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試卷測驗 - 96 年 - 096 地方政府特種考試_五等_各類科:英文#6044
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        Throughout his life Vincent van Gogh was poor, often hungry, and ill. When he died in 1890 at the age of 37, it seemed that his work would be forgotten. All that has changed, and Vincent is now perhaps the most famous painter of all. In 1990 his painting “Dr. Gachet” was sold in New York for over $82 million, making it one of the most expensive pictures in the world. Van Gogh’s paintings are colorful, bold, and showing strong feelings. Although painted more than 100 years ago they caught the world in an exciting way. Yet this skill had to be learned and practiced. In this book we will review Vincent’s development from beginner to great artist. We will also tell the story of his life and explain how his major works came to be created. You can see the way he painted when you read this book, and you can try out some of the same methods.
【題組】36 When was Vincent van Gogh born?
(A) In 1837
(B) In 1853
(C) In 1906
(D) In 1927

2( ).

【題組】37 What can we learn about “Dr. Gachet” from this passage?
(A)“Dr. Gachet” was sold before Van Gogh died.
(B)“Dr. Gachet” was a very expensive picture.
(C)“Dr. Gachet” taught Van Gogh how to draw pictures.
(D)“Dr. Gachet” made Van Gogh a rich artist.

3( ).

【題組】38 Which is true about Vincent van Gogh from this passage?
(A)He was remembered for his paintings.
(B)He read lots of books on medicine.
(C)He met Dr. Gachet in New York.
(D) He wrote books on how to draw pictures.

4( ).

【題組】39 According to the passage, what made Vincent van Gogh a great artist?
(A) He was hungry and ill.
(B) He painted with strong feelings and good skill.
(C) His work has been forgotten by people.
(D) He made a lot of money while he was alive.

5( ).

【題組】40 This passage is most likely from a book entitled _________.
(A) Oxford English Dictionary
(B) Medical Education
(C) Computer Manual
(D) Famous Artists.


41 Man: I think there are some more kids at the door. Do we have any more candy? 
Woman: Of course we do. 
Woman: Well, what have we here? A monster, a ghost, and who are you?
(A)Happy New Year!
(B) Trick or treat!
(C) Merry Christmas!
(D)Happy birthday!


42 John: May I speak to Tom, please? 
Tom’s Mom: He’s not home. _________ 
John: No, thanks. I’ll call him later.
(A)Can I have your phone number?
(B)Will you hold on for a moment?
(C)Would you like to leave a message?
(D) Will you call him thirty minutes later?


43 George: Hi, Tina. ________? 
Tina: Sure, of course. But you have to give it back to me by tomorrow. 
George: Sure. I will. I won’t forget.
(A)Could I borrow your bicycle
(B)Do I lend you my bicycle
(C)How do I give you my bicycle
(D)When can I loan you my bicycle

9( ).

        Since 1945 there has been an important change in cities in the United States and Canada─the growth of shopping centers. Before World War II (1939-1945), cities  44  department stores, other smaller stores, and offices. These were in the center of the city,  45  downtown. Around downtown there were areas with houses and apartments. After World War II, as cities grew bigger and bigger, it became more and more difficult to drive downtown to go shopping. Store  46  decided they could do more business if they left downtown and moved closer to the new areas with houses and apartments.  47 , today we find large and small shopping centers on the main streets of those areas. A large shopping center has fifty to one hundred stores of all kinds  48  a large parking lot for cars around it, and parking in the parking lot is free. Downtown in most cities is not as important as it was before 1945.
(A) have
(B) had
(C) which have
(D) that had

10( ).

(A) which it called
(B)that was called

11( ).


12( ).

(A)As a result

13( ).

(B)which has
(C)they have

14( ).

49 Ms. Chang let Wayne ________ her car to pick up his friend at the airport.
(D)to use

15( ).

50 Before the fire was put out, it ________ the life of three people.
(A) claims
(B) had claimed
(D)was claimed


試卷測驗 - 96 年 - 096 地方政府特種考試_五等_各類科:英文#6044-阿摩線上測驗
