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        John, an eleven-year-old boy, was unhappy because Grandpa was going to be sent to a nursing home, a small hospital for older people. John did not really understand why this was actually happening, but Dad and John were moving into a new house, away from Grandpa. John would neither hear Grandpa sing again nor see Grandpa every day. 
        Grandpa said, “John, will you look at what your father has given me to go away with? A lot of fine clothes.” 
        Dad cleared his throat and said, “I wanted you to have the best.” 
        “Yes,” said Grandpa, “but they are too many for an old man who’s going away!” 
        “Oh, Grandpa is right,” said John coldly. “Dad, I want to keep some of them. Two pieces of clothing would be enough for an old man when he’s sent away.” 
        Dad asked, “Now, what do you mean by that?” 
        “I mean,” said the boy slowly, “I’ll give some of the fine clothes to you, Dad, when you’re old and I’m sending you—away.” 
        There was a silence, and all three of them started crying together.

【題組】44 What would happen after Grandpa left home?
(A)Dad and John would soon move out.
(B)Dad and John would not talk to each other any more.
(C)John would buy fine clothes for Grandpa.
(D)Grandpa would keep clothes for Dad.


In business today, it is sometimes very hard to make the right decisions. In a South American country, native people in the tropical rain forest capture beautiful birds and sell them to traders who in turn sell the birds to people in other countries. Some of these birds are in danger of extinction, which means that their species or kinds would no longer exist on the earth. The best thing would be for the government to restrict the buying and selling of these tropical birds, but then the preliterate native people would lose their means of survival. An alternative source of income for the people in these remote areas should be found so that on the one hand the birds can be protected and on the other the native hunters have a new way of making a living.
【題組】49 The native people who capture the birds live in villages which are ______________ .
(A)located far away from civilization
(B)rich from silver and gold mining
(C)modernized by contact with outside peoples
(D)in danger of being destroyed by other tribes


37 Lisa _______ in a gym nearby three times a week because she wants to lose weight.
(A)watches out
(B)works out
(C)runs out
(D)goes out


45. Karen: Does this look okay on me?
Karen: I’ll take it then.
(A)I am sure the color will fade after a while.
(B)It’s not too short, is it?
(C)I like the way it buttons up the front.
(D)What do you think of it?


She used to ______ a headache
(A) having  
(B) have pain  
(C) suffer from  
(D) experience  


Mike: Jane’s only two years old, but she can count up to ten. Sarah: Really? She _____ for her age. Mike: Yes. She is really smart.
(A)looks fit
(B)is tall
(C)sounds bright
(D)turns grown-up


        In the summer of 2007, a group of international students were attending college in England. They had a long period of time between semesters for travel, so they decided to hitchhike as far as they could in other European countries. In many places, they were successful. They put their thumbs out or pointed them backwards and smiled; friendly drivers stopped. As soon as the first traveler got a “yes” answer from a driver, he motioned with his hand or fingers for his friends to come—or he held both thumbs up in an “OK” sign or made a circle with the thumb and the next finger of one hand. The young tourists saved money, saw a lot of the countryside, and had many interesting conversations and experiences.
        However, the international students were not so lucky in Greece and Turkey. Most drivers ignored them; few drivers stopped to give them rides. Some drivers shouted terrible words at the travelers; others even got out of their trucks and wanted to start a fight. The students felt unwelcome, confused, and afraid. After they traveled back to where they were studying they learned that it were their hand gestures that had caused them trouble.

【題組】 According to the passage, as soon as the driver stopped, what would the young traveler who put out his thumb do?
(A)He would get on the car immediately to continue the trip.
(B)He would signal his friends to take the car together.
(C)He would do some more tricks with his fingers.
(D)He would begin chatting with the driver.


18 Why ______ take the train to Taichung? It will take you only about two hours.
(A) should
(B) about
(C) don’t
(D) not


Ellen Glanz lied to her teacher about why she hadn’t done her homework; but, of course, many students have lied to their teachers. The difference is that Ellen Glanz was a twenty-eight-year-old high school social studies teacher who was a student for six months to improve her teaching by gaining a fresh prospect of her school.
She found many classes boring, students doing as little as necessary to pass tests and get good grades, students using tricks to avoid assignment, and students skillfully persuading teachers to do the work for them. She concluded that many students are turned off because they have little power and responsibility for their own education.
Ellen Glanz found herself doing the same things as the students. There was the day when Glanz wanted to join her husband in helping friends celebrate the purchase of a house, but she had homework for a math class. For the first time, she knew how teenagers feel when they think something is more important than homework.

【題組】47 Ellen Glanz became a student again because she .
(A) wanted to know whether the teacher would recognize her as an older student
(B) wanted to learn new teaching skills
(C) wanted to find out why her students lied to her
(D) had felt tired of always being a teacher


Many people cannot tell the difference between the lotus and the water lily because the flowers and leaves have a similar appearance and both kinds of flowers grow in quiet ponds or lakes. In some ways, however, these flowers are very different. First of all, lotus flowers usually reach up out of the water, while the water lily rests on the floating leaves. Secondly, the pads or ridged leaves of the lotus flowers are completely rounded while those of the water lily have a split in them from the outer edge to the center. Finally, the lotus flower has the religious significance of purity in Asia while the water lily is mostly associated with feminine beauty and nymphs (water spirits), as in Greek culture. Although they have different characteristics and meanings, both the lotus and the water lily are highly appreciated in various cultures. 
【題組】Which statement is NOT true?
(A) The leaves of the water lily float on the water.
(B) The leaves of the water lily are completely round.
(C) The leaves of the water lily have ridges.
(D) The leaves of the water lily are also called pads.


39 Can you give me______ information?
(A) a few
(B) a little
(C) many
(D) every


Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage: One of the most popular fields of study for college students these days is leisure studies. The names of the courses, “Introduction to Sport” or “The Philosophy of Sport,” call forth scenes of college students idly talking of Frisbees and sleeping on the grass. But leisure studies is a deadly serious field: students learn how to run the sports programs of big city park departments, how to manage a ski resort or a vacation hotel. The students learn how to organize a teenage soccer league where little or no interest exists in the sport, how to teach and keep beginners interested, and how to keep track of admissions money. To do all these things, they must take courses in psychology and business management along with those in leisure. As people grow more involved in sports activities, in vacations, and in trips, the job outlook for leisure majors is quite good; but can you imagine trying to explain to your parents that you’re spending their money studying leisure?
【題組】9 It is hard to explain to the parents that their children are spending money studying leisure because
(A) leisure studies programs are quite expensive.
(B) many parents feel college should be difficult and serious.
(C) there are few jobs available to current leisure studies majors.
(D) few major colleges now offer programs in leisure studies.


49 To stay healthy, many people are now rushing to_______ a low calorie diet.
(A) adopt
(B) admire
(C) appeal
(D) allow


9 You would go far to find a companion so______ as Catherine, always pleasant and humorous, smiling and helpful.
(A) arid
(B) agreeable
(C) anguish
(D) austere


38 People have enjoyed going to the theater to watch plays for centuries-the first theaters _____ about 2,500 years ago.
(B)were built
(C)have been built
(D)had been building


3 When you ____________to the conference next week, please give me a call.
(C)will come 
(D)to come 


4 Do you mind ____________me your book? I forgot to bring mine.
(C) to lend
(D) have lent 


42 The author of the medical report is fully _____ of the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.
(A) absent
(B) aware
(C) adequate
(D) advertised


38 While people shop in Toronto, it is generally not a custom to ______ for a lower price.


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
Mollie Carman, 55, developed psoriatic arthritis when she was a teenager. This is her story.
         It's hard to remember a time when I didn't have psoriatic disease. As a baby, I had psoriasis on my scalp—it is really sad that this disease can affect small children.
         Then, when I was about 13 years old, I developed a type of psoriasis called guttate psoriasis. Small pink lesions broke out on about 90% of my body. Around this time, I also started suffering from excruciating back pain. It was like a muscle spasm that I would wake up with and kept feeling the entire day. But while I was diagnosed with psoriasis fairly quickly, nobody seemed to know what was causing my back pain. My symptoms worsened in my 20s and 30s, even as I somehow managed to have four children by the time I was 33. The pain started to affect my neck and other joints, but I continued doing all the things I always did—hiking with my young kids, running, and swimming in Lake Michigan. I've had physical problems all my life, so I just assumed I was weak. Meanwhile, my dermatologist, primary care doctor, and other specialists told me I could have fibromyalgia, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis. It seemed like I'd get a different possible diagnosis at every visit.
          I started reading all the medical books I could get my hands on and became familiar with psoriatic arthritis.But I didn't see a rheumatologist until 2002, when I was in my early 40s. I found a rheumatologist in Boise who is considered one of the best in the Northwest. He took an X-ray of my pelvis, and I finally got my diagnosis. It turned out that I have a condition called spondylitis, a type of psoriatic arthritis that can affect the bones in the pelvis. In my case, some of the joints in my lower spine had fused.
           By that time, though, a lot of damage had already been done. Treatment for psoriatic arthritis can't reverse existing damage. Plus, many of them don't work that well for me since my disease is already so advanced. My pubic bones have hardened and my joints have stiffened. I have had to have cervical spine surgery and a hip replacement.Every year it gets worse, especially in the winter, when it feels like I'm walking through quick sand.
           I urge those who think they might have psoriatic arthritis to find a good rheumatologist. The National Psoriasis Foundation, which I'm an advocate for, can help you find some in your area. And luckily, it's now much easier than it used to be to find a rheumatologist who specializes in the disease.

【題組】38 What treatment did Carmen get?
(A) Exercise and a healthy diet.
(B) Cerebral surgery and scalp replacement.
(C) Surgery in the neck and joints.
(D) Cervical spine surgery and a hip replacement.


39 The Department of Cultural Affairs makes efforts to preserve the historic ________in order to cherish and protect the local cultures.
(A) advantage
(B) boundary
(C) heritage
(D) mystery


3 Janet has been depressed since she lost her job, but we believe she'll feel better________when she is employed again.
(A) gracefully
(B) evidently
(C) eventually
(D) dynamically


