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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 慈濟大學後中醫學系-英文#62608
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1. Tiger Woods played poorly in the US Open today; he seemed to be losing his _____ .
(A) energy
(B) grip
(C) sport
(D) ability


2. In some countries, wearing helmets is _____ for all cyclists. Those who do not wear helmets are subject to penalty.
(A) regal
(B) forceful
(C) mandatory
(D) legitimate


3. He has written a book about this game and is the only person that can speak _____ on its mechanics, history, and cultural elements.
(A) genuinely
(B) inclusively
(C) predominantly
(D) authoritatively


4. When people are broke, they find that many things which seem _______ are not so necessary after all.
(A) invincible
(B) indispensable
(C) refundable
(D) accountable


5. Some college students have a strong passion for politics. They are far from being indifferent as generally _____.
(A) assumed
(B) consumed
(C) exhumed
(D) resumed


6. The differences in results between the two studies were not _____ ; in fact, they seemed to be based on similar assumptions and procedures.
(A) incompetent
(C) dependent
(D) significant


7. With the aid of _____ made from herbs, Chinese began practicing surgery long before modern surgery was developed in western medicine.
(A) aesthetics
(B) analysis
(C) anesthetics
(D) ethics


8. The newly appointed CEO plans to cut the company’s labor ______ to save personnel cost.
(A) number
(B) force
(C) task
(D) power


9. After receiving an unexpected proposal, the young lady ______ the idea of marriage in her mind.
(A) debated
(B) preserved
(C) launched
(D) disgusted


10. A new baby and a new job can be equally ________. They require a lot of attention and effort.
(A) demanding
(B) fulfilling
(C) refreshing
(D) inspiring 


II. Grammar and Structure: Select the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 20%
11. _______ a job because of one’s sex, age, religion, or skin color, regardless of one’s personal qualifications or accomplishments, is extremely frustrating.
(A) Denying
(B) Denied
(C) Being denying
(D) Being denied


12. __________ interactions among friends and acquaintances, play a major role in the social development of adolescents.
(A) What are called peer group relations are
(B) Peer group relations are
(C) Peer group relations, the
(D) By peer group relations


13. ______ in 1776 that the Declaration of Independence was signed.
(A) It was
(B) There was
(C) Whenever
(D) While


14. People find that indulging in addictive activities temporarily _____ some psychological needs, making them feel good for a short time.
(A) satisfy
(B) satisfies
(C) satisfied
(D) being satisfied


15. Great people share, ______ is ______ made George Allen one of the greatest football coaches in the world.
(A) what, which
(B) that, which
(C) which, that
(D) which, what


16. Producing nearly forty percent of the oxygen in the world, ___________.
(A) Brazil is the place where the Amazon Rain Forest is located
(B) the Amazon Rain Forest’s location is in Brazil
(C) the Amazon Rain Forest is located in Brazil
(D) and the Amazon Rain Forest locates in Brazil


17. Time took its toll on her, and if she had not greeted me first, I _______ her for a complete stranger.
(A) will mistake
(B) will have mistaken
(C) would mistake
(D) would have mistaken


18. The Franklin stove, which became common in the 1790s, burned wood __________ an open fireplace.
(A) efficiently much more than
(B) much more efficiently than
(C) much more than efficiently
(D) more efficiently much than


19. The industrial development of a country _______ a sufficient supply of raw materials, but also on a stable source of electricity.
(A) not only depending on
(B) depends on not only
(C) depends not only on
(D) not depends only on


20. The old tenants ______ the property by the time we arrived. There was no furniture left inside.
(A) had vacated
(B) have vacated
(C) had been vacating
(D) vacated

21( ).

III.Cloze: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for each blank in the following passages. 20%
(A) Rotten apples outsell the fresh ones in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital, but such only begins to describe the poverty here, for even bad apples—sold 21 a penny a pound—are luxuries in a city so overcome by tragedy and want. Each day, hundreds of thousands 22 on nothing more than weak tea and handouts of bread. This woebegone nation is enduring its 21st 23 year of war, unable to escape the malign shadow that geopolitics has cast on its history. Since it 24 as a force five years ago, the Taliban militia has conquered 80 to 90 percent of the country. While they have brought a 25 of security to the territory they control, including Kabul, the better part of their attention is focused on what they know best—fighting in the battlefields, not the governing of a country.

(A) at
(B) off
(C) in
(D) on

22( ).

(A) surpress
(B) surrogate
(C) survive
(D) subside

23( ).

(A) strait
(B) straight
(C) stride
(D) studious

24( ).

(A) entitled
(B) embedded
(C) employed
(D) emerged

25( ).

(A) measure
(B) monument
(C) means
(D) maternity

26( ).

(B) Law enforcement forces in North America are stronger than those in any other regions in the world. The US and Canadian governments have always 26 their citizens from cybercrime by continuously beefing up their legislative and enforcement efforts. Just this year, US law enforcement agencies have taken down DRIDEX5, SIMDA6 and BEEBONE7 — major online organizations that had previously served as the backbone to many cybercriminal activities. 27 these major operations against cybercrime, we are still seeing a brazen and thriving underground economy in the region. Underground merchants know that using credit cards is likely to lead to arrests. To mitigate related risks, many sellers accept alternative means of payment. Virtual 28 like bitcoins and WebMoney, along with payment transfers through service providers like Western Union and MoneyGram, are thus often used. These 29 of payment allow maximum protection by keeping transfers anonymous. Unlike law-abiding online payment service providers like PayPal, 30 requires ties to legitimate bank accounts, fake identities are used to send and receive payments, leaving virtually no trace of ties to the parties involved.

(A) committed to protect
(B) committed to protecting
(C) been committed to protect
(D) been committed to protecting

27( ).

(A) In spite
(B) In accordance with
(C) Despite
(D) In view of

28( ).

(A) realities
(B) currencies
(C) funds
(D) capitals

29( ).

(A) modes
(B) devices
(C) templates
(D) conventions

30( ).

(A) where
(B) that
(C) what
(D) which

31( ).

IV. Reading Comprehension: Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate answer for each question. 20% 

(A) On July 27, 1890, Vincent van Gogh walked into a wheat field behind the chateau in the French village of Auvers-sur-Oise, and shot himself in the chest. 
Van Gogh had been suffering from mental illness ever since he sliced off his left ear in 1888. After this incident, he continued to experience sporadic and debilitating attacks that left him confused or incoherent for days or weeks at a time. In between these breakdowns, though, he enjoyed spells of calmness and lucidity in which he was able to paint. Indeed, his time in Auvers, where he arrived in May 1890, was the most productive period of his career. Despite this, he felt increasingly lonely and anxious, and became convinced that his life was a failure. Eventually, he got hold of a pocket revolver. When he pulled the trigger, the bullet ricocheted off a rib, and failed to pierce his heart. He lost consciousness and collapsed, and died the next night, aged 37. 
On the Verge of Insanity, an exhibition at the Van Gogh Museum in 2016, provides a meticulous and balanced account of the final year-and-a-half of the artist’s life. Although it does not offer a definitive diagnosis of Van Gogh’s illness – over the decades, a number of causes have been suggested – it does contain a severely corroded handgun that was discovered in Auvers around 1960. Analysis suggests that the pistol is probably the very one that Van Gogh used. 
The exhibition also features a recently discovered letter, written by Felix Rey, the doctor who treated Van Gogh in Arles. It contains a diagram illustrating precisely which part of his ear the artist removed. For years, biographers have debated whether Van Gogh sliced off the whole of his left ear or just its lobe. This letter proves without doubt that the artist cut off his entire ear. Another attention-grabbing item in the exhibition is an unfinished painting, called Tree Roots. Van Gogh worked on it during the morning of July 27, a few hours before he tried to kill himself. At first glance, this dense picture appears almost abstract – how are we supposed to ‘read’ its thicket of blue, green and yellow brushstrokes, all vigorously applied to the canvas, which remains visible in various places. The entire canvas, however, is devoted to a compact tangle of gnarled roots, trunks, branches and massed vegetation. In many ways, Tree Roots is an extraordinary image: an innovative, ‘all-over’ composition, without a single focal point. Arguably it anticipates later developments of modern art, such as abstractionism. Yet, shortly after it was made, Van Gogh attempted to commit suicide. What does it tell us about his state of mind? 
Certainly, the painting appears agitated, as though fraught with emotional turbulence. Moreover, its subject matter seems noteworthy. Years earlier, Van Gogh had made a study of tree roots that was meant to express something of life’s struggles. Shortly before his death, in a letter to his brother Theo, Van Gogh wrote that his life was “attacked at the very root.” Could it be that Van Gogh painted Tree Roots as a farewell?
 However, Nienke Bakker, who is responsible for the collection of paintings at the Van Gogh Museum, urges caution. “There is a lot of emotional agitation in works from the last weeks of Van Gogh’s life,” she says. “Yet Tree Roots is also very vigorous and full of life.” She scotches the idea that Van Gogh’s illness was the cause of his greatness as an artist. “All of these tortured, gnarled roots make Tree Roots a very hectic, emotional painting,” she says. “But it’s not a painting created by a crazy mind. He knew very well what he was doing. Until the end, Van Gogh painted in spite of his illness, not because of it. It’s important to remember that.”

【題組】31. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Van Gogh’s life in Auvers
(B) The mystery of Van Gogh’s madness
(C) Van Gogh’s role in modern art
(D) The characteristics of Van Gogh’s masterpiece

32( ).

【題組】32. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage as a showpiece in the exhibition “On the Verge of Insanity”?
(A) A letter to Theo Van Gogh
(B) The painting Tree Roots
(C) A letter written by Felix Rey
(D) The gun most likely used by Van Gogh to kill himself

33( ).

【題組】33. According to the passage, which statement about Tree Roots is NOT true?
(A) It doesn’t have a single focal point.
(B) It is Van Gogh’s last painting.
(C) Van Gogh worked on it on the day he died.
(D) Some places of the canvas are not covered with paint.

34( ).

【題組】34. In the last paragraph, to scotch means to __________?
(A) put an end to
(B) keep an eye on
(C) bring forth
(D) be in agreement with

35( ).

【題組】35. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Van Gogh cut off the lobe of his left ear.
(B) Causes of Van Gogh’s illness are clearly known.
(C) Nienke Bakker suggested that Van Gogh’s madness made him great.
(D) Van Gogh’s time in Auvers was the most productive period in his life.

36( ).

(B) “Napping should not be frowned upon at the office or make you feel guilty at home,” writes Dr. James B. Maas, a psychologist and sleep expert at Cornell. “It should have the status of daily exercise.”
 In the old days, people would doze for an hour or so after the midday meal, and in some Latin American and European countries siestas are still in vogue. In most industrialized nations, however, the usual response to afternoon sag in energy is to try to jump-start the system with caffeine. But sleep experts say that tactic is actually counterproductive, creating only the illusion of efficiency and alertness and depriving the body and brain of much needed sleep. 
Now, however, there is growing evidence that restorative naps are making a comeback. Recognizing that most of their employees are chronically sleep-deprived, some companies have set up nap rooms with reclining chairs, blankets and alarm clocks. If unions are truly interested in worker welfare, they should make such accommodations a standard item in contract negotiations. Workers who take advantage of the opportunity to sleep for twenty minutes or so during the workday report that they can go back to work with renewed enthusiasm and energy. 
There are two kinds of naps: brief ones taken to revive the brain and long ones taken to compensate for sleep loss. The reviving workday nap should not be longer than thirty minutes; otherwise, the body would lapse into a deep sleep, from which it is difficult to awake. Long naps help when you’ve accumulated a considerable sleep debt. But long naps have a temporary disadvantage: they cause what researchers call sleep inertia, a grogginess upon awakening that can last about half an hour. Also, long naps can affect the body’s clock, making it more difficult to wake up at the proper time in the morning. 
Dr. Maas suggests that naps be scheduled for midday (about eight hours after you wake up) because late-afternoon naps can cause a shift in your biological clock, making it harder to fall asleep at night and get up the next morning. Try to take your nap about the same time each day. Even on days when you don’t feel particularly sleepy, he suggests taking a rest rather than a coffee break at your usual nap time.

【題組】36. In the second paragraph, the author suggests that __________
(A) experts believe that people should count on caffeine to increase efficiency and alertness.
(B) caffeine increases efficiency and alertness in the long run.
(C) caffeine deprives the body and brain of needed sleep.
(D) caffeine is the main cause of sag in energy in the afternoon.

37( ).

【題組】37. Which sentence best expresses the central point (main idea) of the passage?
(A) Naps of an hour or so after the midday meal were once popular and are still in favor in Latin American and European countries.
(B) Naps, generally short ones about eight hours after waking, energize people mentally and physically.
(C) According to sleep researchers, the human body is programmed to become sleepy in the early afternoon.
(D) There are two types of naps: short ones that energize body and brain and long ones that make up for great sleep loss.

38( ).

【題組】38. From the passage, we can infer that napping _____________.
(A) is generally best done in the late afternoon
(B) reduces conflict among workers
(C) improves workers’ concentration and performance
(D) helps most people sleep better in the evening

39( ).

【題組】39. Which of the following can be inferred from Dr. James B. Maas’suggestions?
(A) Daily naps no shorter than 40 minutes compensate sleep loss.
(B) Long naps taken on the weekend are healthier than brief naps taken daily.
(C) Naps should be scheduled about eight hours before bed time.
(D) Taking short naps regularly is as important as exercising daily.

40( ).

【題組】40. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Long naps can affect the body’s clock, making it more difficult to wake up at the proper time in the morning.
(B) You will be doing less work if you take a nap during the day.
(C) Dr. Maas suggests taking a nap instead of taking a coffee break when you feel tired during the day.
(D) It is important to schedule naps at midday instead of late afternoon.

V. English Essay Writing. (20%) Use no more than 250 words. 
People live longer now than they used to. Discuss the causes of the increased longevity. Use examples and details to support the causes. Make sure that you have an introduction paragraph, one or more body paragraph(s), and a conclusion paragraph.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 慈濟大學後中醫學系-英文#62608-阿摩線上測驗
