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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2023難度:(1~25)
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4 Many religious______are held throughout the country every year to attract numerous visitors.
(A) doctrines
(B) proposals
(C) festivals
(D) strategies


1 Many experts agree that the secret to a happy life is keeping a _____ between work and play.
(A) balance
(B) deficit
(C) passage
(D) diary


33 A lot of people are__________ gathered in the square to witness and celebrate a local festival.
(A) facially
(B) joyfully
(C) mentally
(D) sexually


35 After several failures, Steve felt__________ and wanted to give up.
(A) frustrated
(B) encouraged
(C) excited
(D) concentrated


37 You will never succeed if you__________ to try all and over again.
(A) return
(B) refrain
(C) refuse
(D) review


35 The European Commission _____ TikTok from most of its employees’ phones, citing security concerns.


43 If_______ skills are taught in school, students will know how to save their own lives in the wilderness.


35 Unless viewed with a microscope, neither ______nor viruses can be seen by the naked eye.
(A) bacteria
(B) deadlines
(C) portraits
(D) wildlife


37 The bar creates a relaxing ______, and this makes it a good place for gatherings.
(A) hemisphere
(B) atmosphere
(C) horizon
(D) astonishment


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       When initiating a conversation, note how close you are standing to the person opposite you. Personal space is an essential concept in many cultures, and how much or little you give often __41__ the first impression you make. __42__ , in most Western nations, locals do not like standing close to one another. In these countries, it is customary for people to back away when they feel their space has been __43__ . On the other hand, South Americans stand in close __44__ to one another. When you are meeting one of them, keep in mind that it’s __45__ to step backwards during a conversation. A good rule of thumb is to stand at least an arm’s length away from your speaking partner.

(A) affects
(B) upsets
(C) defeats
(D) reduces


36 Since the AI technology is becoming highly developed, many people start to worry that human beings may be________ by robots or other artificial devices in the near future.
(A) rejected
(B) retrieved
(C) replaced
(D) repressed


10 You had better not drink that milk. I think it _______ several days ago.
(A) inspired
(B) retired
(C) respired
(D) expired


14 The furniture company already committed to making all its new products from eco-friendly, renewable and _______ materials.
(A) recycled
(B) removed
(C) repaired
(D) reprinted


15 About 600 residents were safely evacuated from their village before the volcano started to _______ .
(A) transform
(B) conceal
(C) erupt
(D) assemble


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題
Bertie, a dog, had been left in a car in direct sunlight on the roof level of the multistory car park in SaffronWalden at midday yesterday. Firefighters were called to __16__ it from a boiling car after supermarket staffcouldn’t find its owner. While Bertie was __17__ in the car, its owner was shopping in the supermarket.Firefighters then broke a window to __18__ it. DogsTrust, a dog welfare charity,  __19__ that pets can die in just 20 minutes if left in a hot car, even if the windows are left open. Saffron Walden Fire Station is now urgingpet owners to keep pet safety and welfare in mind, as the UK is set for soaring __20__ this weekend.

(A) adopt
(B) feed
(C) highlight
(D) rescue


(A) accompanied
(B) imitated
(C) transported
(D) trapped


(A) insure
(B) please
(C) obtain
(D) release


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
We know that a lack of sleep will prevent your brain from being able to make new memories, so it’s __21__  withoutsleep the memory inbox of the brain shuts down and you can’t commit new experiences to memory. So thosenew __22__ informational emails are just bounced. You can’t essentially make and create those newmemories. We also know that a lack of sleep will __23__ an increased development of a toxic protein in thebrain and that is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is during deep sleep at night __24__ a sewage systemwithin the brain starts to wash away this toxic protein. So if you’re not getting __25__ sleep each and everynight, more of that Alzheimer’s-related protein will build up.

(A) enough
(B) light
(C) rough
(D) slight


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
       Although it started as a produce market, the Covent Garden shopping area in London is now filled withmany interesting shops.__21__ in 1661, Covent Garden soon became the market for London and thecountry’s southeast, and all the main shops and restaurants bought their fruits, flowers, and vegetablesthere. In the 1920s, __22__ , Covent Garden’s market closed. For many years, the large warehouse andsurrounding areas remained__23__ . Then, in the 1960s, new shops began to open. By the 1980s, the largemarket building__ 24__ a shopping center. Today, many stores sell fashionable clothing, perfumes, books,and gifts for the home. These stores__25__ inside the original market building and along the streetsnearby. Once again, Covent Garden is a popular shopping area.

(A) accordingly
(B) however
(C) indeed
(D) likewise


33 Liars are believed to tend to blink frequently because lying is ______ and makes one nervous.
(A) cheerful
(B) light-hearted
(C) stressful
(D) easy-going


35 It is usually not a good time to ______ in the stock market when the economy is in deep recession.
(A) absorb
(B) invest
(C) oppose
(D) shovel


36 Schools should train students to think ______ and creatively in order to make sound decisions and solve complex problems.
(A) drunkenly
(B) logically
(C) miserably
(D) seemingly


37 Besides serving as a good source of calcium, ______ is also suitable for people who have trouble digesting milk.
(A) luxury
(B) muscle
(C) option
(D) yogurt


38 It was pouring and foggy. The weather was so bad that I could ______ see the road.
(A) hardly
(B) rather
(C) seldom
(D) simply


14 One of the biggest _____ of living near a busy airport is sound pollution.
(A) comebacks
(B) conveniences
(C) discoveries
(D) disadvantages


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2023難度:(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗

Jasmine Hua剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了48分