(59 秒)
【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 地特四等◆法學知識2024~2015難度:(41~45)
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19 有關普通法與特別法之敘述,下列何者錯誤?


4 There is a sale at the electronic store and all computers are ____________by 20%.
(C) preserved


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
    Are you interested in making a French omelet? Below are some steps you may follow: First, whisk together the eggs until just mixed, then season. Lay out any fillings by the hob. Second, heat a pan over a medium-high flame and add the butter and “swirl” to coat. When the foam begins to die down, pour in the eggs. They should sizzle. Third, shake the pan to distribute the eggs evenly, then leave for 20 seconds until they begin to bubble. Add any filling such as onion, corn, mushrooms, etc. Next, use a fork to draw in the sides of the eggs to the center while shaking the pan to redistribute the liquid to the edges. The omelet is done when still slightly runny in the middle. Finally, take off the heat, and fold two edges into the middle. Shake the pan so they roll together, then tilt it and turn your omelet on to a warm plate (you can tidy it up before serving if you like). Season with salt and pepper, and then eat immediately! 
   What’s your favorite omelet recipe, and are you a stirrer or a shaker? And can these delicate French omelets ever compete with a whopping British half moon, oozing with cheese, and served with chips?

【題組】48 Which of the following ingredients is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) Corn.
(B) Onion.
(C) Tomatoes.
(D) Mushrooms.


24 Children have a higher _____ of getting a cold than adults because they are less aware of prevention habits, such as regularly washing their hands.
(A) cause
(B) risk
(C) time
(D) price



二、中譯英:(10 分)
班機因故延誤或取消時,航空公司應立即透過傳播媒體管道提供相關資訊予大眾,對於未搭機之乘客尤應善盡告知責任,其中旅行團部分 除由航空公司提供資訊予旅行社轉知乘客外,旅行社亦應於已知班機可能無法正常起降時主動與航空公司聯繫,並儘速通知乘客,避免發生乘客滯留機場之情事。


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 地特四等◆法學知識2024~2015難度:(41~45)-阿摩線上測驗
