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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(231~235)
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Children ________ changes easily; what's more, they learn new things quickly.
(A) confine to
(B) adapt to
(C) occupy in
(D) engage in


Approximate 50 percent of the US honey bee colonies have been wiped out from 1971 to 2007. The _____36_____ of honey bees could be a catastrophe of human beings. Massive food shortages would happen _____37_____ bees play a crucial role in pollinating flowering plants. The reasons of the depopulation of bees are still unsolved; _____38_____ , there are some assumptions. First, beekeepers blamed a pesticide called Fipronil for the killer of bees, even though the bee experts haven’t proved it. Another deadly reason could be a new disease. _____39_____ , it is supposed that the radiation from cellphones may jam the signals from bees' navigation systems. This interference may prevent bees _____40_____ finding their way back to the hives and make those homeless bees to die in the wilds. The whole plot seems to be incredible; nonetheless, it cautions that the changes could lead to a disaster.
(A) from
(B) through
(C) on
(D) beside


15. A notice on the gate told us to beware _______ the dog.
(A) from
(B) of
(C) off
(D) for


       The world is experiencing a profound demographic shift, characterized by a rapidly aging population. This phenomenon, often referred to as an aging society, presents unique challenges and implications for individuals, communities, and governments. One of the key challenges posed by an aging society is the strain it puts on healthcare systems. As people age, they tend to require more medical care, including specialized services for agerelated illnesses and conditions. This increased demand for healthcare services can lead to resource shortages, longer waiting time, and escalating healthcare costs.
        Another significant implication of an aging society is the strain on social welfare systems. With a larger proportion of the population entering retirement age, there is an increased demand for pension benefits, social security, and elder care services. The sustainability of these systems becomes a pressing concern, as the shrinking working-age population may need help to support the growing number of retirees. Additionally, an aging society brings about changes in family dynamics and caregiving responsibilities. As older adults may require assistance with daily activities and healthcare management, the burden often falls on family members, predominantly women, who may have to juggle work, personal life, and caregiving duties. This can lead to increased stress and financial strain on families, as well as potential conflicts and reduced quality of life for both caregivers and the elderly.
       Furthermore, an aging society can have economic repercussions. The labor force may experience a decline in productivity and potential labor shortages as a result of a shrinking working-age population. This can hamper economic growth, increase dependency ratios, and put pressure on social security systems. Governments and businesses need to adapt by implementing strategies to support older workers, promote workforce participation, and address skills gaps. Despite the challenges, an aging society also presents opportunities. Older adults have a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience that can contribute to society in various ways. They can engage in volunteer work, mentor younger generations, and participate in lifelong learning programs. Creating age-friendly environments and promoting active aging can harness the potential of older adults, fostering social integration and intergenerational cohesion.

【題組】38. What is one of the key challenges posed by an aging society?
(A) Decline in intergenerational cohesion
(B) Increased demand for childcare services
(C) Strain on healthcare systems
(D) Decreased dependency ratios


1. The rapidly _____ global demand for environmentally-friendly electric vehicles catalyzed automakers to substantially increase production output and accelerate technological innovation.
(A) bypassing
(B) bickering
(C) boycotting
(D) burgeoning


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(231~235)-阿摩線上測驗
