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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 中國醫藥大學_學士班寒假轉學招生考試:英文#105927
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1. Omicron was totally or partially resistant to neutralization by all mAbs tested. Sera from Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine recipients, sampled 5 months after complete vaccination, barely _____ Omicron.
(A) inhibited
(B) released
(C) demonstrated
(D) facilitated


2. When President Barack Obama was done, the crowd rose and clapped vigorously. Yet, at the question and answer session, attentive spectators and audience _____ several points about the given speech.
(A) inclined
(B) increased
(C) raised
(D) nourished


3. Every fiber in the boxer’s muscles _____ in anticipation when the fight was about to begin.
(A) swayed
(B) relaxed
(C) stretched out
(D) tensed


4. Many families create their own colors at home, using dyes ____ from flowers.
(A) inhibited
(B) extracted
(C) incorporated
(D) inserted


5. They received a(n) ____ of letters in reply to the advertisement.
(A) avalanche
(B) amount
(C) rain
(D) blanket


6. Most of the building remains intact even after the impact of the earthquake.
(A) undamaged
(B) imperfect
(C) diminished
(D) partial


7. One group of ancient people stalled temporarily in the Middle East, while the other commenced a journey that would last tens of thousands of years.

(A) stopped

(B) completed

(C) halted

(D) initiated


8. The government should provide a list of products that are potentially hazardous to health.
(A) detrimental
(B) beneficial
(C) harmless
(D) favorable


9. Adele’s relentless pursuit of perfection has made her a successful person.
(A) recurrent
(B) ceaseless
(C) occasional
(D) intermittent


10. The future prosperity of the country depends on economic growth.
(A) frivolity
(B) affluence
(C) inferiority
(D) slump


11. James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo’s contributions to cancer study were ___ those of Albert Einstein.
(A) More important than
(B) important than
(C) as important as
(D) the most important


12. Computers and other electronic equipment become obsolete in just a few years, ______ customers with little choice but _____ newer ones to keep up with the trend and fulfill their desire.
(A) left; bought
(B) to leave; to buy
(C) to leave; buying
(D) leaving; to buy


13. With a team ___ 17 Omnis and 10 Westerners, our ship Sohar departs Muscat on November 23.
(A) comprised of
(B) consisted of
(C) composing of
(D) combined of


14. Paintings of Egyptians ___ over 4,000 years show both men and women painting their nails and wearing makeup.
(A) date back
(B) dated back
(C) dates back
(D) dating back


15. In recent years in many industrialized nations, tattooing, henna body art, and, to a lesser degree, scarring ___ in popularity.
(A) gain
(B) gained
(C) gaining
(D) have been gaining


16. It is no doubt a fact that _____ form of energy.
(A) electricity is the most useful
(B) electricity the most useful
(C) the most useful in electricity
(D) electricity being the most useful


17. In ___ of the perfect beach, travel writer Stanley Stewart heads to brazil, where he discovers some of the world’s most beautiful sandy escapes.
(A) pursue
(B) pursued
(C) pursuit
(D) pursuing


18. _____ flying, a bat emits a rapid series of ultrasonic signals, which bounce off any object in its path.
(A) When it is
(B) When it
(C) When is
(D) It is


19. The tips of some undersea mountains _____ islands in the middle of the ocean.
(A) forming
(B) form
(C) they form
(D) to form


20. Training this way requires an athlete to be not only ___ but ___ as well.
(A) physical fitting … psychological healthy
(B) physical fitting … psychologically healthy
(C) physically fit … psychologically healthy
(D) physical fit … psychological healthy

21( ).

III. Cloze: Choose the BEST answer for each blank in the passage.
 Passage 1
       In 1982, Hugh Herr and a friend set out on a climbing expedition in New Hampshire, but partway through the hike they found themselves in the middle of a fierce blizzard. They soon lost their__21__. in the storm, and ended up wandering through the woods for three days and nights. Exposed to the elements, the climbers became weak and gradually began to lose__ 22.__   in their limbs. 
       Hugh and his friend were eventually rescued and taken to safety, but doctors were unable to __23.__ Hugh’s legs. Hugh had to replace his legs with a pair of prosthetics. It took many __24.__   surgeries before Hugh could even walk on his prosthetic limbs. But still Hugh wanted to climb. So, he constructed a number of prosthetic legs specially __25.__ for climbing. Instead of __26.__  his ability to climb, Hugh’s new legs gave him some advantages over other climbers.
 Hugh had discovered a new passion. He earned his PhD in biophysics and now designs advanced prosthetics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is developing ways to allow the brain to directly __27.__ a prosthesis. If Hugh’s ideas are __28.__ successfully, they could represent a revolution in the field of prosthetics.

【題組】 21.
(A) orientation
(B) expectation
(C) arrangement
(D) confusion

22( ).

(A) sensation
(B) emotion
(C) passion
(D) impression

23( ).

(A) leave
(B) surrender
(C) abandon
(D) salvage

24( ).

(A) plain
(B) effortless
(C) problematic
(D) intricate

25( ).

(A) futile
(B) adapted
(C) idled
(D) objectionable

26( ).

(A) increasing
(B) concluding
(C) enhancing
(D) compromising

27( ).

(A) crush
(B) retract
(C) manipulate
(D) shatter

28( ).

(A) implemented
(B) terminated
(C) disregarded
(D) suspended

29( ).

Passage 2
 By the time Genghis Khan died in 1227, he had fathered__29.___  children by several wives, but it was his son Ogodei who was chosen to rule his empire as Great Khan. Under Ogodei, who ruled from 1229 to his death in 1241, the __30.__ of the already immense Mongol Empire stretched into Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and China. Ogodei proved that he and his armies were just as __31.__ as those of his father, killing great numbers of enemies without mercy. Ogodei loved food and drink. He built a palace in the Mongol capital which had a(n) __32.__ silver fountain decorated with animals. Instead of water, the fountain poured out wine and other strong drinks. In fact, some believe it was his excessive drinking that killed him.

(A) reputation
(B) numerous
(C) numbered
(D) fierce

30( ).

(A) extent
(B) amount
(C) reputation
(D) discipline

31( ).

(A) infuriated
(B) decayed
(C) elegant
(D) fierce

32( ).

(A) elegant
(B) hideous
(C) unsightly
(D) miserly

33( ).

Passage 3
 The sales of guns in the United States are strictly __33. __; licenses are required for all guns. When people try to legally purchase guns in the United States, the seller automatically__ 34.__ CJIS (FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Service Division). CJIS then checks their computers to see if the purchaser has any criminal records that would prevent him or her from owning a gun. In addition, police __35.__ some 50,000 fingerprints to CJIS every day for checking.

(A) regulated
(B) opposed
(C) relayed
(D) installed

34( ).

(A) uploads
(B) commits
(C) alerts
(D) conceals

35( ).

(A) retained
(B) relayed
(C) withheld
(D) kept

36( ).

IV. Reading Comprehension: Choose the BEST answer to each question/statement below according to what is stated and implied in each passage .
                   Who Was King Khufu? 
         King Khufu was the leader, or pharaoh, of Egypt who governed his country from 2589 to 2566 B.C. He ordered the building of the largest structure in the world at that time, the Great Pyramid at Giza. It is almost 150 meters tall and was completed around 2560 B.C. Experts say that it is made up of about 2.3 million stone blocks. No one is absolutely sure, but apparently it took about 23 years to complete. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that is still standing today. It was also the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years.
          Khufu also played an important role in helping to strengthen Egypt. In order to build the Great Pyramid, he got thousands of ordinary Egyptians to come to Giza to work on it. He also made the people of Giza give food, water, and beer to the visiting workers. The building of the pyramid brought together large groups of people from all over the country for the first time. Building the pyramid became Egypt's most important job – something everyone could be proud of. This helped to unite the people and strengthen the country.

【題組】36. The purpose of the passage is to describe ____.
(A) one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
(B) the way ancient Egyptians lived
(C) what King Khufu did for his country
(D) how ordinary Egyptians helped to strengthen their country

37( ).

【題組】37. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
(A) Thousands of Egyptians came to Giza to live.
(B) Building the Great Pyramid was very difficult.
(C) The people of Giza helped the visiting workers.
(D) Building the Great Pyramid helped to strengthen Egypt.

38( ).

【題組】38. In paragraph 1, sentence 5, the word apparently means ____.
(A) unfortunately
(B) exactly
(C) probably
(D) usually

39( ).

【題組】39. In paragraph 2, sentence 2, the word it refers to ____.
(A) ordinary Egyptians
(B) the pyramid
(C) groups of people
(D) King Khufu's sons

40( ).

【題組】40. Which statement about the Great Pyramid is NOT true?
(A) It took thousands of workers to build it.
(B) It took over 20 years to build it.
(C) It was probably finished in the year 2560 B.C.
(D) It contained about 3.2 million stone blocks.

41( ).

How Safe is Safe? 
        The United States believes that it has the safest food in the world. Maybe so, maybe not. Each year one in four citizens suffers from a food-related illness, and some 5,000 people die from something they ate. From field to kitchen, risks crop up everywhere.
        The chief topics of discussion one midsummer afternoon in a conference room at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are ground beef, eggs, salad, a kind of nut called an almond, and a green plant called cilantro used to flavor dishes. This is not a conversation about the lunch menu, but a review of nationwide occurrences of disease caused by food. At the table are 26 epidemiologists – medical detectives charged with investigating the mysterious links between contaminated foods and the illnesses they trigger.
        The stories are not those you might expect to hear, of people getting sick from drinking raw milk or eating food left too long in the hot sun at a picnic. Instead, they are accounts of people made sick by eating ordinary fruits and vegetables such as oranges and tomatoes, or from consuming carefully-prepared foods such as salads, hamburgers, and chicken dishes. The problem foods were served in kitchens, restaurants and nursing homes, and at churches, temples, family gatherings and child-care centers. They were distributed to many towns, in many states nationwide.
        On the face of it, you would not associate the word 'risk' with eating, an essential part of life. However, in recent years we've been presented with troubling information about a wide variety of the dangerous substances found in our food supply. For example, chemicals used to kill pests remain on our fruits and troubling amounts of poisonous metals appear in our fish. Although skeptics point out that some of them shown were to be false shortly after being announced, most of us of find it hard to be optimistic about the safety of our food supply. A revolution in the way our food is produced and prepared has led to a compromise in food safety (and some say nutrition), where problems could start even before the foods have reached the supermarket. You may think you know enough about safe eating. You may be diligent about buying safe foods and cleaning and cooking them properly. You know which dishes to order in restaurants and which to avoid. But the food safety experts and the epidemiologists at the CDC may not agree with you. They want you to rethink the way you view food and make safe food practices an integral part of your everyday life. People who grew up in the last century may remember how delicious home-baked cookies are. They also probably remember eating cookie dough, that sweet, melting mix of butter, brown sugar, and raw eggs. They probably licked the bowl frequently over the years with no ill effect, the wisdom being that one should avoid only raw eggs with broken shells which might allow poisons in.
        But now food experts agree that even a perfect egg may not be safe. It may contain Salmonella enteritidis which can cause fever and serious stomach problems, even a life-threatening infection. It can get originate from the chicken itself, infecting her eggs before the shells are formed. It is now compulsory that all eggs sold in the U.S. carry a safe-handling label telling people to keep them in the refrigerator, and to cook all foods containing eggs thoroughly before eating them to diminish the risks of falling ill.
       These precautions notwithstanding, a 1994 case involving contaminated ice cream caused one of the largest occurrences of salmonella poisoning ever recorded. Trucks transporting the premix for Schwan's, a widely distributed brand of ice cream, carried traces of raw eggs contaminated with Salmonella enteritidis. The outbreak sickened an estimated 224,000 people in 48 states. Of course this doesn't mean we should stop eating ice cream or other foods we love. They're just a reminder that we should always think about possible risks in the foods we eat and make wise decisions about what we put in our mouths.

【題組】41. The story is mainly about ____.
(A) the CDC and how it does its job
(B) pests that threaten our food
(C) compulsory labeling of food products
(D) threats to the safety of our food

42( ).

【題組】42. In paragraph 2 sentence 3, another way to say “charged with investigating” is ____.
(A) worried about investigating
(B) who pay people to investigate
(C) whose job it is to investigate
(D) excited about investigating

43( ).

【題組】43. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
(A) Many people get sick from drinking raw milk.
(B) Contaminated foods are found in a wide variety of places.
(C) Carefully-prepared foods are generally found to be safe.
(D) Fruits and vegetables can be contaminated.

44( ).

【題組】44. In the last sentence of paragraph 3, the word they refers to ____.
(A) ordinary fruits and vegetables
(B) carefully-prepared foods
(C) problem foods
(D) stories

45( ).

【題組】45. The largest occurrence of salmonella poisoning ____.
(A) made over 200,000 people sick
(B) happened recently in the U.S.
(C) affected people in all 50 states
(D) was caused by eggs served in restaurants

46( ).

                                             Robot Abuse? 
         The field of robotics is booming and scientists are developing ever more complex types of robots. But as machines evolve from being mere devices to possessing artificial intelligence, some scientists are calling for laws to help prevent possible human abuse of robots, as well as potential robot abuse of humans. In fact, the government of South Korea considered this issue so vital that it started drawing up a code of ethics to prevent both types of abuse. South Korea's Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy announced that this Robot Ethics Charter would cover standards for robotics users and manufacturers, as well as suggestions for ethical standards to be programmed into robots. "The move anticipates the day when robots, particularly intelligent service robots, could become a part of daily life as greater technological advancements are made," the ministry said in a statement. 
        A group of futurists (people who predict future events and conditions) and a science-fiction writer were chosen to work on the charter. They count among their colleagues Gianmarco Veruggio of the School of Robotics in Genoa, Italy, who is recognized as a leading authority on roboethics, or the moral treatment of robots. "Robotics is a new science with manifold applications that can assist humans and solve many, many problems," he said. "However, as in every field of science and technology, sensitive areas open up, and it is the specific responsibility of the scientists who work in this field to face this new array of social and ethical problems."
        South Korea possesses one of the world's most high-tech societies. The country's Ministry of Information and Communication is working on plans to put a robot in every South Korean home by 2020. The new charter aims to gradually establish some basic rules for human interaction with robots in the future. The main focus of the charter appears to be dealing with social problems they foresee, such as human control over robots and humans who might prefer interacting with robots than with humans.
        The forthcoming document will also provide insight into legal issues, such as the protection of data acquired by robots and establishing clear identification and traceability of the machines. Veruggio talks about how technological advances have introduced new models of human-machine relationships that may bring different ethical challenges. "Think of...military applications of robotics, of robots in children's rooms," he said.
        The South Korean charter is not entirely different from science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov's three laws of robotics. The laws, familiar to many science-fiction readers, were first put forward by Asimov in his 1942 short story "Runaround": robots may not injure humans or, through inaction, allow humans to come to harm; robots must obey human orders unless they conflict with the first law; robots must protect themselves if this does not conflict with the other laws. On the surface, the laws seem to make sense. Nonetheless, robot researchers say that Asimov's laws---and the South Korean charter---belong to the area of science-fiction and are not yet applicable to their field.
        "While I applaud the Korean effort to establish a robot ethics charter, I fear it might be premature to use Asimov's laws as a starter," said Mark Tilden, the designer of RoboSapien, a robot toy. Current robot intelligence is only a fraction of what they are in Asimov's stories, so assuming today's robots have morals remains a fantasy. Hiroshi Ishiguru of Osaka University, who helped create a female android, a human-like robot, agrees: "If we have a more intelligent vehicle, who takes the responsibility when it has an accident? We can ask the same question of a robot. Robots do not have human-level intelligence. It is rather similar to a vehicle today." Perhaps scientists should  focus on finding a way to reproduce human intelligence and bridge the technology gap first, before considering the issue of robot ethics.

【題組】46. The purpose of the reading is to ____.
(A) describe a plan to write laws about how humans and robots should interact
(B) explain some of the problems of human-robot interaction that have occurred
(C) show why the South Korean government wants to put a robot in every home
(D) give the reader background information about how robots work

47( ).

【題組】47. What is the main idea of paragraph 6?
(A) The Korean robotic ethics charter is a good idea.
(B) Asimov's laws of robotics are not practical.
(C) Today's robots don't have a moral sense.
(D) Robots should not be held responsible for their accidents.

48( ).

【題組】48. In paragraph 2, sentence 3, the word manifold means ____.
(A) very few useful
(B) some dangerous
(C) a wide variety of
(D) some worthless

49( ).

【題組】49. According to the reading, South Korea plans to ____ by 2020.
(A) use robots for military applications
(B) develop a human-like robot
(C) finish the Robot Ethics Charter
(D) have a robot in every home

50( ).

【題組】50. In the last sentence of paragraph 5, the word their refers to ____.
(A) the robots’
(B) the humans’
(C) the researchers’
(D) the science fiction admirers’


試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 中國醫藥大學_學士班寒假轉學招生考試:英文#105927-阿摩線上測驗
