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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2736~2740)
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As you are gathering love letters from your admirers this Valentine’s Day, wouldn’t it be nice to know if that special sweetie is Mr. or Ms. Right? While it’s not scientific, Graphology—also called handwriting analysis—can provide useful clues about your admirer’s personality. Ideally, handwriting analysis should be performed on an unlined page of original writing. When studying a sample, the first characteristic a graphologist considers is the writer’s use of space. Take the margins for example. The right symbolizes the future and the left represents the past—even in cultures whose writing moves from right to left. In graphology, leaving a narrow right margin suggests a risk-taking person who is unafraid of the future, whereas leaving a narrow left margin implies someone very tied to the past, even fearful of moving on. The space between lines represents the distance the writer places between himself—or herself—and others. Thus, people who leave relatively little space between words require others’ company while those who leave more space may be hard to get close to. People who leave little space between lines need to get involved: they tend to be big “joiners,” and may get bogged down in the details of a situation. By contrast, writers who leave more space between lines are usually independent and better at grasping the “big picture.” While these are generally accepted concepts of graphology, no single characteristic in writing is significant by itself. You have to look at handwriting in context.
【題組】48 Based on the article, what kind of people do NOT like things to change?
(A) People who leave a narrow left margin.
(B) People who leave a narrow right margin.
(C) People who leave little space between lines.
(D) People who leave more space between lines.


7 My mother was a devoted and religious woman who taught her children to believe in themselves and their ability to succeed _____ they faced poverty and prejudice.
(A) so that
(B) even though
(C) as long as
(D) as if


請依下文回答第 13 題至第 17 題 
       Tono, a city of nearly 32,000 in rural northern Japan, lost its last obstetrician five years ago. It has been desperately seeking for a replacement, but up to now there has been no success. In the meantime, the city has adopted a high-tech measure that may portend the future of child delivery in Japan: pregnant women are examined remotely by obstetricians using real-time data transmitted to the doctors’ cellphones. When the doctors judge that a patient is about to go into labor, the woman heads for the nearest city with a maternity ward—usually Kamaishi,which can be reached by a 40-minute drive on a winding, mountainous, one-lane road to the east. 
       Yukie Kikuchi, the city’s sole practicing midwife, said she was pleased and relieved now that obstetricians could remotely examine pregnant women here. Pregnancy examinations are usually done at the patient’s home or at a local clinic. During the examination, a machine hooked to the patient’s stomach records the baby’s heartbeatand sends the information over a cellular network to the cellphone of Dr. Toshihiro Ogasawara at Kamaishi Hospital. 
        Besides Tono, three other cities adopted the system last fall, said Mr. Kikuchi, the city’s health official.

【題組】13 Why do pregnant women in Tono go to Kamaishi for child delivery?
(A)Kamaishi Hospital is well-known in the country.
(B)Kamaishi Hospital has better gynecologists.
(C)Hospitals in Tono do not have any midwife to deliver the baby.
(D)Hospitals in Tono do not have obstetricians or maternity wards.


        The postage stamp has been around for only a relatively short period of time. The use of stamps for postage was first proposed in England in 1837, when Sir Rowland Hill published a pamphlet entitled “Post Office Reform: Its Importance and Practicability” to put forth two ideas. First, postal rates should not be based on the distance that a letter or package travels but should instead be based on the weight of the letter or package. Second, fees for postal service should be collected in advance of the delivery, rather than after, through the use of postage stamps. The ideas proposed by Hill went into effect in England almost immediately, and other countries soon followed suit. The first English stamp, which featured a portrait of then Queen Victoria, was printed in 1840. This stamp came in sheets that needed to be separated with scissors. It provided enough postage for a letter weighing 14 grams or less to any destination. In 1843, Brazil was the next nation to produce national postage stamps, and various areas in what is today’s Switzerland also produced postage stamps later in the same year. Postage stamps in five- and ten-cent denominations were first approved by the US Congress in 1847, and by 1860, postage stamps were being issued in more than 90 countries worldwide.
【題組】50 What happened in 1847 ?
(A) Postage stamps were in use in 90 different countries.
(B) It cost fifteen cents to mail a letter in the United States.
(C) Two different denominations of postage stamps were introduced in the US.
(D) The US Congress introduced the “Queen Victoria” stamp


45 There are no hard and fast conventions about the right and wrong clothes to wear at a party.
(A) There are no quick ways to dress oneself at a party.
(B) There are no rigid rules about how to dress oneself at a party.
(C) It isn’t a convention for someone to dress up at a party.
(D) It isn’t the matter of what you wear at a party but the rules you have to follow.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2736~2740)-阿摩線上測驗
