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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司_評價職位人員轉任職員甄試試題_國際貿易(北一區)、銷售管理(北二區):商用英文#112131
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1. The buyer did not attend the _____ but sent a representative to place the bids.
(A) auction
(B) capital
(C) goods
(D) layout


2. Passengers who wish to postpone or _____ their travel plans can obtain a refund, including for nonrefundable tickets.
(A) enlighten
(B) comprise
(C) attach
(D) cancel


3. Obviously as sales manager he’ll be very involved in the _____ and marketing of the product.
(A) evacuation
(B) dormitory
(C) promotion
(D) quota


4. She gave some shocking examples to _____ the seriousness of the situation.
(A) insert
(B) transact
(C) underline
(D) reschedule


5. The _____ of a family depends upon the availability of money or total income of the family.
(A) expenditure
(B) procrastination
(C) misgiving
(D) speculator


6. The government gives financial assistance to ensure that no students are _____ of education for lack of financial means.
(A) embedded
(B) ordered
(C) entitled
(D) deprived


7. The tardiness in the investigation of the money laundering scandal is a situation that must be _____ immediately.
(A) alienated
(B) rectified
(C) implied
(D) amplified


8. Members of the Lost Generation viewed the idea of the “American Dream” as a grand _____.
(A) deception
(B) client
(C) passenger
(D) nominator


9. Effective business _____ should be clear and concise, respectful in tone, and formatted properly.
(A) collision
(B) cooperation
(C) correspondence
(D) collusion


10. Taking notes on your career, education, and other accomplishments and skills will _____ that you can shape your resume to a wide variety of professional opportunities.
(A) instill
(B) ensure
(C) ensnare
(D) entrust


11. State officials are encouraging more farmers to become _____ as organic growers.
(A) certify
(B) to certify
(C) certifying
(D) certified


12. Researchers invited 130 people to a sleep laboratory and kept them _____ for 24 hours.
(A) wake
(B) to wake
(C) awake
(D) waken


13. This simple resource helps young people to think about _____ they are proud of twice a day
(A) which
(B) what
(C) who
(D) that


14. While the permanent residence application _____, the applicant is required to move to Canada
(A) be processed
(B) has processed
(C) is processing
(D) is being processed


15. A two-year-old Malian girl died in hospital in Spain on Sunday after _____ from a boat packed with migrants.
(A) having been rescued
(B) to have been rescued
(C) she has rescued
(D) she can be rescued


16. When it comes to _____ your own company, every business needs to develop and write a good business plan they can follow to achieve the company’s goals.
(A) start
(B) starting
(C) started
(D) starts


17. Popularly _____ as “scams,” fraudulent offers may be made personally or arrive through regular mail, email, text messages, telemarketing, and the internet.
(A) knows
(B) knowing
(C) we know
(D) known


18. The average starting salaries for business majors can vary depending on the individual, the job, and the school _____ the degree was earned.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) where
(D) when


19. Business school students in Taiwan learn much the same things _____ in other countries.
(A) as students do of the same age
(B) as do students of the same age
(C) that do students of the same age
(D) do as students of the same age


20. Individuals who have a solid business education are not only poised to start their own business, they also have the practical skills _____ to excel in a variety of positions in the industry of their choice.
(A) which need
(B) are needed
(C) which needed
(D) needed


       The letter of credit has been used in Europe since ancient times. Letters of credit were traditionally governed by internationally recognized rules and procedures __21__ by national law. The International Chamber of Commerce oversaw the preparation of the first Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) in 1933, creating a voluntary framework for commercial banks to apply to__22__ worldwide.
        In the late 19th century and early 20th century, travelers commonly carried a circular letter of credit__23__ by a relationship bank, which allowed the beneficiary to withdraw cash from other banks along their journey. This type of letter of credit was eventually replaced by traveler’s checks, credit cards and automated teller machines.         
       Although letters of credit first existed only as paper documents, they were regularly issued by telegraph in the late 19th century, and by telex in the __24__ half of the 20th century. Beginning in 1973 with the creation of SWIFT, banks began to migrate to electronic data interchange as a __25__ of controlling costs, and in 1983 the UCP was amended to allow “teletransmission” of letters of credit. By the 21st century, the vast majority of LCs were issued in electronic form and entirely “paperless” LCs were becoming more common.

(A) rather
(B) as well
(C) would rather
(D) rather than


(A) transactions
(B) transportation
(C) translation
(D) transferability


(A) issued
(B) issuing
(C) issues
(D) which issues


(A) latest
(B) latter
(C) later
(D) least


(A) matter
(B) match
(C) means
(D) mate


Uber, known by its full name of Uber Technologies Inc., represents a public American ridesharing company that was founded in March 2009. The company was originally created to serve as a peer-to-peer ridesharing app, thus providing the platform required for drivers and passengers to __26__ with one another. Uber is currently based in San Francisco, yet it is a multinational company, __27__ the fact that it is currently available in more than 785 metropolitan areas (63 countries) throughout the world. The company’s success was stimulated thanks to its seamless integration __28__ the lives of its customers. As such, using the app is __29__ to be very easy since users simply have to create an account and add payment information to get started. Ordering a car shouldn’t cause any trouble at all, __30__ passengers simply need to enter their pick up location and the destination for the trip. Generally, a driver will accept the trip and arrive within 10 minutes, since metropolitan areas feature lots of drivers who are waiting for the next trip.

(A) combine
(B) connect
(C) concern
(D) compete


(A) give
(B) giving
(C) to give
(D) given


(A) except
(B) from
(C) by
(D) into


(A) abandoned
(B) traced
(C) bound
(D) neutralized


(A) as
(B) unless
(C) before
(D) how


       Although the stock market has the reputation of being a risky investment, it did not appear that way in the 1920s. With the country in an exuberant mood, the stock market seemed an infallible investment in the future.         As more people invested in the stock market, stock prices began to rise. This was first noticeable in 1925. Stock prices then bobbed up and down throughout 1925 and 1926, followed by a “bull market,” a strong upward trend, in 1927. The strong bull market enticed even more people to invest. By 1928, a stock market boom had begun.
      The stock market boom changed the way investors viewed the stock market. No longer was the stock market only for long-term investment. Rather, in 1928, the stock market had become a place where everyday people truly believed that they could become rich. Interest in the stock market reached a fevered pitch. Stocks had become the talk of every town. Discussions about stocks could be heard everywhere, from parties to barbershops. As newspapers reported stories of ordinary people, like chauffeurs, maids, and teachers, making millions off the stock market, the fervor to buy stocks grew exponentially. 
       An increasing number of people wanted to buy stocks, but not everyone had the money to do so. When someone did not have the money to pay the full price of stocks, they could buy stocks "on margin." Buying stocks on margin means that the buyer would put down some of his own money, but the rest he would borrow from a broker. In the 1920s, the buyer only had to put down 10–20% of his own money and thus borrowed 80–90% of the cost of the stock. 
     Buying on margin could be very risky. If the price of stock fell lower than the loan amount, the broker would likely issue a “margin call,” which means the buyer must come up with the cash to pay back his loan immediately. 
     In the 1920s, many speculators (people who hoped to make a lot of money on the stock market) bought stocks on margin. Confident in what seemed a never-ending rise in prices, many of these speculators neglected to seriously consider the risk they were taking.

【題組】31. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) The mentality and practice of the investors in the 1920s and the risk they took.
(B) The risk for people to put their money in the stock market.
(C) The bull market in the United States from 1925 to1928.
(D) Speculators who bought stocks on margin to make a lot of money.


【題組】32. What is a bull market?
(A) A market that reflects the high unemployment rate.
(B) A market in which most investors are selling.
(C) A market that is moving upward strongly.
(D) A symbol that a possible recession is ahead.


【題組】33. According to the passage, what might be the side effect of the stock market boom?
(A) People will become more cautious about their investment.
(B) People truly believe they will become rich through the stock market in a short term.
(C) People tend to select the good stocks carefully when making their investment.
(D) People will work hard to earn money to buy stocks.


【題組】34. What was the benefit of buying stocks on margin in the 1920s?
(A) The investors could borrow up to 90% of the cost of the stocks from a broker to buy them.
(B) The investors could easily make a lot of money out of their investment.
(C) The investors only needed to prepare 80% of the cash to buy stocks.
(D) The investments could be made through the brokers and the profits were guaranteed.


【題組】35. What does the word “fervor” mean in the fourth parapraph?
(A) violence
(B) patience
(C) impassivity
(D) passion


       A Chinese-born former Coca-Cola chemist has been sentenced to 14 years in prison in the US for stealing trade secrets for China. A Tennessee federal jury found You Xiaorong guilty of trade secret theft, wire fraud, economic espionage and other charges related to the manufacture of coatings inside drink cans that are made without the use of bisphenol-A (BPA). You allegedly stole the trade secrets to start her own BPA-free coating company in China. But prosecutors said she intended to aid the Chinese government. Stealing technology isn’t just a crime against a company. It is also a crime against American workers whose jobs and livelihoods are impacted. Last year, You was convicted in a 13-day jury trial. As the evidence at trial showed, the defendant stole valuable trade secrets and intended to use them to benefit not only a foreign company, but also the government of China.
        According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, You stole valuable trade secrets related to formulations for BPA-free coatings for the inside of beverage cans. BPA was once commonly used to coat the inside of cans and other food and beverage containers to help minimise flavour loss and prevent the container from corroding or reacting with the food or beverage in it. However, due to BPA’s potential health risks, companies began searching for BPA-free alternatives. You was granted access to the BPA-free compound trade secrets while working at Coca-Cola in Atlanta and Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport, Tennessee. The stolen trade secrets were the intellectual property of major chemical and coating companies and cost nearly $120 million to develop. You stole the trade secrets to set up a new BPA-free coating company in China. You and her Chinese corporate partner, Weihai Jinhong Group, received millions of dollars in Chinese government grants to support the new company. You was a recipient of grants in China’s Thousand Talents. Prosecutors said she intended to benefit not only Weihai Jinhong Group, but also the governments of China, Shandong province, and Weihai city.

【題組】36. What is this article mainly about?
(A) The importance of protecting US trade secrets from stealing.
(B) Why BPA coating has certain associations with potential health risks.
(C) A criminal charge related to stealing trade secrets in the US.
(D) The connection between the US trade secrets and the governments of China.


【題組】37. According to this article, what did the Chinese-born chemist You Xiaorong steal?
(A) $120 million
(B) technology for BPA-free packing
(C) BPA manufactures in China
(D) non-BPA development grants


【題組】38. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “espionage” in Paragraph 1?
(A) backorder
(B) vendor
(C) consignment
(D) intelligence


【題組】39. According to this article, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) You was also charged of money laundry related to the theft of BPA-free technology.
(B) You received a Thousand Talents Plan grant.
(C) You’s trade secrets theft is expected to have a negative influence on American workers.
(D) You was an employee of the Coca Cola Company in the United States.


【題組】40. According to this article, which of the following could NOT be a possible beneficiary from You’s trade secret theft?
(A) Weihai Jinhong Group
(B) Atlanta and Eastman Chemical Company
(C) Shandong province
(D) You’s new BPA-free coating company in China

在古代因為運輸本身的風險性質,商業乃是一種高成本的投資努力,因此也都侷限於地方性的市場。後來因為 運輸系統的改善,商業始能漸漸擴張。在中古時期,遠距及大規模的商業活動仍然侷限於各大洲之內。然而, 隨著探 險時代及海洋船艦的來臨,商業就進入國際化及跨洲的型態。當前,在可靠的國際跨洋運輸、郵務系統以及網際網路 的加持之下,使得座落在世界任何角落的城市、地區或國家,都可以進行商業貿易。【20 分】

Businesses often have important “intellectual property” that needs protection from competitors for the company to stay profitable. This could require patents, copyrights, trademarks, or preservation of trade secrets. Most businesses have names, logos, and similar branding techniques that could benefit from trademarking. Patents and copyrights in the United States are largely governed by federal law, while trade secrets and trademarking are mostly a matter of state law. Because of the nature of intellectual property, a business needs protection in every jurisdiction in which they are concerned about competitors. Many countries are signatories to international treaties concerning intellectual property, and thus companies registered in these countries are subject to national laws bound by these treaties.【20 分】


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司_評價職位人員轉任職員甄試試題_國際貿易(北一區)、銷售管理(北二區):商用英文#112131-阿摩線上測驗
