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試卷測驗 - 96 年 - 096 初等考試_社會行政、人事行政、教育行政、財稅行政、統計、會計、經建行政、地政、圖書資訊管理、電子工程:英文#17833
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36. Jack:What a beautiful flower arrangement! 
Jack:I surely do.
(A)Thank you for buying me the book.
(B)Well, I’d better be going.
(C)I’m glad you like it.
(D)Where did you get it? .


37. Clerk:What would you like, sir? 
Customer:Two Double Cheese Burgers. 
Clerk:OK, that’ll be $12.00 even. 
Clerk:Thank you, sir. Next, please. 
(A)Give me five.
(B)Here you are.
(C)Excuse me.
(D)Is that all?


38. The sick dogs ________ to the animal hospital this morning.
(C)were taken
(D)have been taking


39. I’m a stranger here. Could you please show me__________the train station is?
(B)how long


40. You should________your cell phone at the movies and theatres. Others might be annoyed by the ringing of the phone.
(A) add to
(B) cut down
(C) pay for
(D) turn off

6( ).

        The first Americans probably came from Asia to North America 25,000 years ago or more. Over time they developed ways of farming and societies with different languages and cultures. About the time of the Roman Empire, there was a culture of the Mayas in Central America. Mayan society was known to be very advanced with their own system of mathematics and one of the best calendars in the world. They had a system of writing that was like ancient Chinese characters. Around the ninth century the population of the Mayans dropped. No one knows whether there was a problem of a change in the climate, war with other groups, or the wearing out of the soil. It was more than a thousand years later that Columbus discovered America. When he saw land after the trip across the Atlantic Ocean, he thought he was in India.
【題組】41.The first people to come to America were most likely from ________.
(A) India
(B) Asia
(C) Rome
(D) Maya

7( ).

【題組】42.The Roman Empire was a culture existing________.
(A) 25,000 years ago
(B) a thousand years before the Mayan culture
(C) after Columbus discovered America
(D) at the same time of the Mayan culture

8( ).

【題組】43.According to the article, the Mayan society was very advanced in ________.
(A) the farming system
(B) mathematics
(C) sailing
(D) changing the climate

9( ).

【題組】44.The calendar is something that a culture uses to__________.
(A) make statues out of stone
(B) count the days and years
(C) write with
(D) fight a war

10( ).

【題組】45.The reason the Mayan culture dropped in population is ___________.
(A) still unknown
(B) because the people wore out the soil
(C) because of the calendar
(D) because of war

11( ).

        Many people do not smoke and do not like smoking. These nonsmokers are very _46_ about the bad effects on people’s health from smoking. They have helped _47_ laws to restrict smoking in public places. Nonsmokers believe that the smoke from other people can also hurt them. This is true. Scientists also believe that “second-hand smoke,” the smoke that nonsmokers breathe in from smokers, is very _48_. Because of this, many restaurants and offices in the United States and Canada limit the places where people can smoke. Many airlines and hotels do not _49_ smoking at all. Things are changing. People want to stay healthy and live better lives. 
        It is not easy to quit smoking, but it is the smartest thing to do. If you quit smoking, your chance of getting lung cancer decreases within one year after you stop. After ten years, the chance is _50_ the same as for nonsmokers. It is possible to quit smoking. You can start leading a healthier and better life today if you make the decision to stop smoking now. Good luck!

(A) happy
(B) brave
(C) concerned
(D) necessary

12( ).

(A) pass
(B) passes
(C) passed
(D) passing

13( ).

(A) helpful
(B) general
(C) dangerous
(D) comfortable

14( ).

(A) permit
(B) prevent
(C) develop
(D) increase

15( ).

(A) almost
(B) rarely
(C) never
(D) hardly


試卷測驗 - 96 年 - 096 初等考試_社會行政、人事行政、教育行政、財稅行政、統計、會計、經建行政、地政、圖書資訊管理、電子工程:英文#17833-阿摩線上測驗
