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請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
For most of its history, America was precisely the “polyglot boardinghouse” Teddy Roosevelt once worried it wouldbecome. That history has turned out very well not just for America, but for English—the most successful language in thehistory of the world. __31__ with American power, English has spread around the globe. At home, wave after wave ofimmigrants to America have not only learned English but __32__ the languages their parents brought with them.Today the typical pattern is that the arriving generation speaks little English, or learns it __33__ ; the first children born inAmerica are __34__ , but English-dominant, and their children hardly speak the __35__ language. This is as true of Hispanicsas it is of speakers of smaller languages.

(A) appreciated
(B) decoded
(C) forgotten
(D) studied


(A) impossibly
(B) imperfectly
(C) indefinitely
(D) intentionally


(A) heritage
(B) source
(C) sign
(D) target


42 Migration statistics reports often underestimate the level of migration due to illegal or ______ immigration.
(A) clandestine
(B) delusive
(C) submissive
(D) legitimate


43 When the time comes for your relative to immigrate, you must agree to be his or her financial ______ by filing Form I-864, Affidavit of Support.
(A) presenter
(B) inheritor
(C) beneficiary
(D) sponsor


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
 How an iceberg travels across the sea is sometimes unpredictable. When an iceberg breaks off from a glacier, it can  __46__  for thousands of miles, traveling freely across the open ocean. But last week, an iceberg’s journey was interrupted when it got stuck on a __47__ part of the seafloor along Greenland’s western coast. In other words, the icebergwas grounded—and it had __48__ itself right beside the small island village of Innaarsuit. Such grounded icebergs areactually pretty common, says Fiamma Straneo, who has traveled about 20 times to Greenland’s ice sheet for her work atthe Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. What’s unique about the iceberg by Innaarsuit is both its sizeand its __49__ to the village. A grounded iceberg experiences ocean water pushing at it in one direction and the seafloorpushing in another—a __50__ that makes it easy for limbs to break off with a splash that can rock boats or flood coasts.The iceberg might even do an entire somersault in the water. Across the world, from the Canadian Arctic to Patagonia inArgentina, that shedding is both a tourist attraction and an issue of concern. The larger the iceberg, the larger the wavesit causes if it breaks apart.

(A) hollow
(B) shallow
(C) mellow
(D) hallow


(A) lodged
(B) dodged
(C) nudged
(D) judged


34 Denmark has an excellent ______ system. It ensures your quality of life once you retire from the workforce.
(A) instruction
(B) pension
(C) rotation
(D) sanctuary


39 It turned cold in the night and I ______ through the closet to find the plaid blanket from Scotland.
(A) rumbled
(B) rummaged
(C) ruminated
(D) rumpled


40 The ______ of natural resources is not accidental, because many physical factors need to be in place, such as the land, climate and altitude to form such a wide area of coal mine.
(A) deprivation
(B) delegation
(C) dissertation
(D) distribution


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
        Since March 2020, routine childhood immunization services have been disrupted on a global scale that may be unprecedented since the inception of expanded programs on immunization in the 1970s. Fifty-three percent of the 129 countries where data were available reported moderate-to-severe disruptions, or a total __41__ of vaccination services during March-April 2020. “Immunization is one of the most powerful and fundamental disease prevention tools in the history of public health,”said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “Disruption to immunization programmes from the COVID-19 pandemic __42__ to unwind decades of progress against vaccine-preventable diseases like measles.”
       “At the 4 June Global Vaccine Summit in London, donors will __43__ their support to the Vaccine Alliance to sustain and accelerate this lifesaving work in some of the most vulnerable countries. From the bottom of my heart, I urge donors to fully fund the Alliance.”
        The reasons for disrupted services __44__ . Some parents are reluctant to leave home because of restrictions on movement, lack of information or because they fear __45__ with the COVID-19 virus. And many health workers are unavailable because of restrictions on travel, or redeployment to COVID response duties, as well as a lack of protective equipment.

(A) promotion
(B) suspension
(C) sustenance
(D) persistence


(A) promises
(B) refers
(C) threatens
(D) rejects


(A) vary
(B) defer
(C) deter
(D) verify


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
        Turns out that “coupling” doesn’t just mean “pairing” in the traditional sense, but is also a catchphrase when it comes to finances. As we head into wedding season, it’s especially relevant. Because as much as you may think no two people have ever been more in love than you are, the truth is that it could be less than smooth sailing ahead if you’re not on the same page when it comes to financial matters. “Couples have a very hard time talking about money,” Joan Atwood,a Hofstra University professor of marriage and family therapy, bemoaned on an NPR “Money Coach” segment on the issue. “I would say it’s the last taboo.” 
        You have probably discussed life goals in a dreamy sort of way while dating, but turning those reveries into reality requires habitually saving to pay for them and to finance your later retirement years. This is most likely one thing you may not have thought of at a time when the median ages, respectively, for brides and grooms are 29 and 31. “While people may come into a marriage with their own assets, they need to take some time after the wedding to sit down and start getting organized as a couple,” advised a famous investment company. 
       One thing that needs to be done is be transparent about your personal finances. There’s nothing that says you have to put all your cash into a joint account – but at the very least you’d be “less than truthful” by not divulging anyoutstanding debts – and then figuring out, together, how to pay them down. It is also important that you two develop away to retain vital information in case a sudden need arises. To truly mark your financial coupling, you might consider using a trustworthy online service that lets you store, access and share all your new family’s important records anddocuments anywhere via a web browser or an app. With all the other things on their to-do lists, newlyweds typically don’t focus on all the important financial and other documents they need to begin married life on a solid footing, but itwill make things easier for them from the start, as well as through the years as they have even more joint documents toretain – including those related to perhaps buying a house and having children.

【題組】46 In what tone is this passage written?
(A) Informative.
(B) Ironical.
(C) Pessimistic.
(D) Subjective.


34 The ever declining birthrate could have pretty serious _____ for the country’s future development.
(A) imperatives
(B) impeachment
(C) implications
(D) imperialism

16( ).

35 The tall handsome left-handed pitcher, who was thought to be a rising star in baseball, has become a ______ to his team since a severe injury in his left shoulder.
(A) frugality
(B) liability
(C) propensity
(D) tenacity

17( ).

37 Studies have shown that early adversity can have a profound lifelong effect on one’s coping with personal development, social relationships, and career _____.
(A) counseling
(B) statistics
(C) professionals
(D) trajectories

18( ).

38 New projects ____ to years of fighting among interest groups and endless political quarrels.
(A) capitalized
(B) succumbed
(C) interrogated
(D) approached

19( ).

39 Many scholars have reported that a recent publication on the gender pay gap is highly ________ ; they particularly criticize the reach team’s sampling procedure.
(A) contentious
(B) convincing
(C) commendable
(D) considerable

20( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
      In business or in daily life, when dealing with the things we know, we can plan accordingly and expect them to go as planned. However good business or personal plans may be, they can sometimes __41__       because of unexpected events or circumstances, which are often called contingencies. Success sometimes reflects the number of calculated risks we are willing to take, both personally and professionally. That is why contingency planning is so important for it allows active risk management and __42__ preparation rather than reactive decisions when faced with an emergency, which can result in failure.
       In business a contingency, either externally or internally, is generally negative, and it may influence the financial health, professional image, or market share of a company. __43__ , such unexpected development can likewise be a surprising windfall, for example, a giant order. Anything __44__          that upsets a company’s normal operation can hurt the company regardless of the possibility that the interruption is a direct result of a windfall. It should, therefore, be a normal part of the business planning process to __45__ potential threats and opportunities. Seeing to this can ensure that specific contingency plans and resources are well-prepared to deal with them.

(A) die out
(B) make up
(C) get set
(D) go awry

21( ).

(A) downsize
(B) embrace
(C) pinpoint
(D) offend

22( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Before there were alarm clocks, how did people wake up at a specific time they wanted to in the morning? Since the Industrial Revolution began in the 1780s, people had been finding ways to make sure they got to work on time. Back then, a knocker-up, also known as a “knocker-upper,” started as a profession to wake people up by knocking on their doors or windows.
      Even though alarm clocks had been invented in 1787 by American inventor, Levi Hutchins, they were not yet available to the general public in Britain or Ireland. It was common for people in these places to hire knocker-ups to wake the mup in the morning. Half a century after the invention of alarm clocks, Frenchman Antoine Redier patented an adjustable alarm clock in 1847. Still, mechanical alarm clocks were not cheap or widely available. Well into the 1920s, most workers in Britain would rather hire knocker-ups.
        Knocker-ups used a variety of methods to wake up their clients. Some used a baton, or a short, heavy stick, to knock on the client’s door. Some used a long and light stick made of bamboo to reach the client’s window on a higher floor.Still others used a pea-shooter, through which small objects can be blown, to shoot dried peas at their clients’ windows.Their job was to rouse the sleeping clients, and they certainly came up with creative ways to achieve this goal. Knocker-ups would not leave a client’s door or window until they made sure that the client had been awaken.
       There were large numbers of people carrying out the job, especially in large industrial towns such as Manchester.Knocker-ups were generally elderly men and women, but sometimes police officers would take on the job to earn extra income by performing the task during early morning patrols. But who woke the knocker-uppers? A tongue-twister from the time goes like this:
We had a knocker-up, and our knocker-up had a knocker-up
And our knocker-up’s knocker-up didn’t knock our knocker up
So our knocker-up didn’t knock us up
‘Cos he’s not up.

        By the 1950s, knocking up had gradually died out in most places due to the wide spread of electricity and affordable alarm clocks. Today, people merely read about anecdotes regarding how knocker-ups woke up their clients creatively or a fun tongue-twister like the one above.

【題組】46 What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
(A) To make noise on windows, knocker-ups often relied on long, light bamboo sticks.
(B) To accomplish their tasks, knocker-ups would not leave until their clients woke up.
(C) To wake up their clients, knocker-ups used a tool from which they could shoot dried peas.
(D) To ensure a successful job, knocker-ups had adopted several creative knocking-up methods.

23( ).

【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The alarm clock was patented by an American inventor in 1787.
(B) People continued to hire knocker-ups even after the alarm clocks were invented.
(C) In Britain and Ireland today, knocker-ups are still doing their jobs in industrial towns.
(D) During their morning patrols, police officers would watch out for knocker-ups’ safety.

24( ).

【題組】48 Which of the following best replaces “anecdotes” in the last paragraph?
(A) stories
(B) effects
(C) problems
(D) accidents

25( ).

【題組】50 Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Knocker-ups preferred to get into the houses of their clients’ to wake them up.
(B) Antoine Redier made a fortune by selling mechanical alarm clocks to workers.
(C) British workers greatly appreciated Levi Hutchin’s invention of the alarm clock.
(D) Police officers during the Industrial Revolution were not paid very well at work.


