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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2726~2730)
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33 What I am going to tell you is . Please keep it a secret and never let it out.
(A) nutritious
(B) confidential
(C) sufficient
(D) inspiring


9 You should live within your income. Otherwise, you won’t be able to earn enough money to______ .
(A) break the ice
(B) cut corners
(C) hunt for bargains
(D) make ends meet


35 I don’t have time to go jogging and play basketball now. I _____exercise a lot when I was in high school.
(A) was used to
(B) used to
(C) am used to
(D) have gotten used to


第 43 題至第 46 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複 Before the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing took place, several athletes had faced charges of taking substances banned by the International Olympic Committee. 43 Far from quelling such practices, the advent of drug testing in sports in the late 1960s stimulated an arms race between regulators and the cheats. Today, some athletes and their coaches continue to risk their reputation, and sometimes the athletes’ long-term health, for the chance to dope undetected. 44 The latest drugs are designed with testing in mind, so that they either clear from the body quickly or do not produce the tell-tale metabolite spikes in blood and urine samples. As a result, the testing labs must also push to stay one step ahead of the cheats. Donald Berry, a biostatistician, summarizes what he sees as problems with the way doping tests are conducted. 45 The ability of an anti-doping test to detect a banned substance in an athlete is calibrated in part by testing a small number of volunteers taking the substance in question. But Berry says that individual labs need to verify these detection limits in larger groups that include known dopers and non-dopers under blinded conditions that mimic what happens during competition. 46 Only by publishing and opening to broader scientific scrutiny the methods by which testing labs engage in study may the anti-doping authorities avoid a sporting culture of suspicion, secrecy, and fear.
(A) He argues that anti-doping authorities have not adequately defined and publicized how they arrived at the criteria used to determine whether or not a test result is positive.
(B)Some scientists believe that accepting “legal limits” of specific metabolites without such rigorous verification goes against the foundational standards of modern science.
(C)These were just a few in a long line of cases in which competitors had been accused of using performance-enhancing substances.
(D)Drug testing should not be exempt from the scientific principles and standards that apply to other biomedical sciences.


請依下文回答第 46 至 50 題: 
The word volcano can describe anything from a single opening in the earth a few meters across to a field of connected openings that might be 20 kilometers or more in width. Most researchers consider any set of openings that are connected to a large central core as a single “volcano”. Otherwise, they would have to deal with an endless number of names for each individual opening. Italy’s Stromboli has been almost constantly erupting for over 2400 years, but most eruptions do not last that long. Currently, there are about 15 volcanoes worldwide that have been actively erupting for the last 30 years. On the other end of the scale, about ten percent of volcanoes have eruptions which last for just a single day. The majority of the eruptions lasted three months or less. This means the average time from beginning to end is usually about seven weeks. 
From the number of volcanic eruptions detected over the past few hundred years, it would appear that they are becoming much more frequent over time. However, when researchers tracked the growth in reported eruptions along with the growth of the human population, they realized that volcanic activity wasn’t actually becoming more frequent. Instead, as people spread over more areas of the earth’s surface, the monitoring and reporting of volcanic activity inevitably increased with the expanding population. 
The highest volcano when measured from sea level to its top is Ojos del Salado in the Andes mountains in South America. It is 6,887 meters above sea level. However, when measured from its base on the surface of the earth to the top, a different set of volcanoes become the highest ones. Some volcanoes in the Mauna Loa zone near Hawaii rise as much as 19 kilometers above their bases at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. 
The first thing to do when caught near a volcanic eruption is to avoid a potentially disastrous situation, listen to the radio and travel only as instructed by the local police or other authorities. Stay away from lava, mud and flying rocks. Avoid river areas and low-lying regions. Before you leave the house, put on a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and eyeglasses or sunglasses to protect your eyes. Wear an emergency mask or hold a wet cloth over your face if you do not have one. Since ash can damage engine parts, refrain from driving if possible. If you decide not to leave the house, close all windows and doors to prevent ash from getting inside.

【題組】48 In Paragraph Four, what does one refer to?
(A) A wet cloth.
(B) A volcanic eruption.
(C) An emergency mask.
(D) A long-sleeved shirt.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2726~2730)-阿摩線上測驗
