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4. The accident was a _____ lesson; I’ll never drink and drive again.
(A) malarky
(B) salutary
(C) polluted
(D) questionable


7. Sexual standards in England during the 1800s were so strict that it was considered _____ for women to reveal their legs in public.
(A) proper
(B) sordid
(C) culminated
(D) digital 


Part B: Questions 8-15, Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase in the context of each sentence.

10. Inflation, according to economists such as Milton Friedman, was caused by extravagant governments printing too much money to pay for excessive wage settlements and public spending pledges.
(A) stingy
(B) profligate
(C) cheap
(D) ecstatic



11. Employers commonly use furloughs to reduce spending and survive a budget crisis.
(A) bailouts
(B) hiring freezes
(C) tax cuts
(D) leaves of absence


16. But accomplishing all this social learning without in-person interactions is difficult, _____ impossible, under quarantine.
(A) if
(B) if not
(C) if only
(D) as if


17. Electric scooters have appeared in dozens of cities _____ plenty of fans and as many enemies who view them as a nuisance.
(A) are winning
(B) won
(C) winning
(D) have won


18. The Liberty Bell is an object of great reverence because it _____ in 1776 to proclaim the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
(A) was rung
(B) were rung
(C) has rung
(D) rung


III. Cloze: Choose the BEST answer for each blank in the passage.
A Senate committee estimates the loss of earnings of men ages 25 to 34 who have less than high school-level skills __21__ $236 billion. Half of the heads of households classified below the federal poverty line cannot read an eighth-grade book. More than a __22__ of mothers on welfare are also functionally illiterate. (Functional illiteracy is the inability to read and write well enough for everyday practical needs.) So are 60% of the adult prison population and 84% of juveniles who come before the courts. Businesses have difficulty filling such __23__ -level jobs as clerk, bank teller, and paralegal assistant. A major insurance firm reports that 70% of dictated letters must be retyped “at least once” because secretaries cannot __24__ and punctuate correctly. The military, too, pays a price for functional illiteracy. The navy has stated that 30% of new __25__ are “a danger to themselves and costly to naval equipment” because they cannot read very well or understand simple instructions.

(A) off
(B) at
(C) on
(D) upon


(A) three
(B) thirds
(C) third
(D) threes


On March 25, 2020, Hannah Davis __26__ with two friends when she realized that she couldn’t understand one of their messages. In __27__ , that was the first sign that she had COVID-19. It was also her first experience with the phenomenon known as “brain fog,” and the moment when her old life contracted into her current one. She once worked in artificial intelligence and analyzed complex systems without hesitation, but now “runs into a mental wall” when faced with tasks __28__ simple as filling out forms. Her memory, once vivid, feels frayed and fleeting. Former mundanities— buying food, making meals, cleaning up—can be agonizingly difficult. Her inner world—what she calls “the extras of thinking, like daydreaming, making plans, imagining”— __29__ gone. For more than 900 days, while other long-COVID symptoms have waxed and waned, her brain fog has never really __30__ .
(A) turn
(B) time
(C) exchange
(D) hindsight


(A) are
(B) is
(C) were
(D) did


(A) wasted
(B) surprised
(C) lifted
(D) fragmented


        Do you grab a candy bar when you feel tired? Do you soothe your weary mind with a doughnut? These quick fixes offer a temporary high that could actually be fueling your fatigue, sending you on a blood-sugar roller coaster. For example, researchers at Kansas State University measured mood in 120 college women who drank twelve ounces of water or beverages sweetened with either aspartame (NutraSweet) or sugar. Within 30 minutes the women who drank the sugarsweetened beverage were the drowsiest. Some people are so sensitive to sugar or caffeine that they feel tired, irritable, or depressed within an hour of eating even two cookies or drinking one cup of coffee. Others can tolerate large sugar doses before symptoms develop.
         Sugar is a good source of carbohydrate—the energy fuel—so why do sweets bring you down? For one thing, unlike starch, which slowly releases carbohydrate units called glucose into the blood, sugar dumps rapidly into the bloodstream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar. To counteract this rise, the pancreas quickly releases insulin, which shuttles excess sugar from the blood into the cells. Consequently blood sugar drops, often to levels lower than before the snack.
         Sugar also increases tryptophan levels in the brain and triggers the release of the brain chemical serotonin, which in turn slow you down. A researcher and a professor of psychology at the MIT report that people feel sleepier and have “less vigor” for up to three and a half hours after eating a highly refined carbohydrate snack, as compared to a snack that contains more protein.
          Finally, people who frequently snack on sweets are likely to consume inadequate amounts of the energizing nutrients. Researchers in Australia report that the more sugar people consume, the higher their fat and calorie consumption and the lower their intake of vitamins and minerals.
        Consuming sugar as a quick fix for dwindling energy merely results in a temporary high, but in the long run, it can initiate a vicious energy cycle.

【題組】38. Excess sugar is brought from the blood into the cells by _____.
(A) insulin
(B) carbohydrates
(C) glucose
(D) caffeine


【題組】41. The passage suggests that a high-protein snack _____.
(A) provides more long-term energy than a high-sugar snack
(B) should be eaten with carbohydrates
(C) is similar to a highly refined carbohydrate snack
(D) contains more fat and calories than a sugary snack


【題組】44. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?
(A) Some people are so sensitive to sugar or caffeine that they feel tired, irritable, or depressed within an hour of eating even two cookies or drinking one cup of coffee.
(B) Sugar is a good source of carbohydrate—the energy fuel—so why do sweets bring you down?
(C) Finally, people who frequently snack on sweets are likely to consume inadequate amounts of the energizing nutrients.
(D) Consuming sugar as a quick fix for dwindling energy merely results in a temporary high, but in the long run, it can initiate a vicious energy cycle.



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