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試卷測驗 - 93 年 - 93私醫聯招 英文#56062
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1. Diabetes is a serious disease, and, if left untreated, it may result in death.
(A)consent to
(B)lead to
(C)belong to
(D)adapt to


2. To be frank, I really don't want to do the group project.


3. Although the workload of his new job is very heavy, John seems to have dealt with it quite well.
(A)coped with
(B)associated with
(C)cooperated with
(D)combined with


4.The little boy was frightened by his father's awesome expression.


5. As early as the eleventh century, the Pueblo people dwelt in large cities that were constructed from boulders and mud bricks. 
(A)longed for 
(B)resided in 
(C)planned for 


6.A fly's wings are so thin that the veins show through.
(B)shoulder muscles
(D)blood vessels


7.Even animals that live strictly on land are capable of swimming.


8. This credit card is valid for six months.


9.The mortality rate is very high in that village.


10. Speech difficulties may sometimes be overcome if a person is shown where to place the tongue and teeth to make sounds.


11.Your explanation sounds plausible, but I’m not sure I believe it.


12.Not only do painkillers produce side effects, they can also be lethal.


13.He's in the hospital on a respirator.
(A)strict diet
(B)special bed to help his back problems
(C)machine to help him breathe
(D)machine that pumps bloods (as the heart does)


14.The company staff had a superficial knowledge of insurance.


15.In a formal paper, it is compulsory to use footnotes each time a source is quoted.


16.It is imperative that patients with mental illness take the drugs regularly to avoid high-risk situation.


17.It is hard for anyone to accept a reproof with good grace.


18. A vacuum is a space that __________ matter in it.
(A)not having
(B)not having been
(C)has no
(D)has not


19. Nevada has a limited water supply __________ light rainfall.
(A)because its
(B)is it because
(C)is because its
(D)because of its


20. Sunburn, __________ , is caused by ultraviolet rays.
(A)an inflammation of the skin
(B)is an inflammation of the skin
(C)that an inflammation of the skin is
(D)when there is an inflammation of the skin


21. She was interested in how__________ process the new information.
(A)rapid I could
(B)rapidly could I
(C)could I rapid
(D)rapidly I could


22. His __________ cocaine has had a serious effect on his family life.
(A)addict at
(B)addiction to
(C)addiction by
(D)addict by


23. Mr. Chen __________ tennis in Taipei for a couple of years before he moved to Taichung.
(A)has taught
(C)had taught


24. Effective supervisors __________ and understand the needs of their employees.
(A)know their work thoroughly
(B)work is thoroughly known
(C)thoroughly know their work is
(D)their work is thoroughly known


25. __________ is very much limited, we must concentrate on the essentials and ignore trifling details.
(A)Our time
(B)Because time
(C)Consequently time
(D)Time being

26( ).

26~50 題) 選出最適當的選項 Water, soil and the earth’s green mantle of plants make up the world that supports the animal life of the earth. Although a modern man seldom remembers the fact, he could not exist without the plants that harness the sun’s energy and manufacture the basic foodstuffs he depends 26 for life. Our attitude 27 plants is a singularly narrow one. If we see any immediate utility in a plant we foster it. 28 for any reason we find its presence undesirable, or merely a matter of indifference, we may condemn it to destruction. Besides the various plants 29 are poisonous to man or to his livestock, many are marked for destruction merely because, according to our narrow view, they are destroyed merely 30 they happen to be the associates of the unwanted plants.
【題組】 26.

27( ).


28( ).

(C)As if
(D)As though

29( ).


30( ).

(B)due to
(D)because of

31( ).

An endangered species is in immediate danger of dying out completely, or becoming extinct. Its numbers are low and it needs protection in order to survive. There are more than 1,000 endangered animal species worldwide; the Siberian tiger and the snow leopard are two examples. There are many factors that can cause an animal or plant species to become endangered. The main cause of species endangerment is humanity's destruction of both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Deforestation and soil, air, and water pollution can all destroy a habitat. Other natural causes, such as changes in the weather, can also introduce an exotic species to a new environment. This exotic species may not be able to live with the native species, and the result may be the destruction of the native species or its natural habitat. To preserve the quality of our lives, and the lives of future generations, we must protect plant and animal species now, and in the future.
【題組】31. In line 2, the word extinct means __________.
(A)very dangerous
(B)no longer living
(C)nearly dead
(D)not dead yet

32( ).

【題組】32. In line 11, the word exotic means __________.

33( ).

【題組】33. Which of the following statements about the passage is false?
(A)Introducing a foreign species into the natural habitat of another species can be dangerous.
(B)It is important to protect animals and plants because we need them to create many important medicines.
(C)There are more than 1,000 endangered animal species worldwide.
(D)Today, most species become endangered because people hurt them.

34( ).

【題組】34. In line 14, the word preserve means to __________.

35( ).

【題組】35. The topic of this passage should be
(A)Endangered Species
(B)The National Wildlife Federation
(C)Extinct Species
(D)The Threat of Pollution

36( ).

But the success of science, both its intellectual excitement and its practical application, depends upon the self-correcting character of science. There must be a way of testing any valid idea. It must be possible to reproduce any valid experiment. The character or beliefs of scientists are irrelevant; all that matters is whether the evidence supports their contentions. Arguments from authority simply do not count; too many authorities have been mistaken too often. I would like to see these very effective scientific modes of thought communicated by the schools and the media; and it would certainly be an astonishment and delight to see them introduced into politics. Scientists have been known to change their minds completely and publicly when presented with new evidence or new arguments. I cannot recall the last time a politician displayed a similar openness and willingness to change.
【題組】36. According to the passage, which of the following is most essential to scientists’ work?

37( ).

【題組】37. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A)An important characteristic of science
(B)The rewards of intellectual excitement
(C)Some similarities between politics and science
(D)Practical applications of an abstract theory

38( ).

【題組】38. The author implies that, in science, arguments from authority are __________.

39( ).

【題組】39. According to the passage, if a scientist repeats an experiment several times and does not produce similar results each time, the experiment must be

40( ).

【題組】40. What did the paragraph preceding the passage most probably discuss?
(B)Faulty information
(C)The achievements of science
(D)The achievements of science

41( ).

Scientists believe that the likelihood of contracting SARS is partially linked to the amount of virus a person is exposed to, so super-spreaders may be shedding a larger number of viruses than ordinary patients. Infectees whose immune systems have already been compromised by a previous illness—the suspected Amoy Gardens super-spreader, for instance, had a pre-existing kidney condition—might become viral factories, pumping out huge viral loads. Super-spreaders might also be cross-infected with the coronavirus and one of the other pathogens that have been found in some SARS patients—the paramyxovirus or the respiratory-transmitted chlamydia pneumonia bacteria—which could somehow enhance both the disease's transmissibility and virulence.

【題組】41. What is this report mainly about?
(A)the symptoms of SARS
(B)the impact of SARS on the medical profession
(C)the influence of super-spreaders on a SARS infection
(D)the characteristics of a super-spreader

42( ).

【題組】42. The word likelihood in the passage can be best replaced by __________.

43( ).

【題組】43. The word super-spreaders in the passage refers to __________.
(A)those who work in the hospital
(B)individuals who fall sick of a serious illness
(C)those who suffer from kidney problems
(D)infected individuals who appear to be much more contagious

44( ).

【題組】44. Why does the author mention Amoy Gardens in the passage?
(A)Because the author wants to give an example of the suspected super-spreader.
(B)Because the author wants to explain the symptoms of SARS.
(C)Because Amoy Gardens is a SARS victim.
(D)Because Amoy Gardens is the one who suffers from kidney problems.

45( ).

【題組】45. Which of the following sentences best sums up this passage?
(A)Amoy Gardens has been infected with the coronavirus.
(B)Transmissibility and virulence are the symptoms of SARS.
(C)The likelihood of contracting SARS is closely related to kidney problems.
(D)Super-spreaders tend to be more contagious than the average SARS patients.

46( ).

Birds do it. Cats do it. And Spaniards most especially do it—every day, in broad daylight. They nap. Grown adults—executives, teachers, civil servants—wink off in the middle of the workday. From 1 or 2 o'clock to 4:30 or so every afternoon, Spain stops the world for a stroll home, a leisure meal, and a few z's. Common Market technocrats have informed the Spanish that this is not the way things will get done in a unified Europe. At a time when productivity is the world's largest religion, the siesta tradition lives on. In Spain, work operates under the command of life, instead of the other way around. No task is so critical that it can't wait a couple of hours while you attend to more important matters like eating, relaxing, or catching up on sleep. When the midday break hits, offices empty and streets clear. Befuddled foreigners quickly learn that they have entered a new circadian order.
【題組】46. During the midday break in Spain, people __________.
(A)go home for lunch or sleep
(B)do errands
(C)make business calls
(D)go shopping

47( ).

【題組】47. The word siesta in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to the word __________.

48( ).

【題組】48. It can be inferred from the paragraphs that business people in other European countries __________.
(A)hope the siesta tradition could be introduced to their countries
(B)think the siesta tradition is unproductive
(C)think that the siesta tradition will grow popular
(D)agree that napping is good

49( ).

【題組】49. Which comes first for the Spanish?
(C)Quality of life

50( ).

【題組】50. The overall tone of these paragraphs is__________.
(A)serious and academic
(B)scientific and technical
(D)light and informative


試卷測驗 - 93 年 - 93私醫聯招 英文#56062-阿摩線上測驗
