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請依下文回答第 46 至第 50 題:
        Soon after ChatGPT debuted in 2022, researchers tested what the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot would write afterit was asked questions peppered with conspiracy theories and false narratives. The results — in writings formatted asnews articles, essays and television scripts — were so troubling that the researchers minced no words in their criticismof the new technology. Researchers predict that generative technology like ChatGPT could make disinformation cheaperand easier to produce for an even larger number of conspiracy theorists and spreaders of disinformation. Personalized,real-time chatbots could share conspiracy theories in increasingly credible and persuasive ways, researchers say,smoothing out human errors like poor syntax and mistranslations and advancing beyond easily discoverable copy-pastejobs. And they say that no available mitigation tactics can effectively combat it.
        Predecessors to ChatGPT, which was created by the company OpenAI, have been used for years to pepper onlineforums and social media platforms with comments and spam. Microsoft had to halt activity from its Tay chatbot within 24 hours of introducing it on Twitter in 2016 after trolls taught it to spew racist and xenophobic language. ChatGPT isfar more powerful and sophisticated. Supplied with questions loaded with disinformation, it can produce convincing,clean variations on the content within seconds, without disclosing its sources. Recently, Microsoft and OpenAI introduceda new Bing search engine and web browser that can use chatbot technology to plan vacations, translate texts or conductresearch.
        OpenAI researchers have long been nervous about chatbots falling into villainous hands. In a 2019 paper, they voicedtheir concern about their chatbot’s capabilities to lower costs of disinformation campaigns and aid in the malicious pursuitof monetary gains, particular political agendas, and/or desires to create chaos or confusion. OpenAI uses machines andhumans to monitor content that is fed into and produced by ChatGPT. The company relies on both its human AI trainersand feedback from users to identify and filter out toxic training data while teaching ChatGPT to produce better-informedresponses. OpenAI’s policies prohibit use of its technology to promote dishonesty, deceive or manipulate users or attemptto influence politics; the company offers a free moderation tool to handle content that promotes hate, self-harm, violenceor sex.

【題組】50 Which of the following best describes the purpose of this passage?
(A) To promote the use of ChatGPT as a new search engine.
(B) To explain how ChatGPT was developed by misinformation researchers.
(C) To raise alarms about newly developed AI chatbots like ChatGPT.
(D) To reduce readers’ worries about intelligent AI chatbots like ChatGPT.


36 The director, who often does things carelessly and regardless of consequences, is now charged with causing death by _____ driving.
(A) meticulous
(B) conscientious
(C) reckless
(D) ferocious


40 Before buying stocks, it is important to _____ all of the risks and profits involved.
(A) assess
(B) access
(C) asset
(D) assert


48 Although the two countries signed a _____ treaty about the borderline, it was soon violated by one of them.
(A) federal
(B) marital
(C) martial
(D) bilateral


49 After a long time of strike, the corporation finally _____ the wage increase to the workers.
(A) confessed
(B) conceded
(C) concluded
(D) succeeded


請依下文回答第 46 至第 50 題:
        Soon after ChatGPT debuted in 2022, researchers tested what the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot would write afterit was asked questions peppered with conspiracy theories and false narratives. The results — in writings formatted asnews articles, essays and television scripts — were so troubling that the researchers minced no words in their criticismof the new technology. Researchers predict that generative technology like ChatGPT could make disinformation cheaperand easier to produce for an even larger number of conspiracy theorists and spreaders of disinformation. Personalized,real-time chatbots could share conspiracy theories in increasingly credible and persuasive ways, researchers say,smoothing out human errors like poor syntax and mistranslations and advancing beyond easily discoverable copy-pastejobs. And they say that no available mitigation tactics can effectively combat it.
        Predecessors to ChatGPT, which was created by the company OpenAI, have been used for years to pepper onlineforums and social media platforms with comments and spam. Microsoft had to halt activity from its Tay chatbot within 24 hours of introducing it on Twitter in 2016 after trolls taught it to spew racist and xenophobic language. ChatGPT isfar more powerful and sophisticated. Supplied with questions loaded with disinformation, it can produce convincing,clean variations on the content within seconds, without disclosing its sources. Recently, Microsoft and OpenAI introduceda new Bing search engine and web browser that can use chatbot technology to plan vacations, translate texts or conductresearch.
        OpenAI researchers have long been nervous about chatbots falling into villainous hands. In a 2019 paper, they voicedtheir concern about their chatbot’s capabilities to lower costs of disinformation campaigns and aid in the malicious pursuitof monetary gains, particular political agendas, and/or desires to create chaos or confusion. OpenAI uses machines andhumans to monitor content that is fed into and produced by ChatGPT. The company relies on both its human AI trainersand feedback from users to identify and filter out toxic training data while teaching ChatGPT to produce better-informedresponses. OpenAI’s policies prohibit use of its technology to promote dishonesty, deceive or manipulate users or attemptto influence politics; the company offers a free moderation tool to handle content that promotes hate, self-harm, violenceor sex.

【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT done by ChatGPT designers in order to reduce disinformation?
(A) Warning users that ChatGPT may sometimes respond with biased answers.
(B) Using humans and algorithms to check improper content generated by ChatGPT.
(C) Avoiding grammatical errors and wrong translations in the produced texts.
(D) Hiring human AI trainers to remove bad training materials from the database.


38 Upon seeing a poisonous snake, most people would stand _____ like stone, not knowing what to do, let alone running away.
(A) obstructed
(B) obfuscated
(C) petrified
(D) prostrated


32 My father’s ______ was apparent as he looked at my report card, and I really wanted to flee.
(A) humility
(B) insolence
(C) meekness
(D) wrath


34 Denmark has an excellent ______ system. It ensures your quality of life once you retire from the workforce.
(A) instruction
(B) pension
(C) rotation
(D) sanctuary


39 It turned cold in the night and I ______ through the closet to find the plaid blanket from Scotland.
(A) rumbled
(B) rummaged
(C) ruminated
(D) rumpled


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
        Since March 2020, routine childhood immunization services have been disrupted on a global scale that may be unprecedented since the inception of expanded programs on immunization in the 1970s. Fifty-three percent of the 129 countries where data were available reported moderate-to-severe disruptions, or a total __41__ of vaccination services during March-April 2020. “Immunization is one of the most powerful and fundamental disease prevention tools in the history of public health,”said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Disruption to immunization programmes from the COVID-19 pandemic __42__ to unwind decades of progress against vaccine-preventable diseases like measles.”
       “At the 4 June Global Vaccine Summit in London, donors will __43__ their support to the Vaccine Alliance to sustain and accelerate this lifesaving work in some of the most vulnerable countries. From the bottom of my heart, I urge donors to fully fund the Alliance.”
        The reasons for disrupted services __44__ . Some parents are reluctant to leave home because of restrictions on movement, lack of information or because they fear __45__ with the COVID-19 virus. And many health workers are unavailable because of restrictions on travel, or redeployment to COVID response duties, as well as a lack of protective equipment.

(A) denounce
(B) pledge
(C) apply
(D) allow


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