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請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
    The ozone layer is a region in Earth’s stratosphere that contains high concentrations of a bluish gas called ozone.Although ozone constitutes only about one-millionth of the 46 gases, it absorbs most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Without the ozone layer, this radiation would destroy all life on the surface of the planet. 
    Ultraviolet radiation creates and perpetuates ozone. Because an ozone molecule is struck by an ultraviolet ray, it falls apart, 47 free oxygen. An oxygen atom can combine with another free oxygen to 48 more ozone, and this cycle absorbs most UV radiation. 
    Some manufactured chemicals interfere with this cycle, thus reducing the amount of ozone in the stratosphere.Among the worst offenders are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), usually found in refrigerants and aerosol sprays and now generally 49 due to their harmful effects. Falling ozone levels have caused a thinning of the ozone layer above Antarctica, 50 the ozone hole. The Antarctic ozone hole has increased dramatically in size over the past two decades. A smaller hole over the Arctic is now developing.

【題組】 46


請依下文回答第 38 題至第 42 題 The triathlon is a recent sport. It is demanding and difficult because it is three sports in one. It includes a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike race, and a 26.2-mile marathon. The top tri-athletes finish all three events in about eight hours. Many say that it is a true test of an athlete’s body and mind. It really takes a lot of strength and willpower to compete. Triathlons began in California in the early 1970s. There, some athletes started the three-sport race because they wanted to make their training exciting. One of these athletes moved to Hawaii and took the sport with him. In 1978, competitors held the first professional triathlon race in Hawaii. It was called the Ironman World Championship. In 1982, this race became famous because of the televised performance of Julie Moss. She was twenty-three years old, and it was her first competition. Exhausted, she was running toward the finish line. Suddenly, three meters before the line, she fell down. She tried to get up, but she kept falling. She finally crawled across the finish line. Television cameras showed the world her dramatic struggle. This was the start of the Ironman’s popularity. Even though Julie Moss lost that year, she tried again. Finally, in 1985, she won Ironman Japan.
【題組】41 When did the triathlon start to become a popular sport?
(A)In the early 1970s.
(B) In 1978.
(C)In 1982.
(D)In 1985.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 Eugene O’Kelly was the chief executive officer (CEO) of KPMG—one of the largest accounting firms in the world. On May 24, 2005, Eugene visited his doctor with a full calendar and a lifetime of plans on his mind. Before this meeting, he was in the prime of his life. However, during the meeting, his doctor told him that he was diagnosed as having brain cancer. All of a sudden, his lifetime of plans dwindled to 100 days, leaving him just enough time to say goodbye. All the plans he had made as CEO were shattered. However, instead of falling into despair and confining himself in denial, Eugene decided to take a more constructive approach to face his “fate,” not spending an ounce of energy lamenting the time that he had lost. Eugene made the most of every moment to discover the world around him—nature, connection with loved ones, and living in the moment—as if he had never seen it before. He searched for ways to live a more vivid and meaningful life and to savor or enjoy what was within his reach without aspiring for the impossible. He even completed an inspirational memoir (Chasing Daylight) in three-and-a-half months, reminding people to embrace the fragile, fleeting moments of our lives. Throughout the memoir, Eugene attempts to send a message to the readers: The past is your guide. The present is a gift, so live it to the fullest. The future is for dreamers. Dream. Dream all you can—without reservation.
【題組】48 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Eugene was in denial of his suffering.
(B) Eugene faced his illness with courage.
(C) Eugene’s memoir described his affection for the next life.
(D) Eugene’s health condition was not as critical as it seemed.


請依下文回答第 8 題至第 11 題
       In the 1970s teenagers and young adults in America were experimenting with drugs while promoting peace. It wasa reaction to the tragic war in Vietnam. Today, youths go to clubs and 8 the entire night dancing, but still use awide variety of illegal substances. These illegal drugs have been termed “club drugs.” While there are many types ofclub drugs, the most popular include E (ecstasy), Acid (LSD) and K (ketamine). These drugs are often found atall-night dance parties called “raves.” Ecstasy is the most popular of the club drugs. Ecstasy alters chemicalsin the brain causing users to have feelings of love, extreme 9 and peace, hence the name ecstasy. 10 ,there are serious side-effects. Many people have died using E because of dehydration—lack of water in thebody. 11 problems also often occur days, weeks and even months after taking the drug. Depression, anxiety andloss of appetite are also very common among ecstasy users.

(A) Psychological
(B) Geographical
(C) Philosophical
(D) Ecological


第 41 題至第 45 題為題組
         Forest fires continue to burn in several parts of Indonesia. Luckily, a brief rain storm helped break up smoke from some of the fires on Wednesday. The President said rainfall cleared away much of the smoke in Sumatra. He said the haze was reduced to a level where commercial airline companies could operate again. But another official told reporters that much more rain is needed to help put out the fires. Luhut Panjaitan is Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister of Politics, Law and Security. “This week we have rain. If we have intensive rain for four straight days and our water bombings continue, I hope we would be back to normal next week. That’s our hope, but again it all depends on how much rain we have,” he said. The official added that he has asked government agencies to consider the possibility of creating artificial rain.
         Indonesia has come under heavy pressure from neighboring countries and environmental groups to put out the fires. Every year, some companies set forest fires on purpose. They do this to clear land and make way for palm oil plantations. Thousands of people have developed breathing problems because of the smoke. Some non-governmental organizations plan to take legal action against the government. They say Indonesian officials have ignored the well-being of communities affected by the smoke. The government has deployed more than 22,000 police officers and armed forces members to fight the forest fires. There are more than 1,600 fires burning in at least six provinces.

【題組】45 According to the passage, how many provinces are affected by the fires?
(A) Four.
(B) Six.
(C) Ninety.
(D) One hundred and sixty-one.


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