book and her expletive-ridden, cigar-chomping appearance on the David Letterman Show.) 
 This collection demonstrates how she has toned down her dominatrix image at relevant times to give contrast and definition to her career. But it offers more than simply a study in rock fashion history. There is also a solid assortment of quality music.

【題組】41. This article is primarily
(A) a review of Madonna's new record.
(B) a review of Cher's new record.
(C) an analysis of Madonna's success in Hollywood.
(D) a review of Madonna's career.

42( ).

【題組】42. The main point of paragraph 1 is to tell the reader that artists need to
(A) keep an image that the public knows and loves.
(B) recreate themselves to survive.
(C) avoid being dull at all costs.
(D) stay sexy to survive.

43( ).

【題組】43. How would you describe the writer's attitude towards Madonna?
(A) basically critical
(B) negative
(C) generally favorable
(D) uncritically admiring

44( ).

【題組】44. In paragraph 3, the main point is to
(A) compare Cher's and Madonna's work.
(B) describe some stories from Madonna's past.
(C) detail the contents of the new record.
(D) introduce Madonna's new record.

45( ).

【題組】45. In paragraph 3, the writer mentions Madonna's “unworthy flirtation with sex, that horrible book and the cigar chomping appearance...... “
(A) to criticize her unworthy past.
(B) to contrast the positive points of her record.
(C) to illustrate the trend of change in rock 'n' roll.
(D) to diminish her credibility.

46( ).

Passage 3 
 Blogs (short for “weblogs”) have grown into one of the Net’s most important types of websites. There are now more than 100 million blogs, published by office workers, singers, businesses, and everyone in between. Blog posts often include links to other blogs, forming strong online communities. Altogether, the internet’s massive collection of blogs is known as the “blogosphere.”
 Besides being free, blogs are easy to maintain – two big reasons for their popularity. Beneath the main banner are entries posted by the blog writer, or blogger. New entries appear at the top so posts are listed in the order that they were written. Plus, blogs usually allow readers to add comments. When the blogger or other readers respond, it can lead to interesting conversations. 
 A blog may be about someone’s daily life, job hobbies, or any other topic. Someone interested in LCD TVs might start a blog about them, posting articles, reviews, and his or her opinions. So blogs are resources which are informative, yet personal. In the internet age, that’s a key combination which attracts readers. 
 The power of blogs to reach a wide audience is well known. Many celebrities use blogs to post news, making traditional press releases less popular. Reporters track comments on the blogosphere to measure the public’s reaction to events. And politicians use blogs to voice their ideas.
 In the USA, more than 50% of Internet users enjoy reading blogs. That has caught the eye of a lot of businesses. Some companies hire bloggers to write about products. Bloggers can also make money by hosting ads from firms like Amazon. And through programs like Google’s AdSense, ads are placed on a blog based on its keywords. Bloggers can also set up deals with companies. So, for example, a blog about cats may display a pet food company’s banner. 
 With so many money-making opportunities, popular bloggers can earn $1,000 per month or more. Some even make a full-time living from their blogs. The key is to add new content on a regular basis. You want people to know that your site is useful and up to date. That may mean spending several hours a day creating new content. If a blog’s traffic reaches 2,000 daily visitors, it’s a sign that you’re a big hit in the blogosphere.

【題組】46. What is the main idea?
(A) It takes a lot of time to add content to a blog.
(B) Celebrities keep in touch with fans through blogs.
(C) Blogs have become a popular type of website.
(D) Comments from blog readers lead to conversations.

47( ).

【題組】47. What is a blogger?
(A) a popular blog writing style
(B) a special kind of blog entry
(C) a person who runs a blog
(D) a banner at the top of a blog

48( ).

【題組】48. Why are press releases less popular than they used to be?
(A) They are too much trouble to set up.
(B) The media is paying less attention to the Net.
(C) Politicians prefer to track events through blogs.
(D) People are using blogs to release news.

49( ).

【題組】49. Which of the following is TURE about blogs?
(A) About one-third of US Web users like reading them.
(B) A popular blog may attract 2,000 visitors per day.
(C) There are more than 100 billion blogs on the Net.
(D) More than 50% of all new blogs come from the USA.

50( ).

【題組】50. What does the article say about making money from blogs?
(A) Hosting ads fromAmazon is one way to earn money.
(B) Most bloggers treat blogs as their full-time job.
(C) Writing about products is the easiest way to get rich.
(D) It’s almost impossible to earn $1,000 per month.


試卷測驗 - 97 年 - 97私醫聯招 英文#62107-阿摩線上測驗
