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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 交通事業公路升資考試_佐級晉員級_各類別-郵政、公路:英文#112706
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31 When planning, make sure you are being _____ so you don’t miss anything.
(A) through
(B) carefree
(C) careless
(D) thorough


32 Nowadays several countries around the globe have prescribed clearly in their constitutions that there should be no _____ against homosexuals.
(A) distraction
(B) discrimination
(C) deference
(D) disclosure


33 The man got very drunk and only had a _____ memory of what had happened the previous night.
(A) fatal
(B) major
(C) vague
(D) witty


34 The e-study modules provide personalized content to reinforce concepts that _____ each student's strengths and weaknesses.
(A) emigrate
(B) meditate
(C) target
(D) terminate


35 The man was convicted of a criminal _____ and was sentenced to twenty years in prison.
(A) identity
(B) remorse
(C) despise
(D) offence


36 We came up with this brilliant idea together, yet he took all the _____ for himself.
(A) creeds
(B) courses
(C) curses
(D) credits


37 This country _____ its first indigenous female minister to shape up one of the most diverse parliaments in the world.
(A) allocated
(B) dismissed
(C) appointed
(D) despised


38 For now, one of the possible solutions is to allow the refugees to _____ to a safer place.
(A) reset
(B) revise
(C) retreat
(D) revenge


39 The company offers _____ pensions which can be carried by employees from job to job.
(A) potable
(B) bookable
(C) portable
(D) quotable


40 The two parties decided not to work together for they had _____ views on many issues.
(A) academic
(B) eventual
(C) inferior
(D) opposite


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題。
One of the effects of climate change that scientists are most certain of is increased rainfall amounts and rainfall __41__ -a result of warmer than normal ocean temperatures that create a warmer and moister environment for the storm. Warmer oceans mean more moisture is available in a warme__42__ . For every 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degree Fahrenheit), there is 7% more moisture in the air. With Hurricane Florence in 2018, ocean temperatures were __43__ around 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than normal, which __44__ to nearly 10% more moisture available in the atmosphere. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has said the hurricane season over the next year will likely be extremely active, perhaps even __45__ , with even more records likely to fall.

(A) intensity
(B) privacy
(C) distinction
(D) feature


(A) hospitality
(B) consumption
(C) atmosphere
(D) magnitude


(A) employing
(B) trending
(C) rupturing
(D) levelling


(A) distributed
(B) destructed
(C) constructed
(D) contributed


(A) portable
(B) situational
(C) historic
(D) industrious


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題。
       The Mla Bri are a small group of nomadic hunter-gatherers (about 400) living in northern Thailand who since the 1990s have begun to settle in semi-permanent villages. The Mla Bri are well-known to anthropologists because, until recently, they engaged extensively in foraging, gathering, and hunting as the primary means of subsistence, making them an outlier in a region traditionally dominated by people tied to rice cultivation. Indeed, they were not tied to the agricultural cycle, although they did occasionally hire themselves out as laborers to agricultural people. As nomads, they typically shifted campsites every few weeks. However, between 2005 and 2008, there were five fatal suicides in this group, including four males and one female. This is apparently a new phenomenon; suicide was virtually unknown among the Mla Bri before more permanent settlements were established. 
       From 1980 to 2010, many changes occurred in the world of the Mla Bri, bringing both new opportunities and the formidable challenge of settling into permanent dwellings with all that that entails. Traditionally, so far as we can ascertain, there has been very little intra-group violence among the Mla Bri, though they were often subject to attacks from outsiders. But, in recent years, as alcohol use/abuse has become more common, so has violence. Examples are men fighting physically when they are drunk, physical abuse of wives by drunk husbands, and wives fighting back. Prior to 1993, there were no permanent Mla Bri settlements, and 2001 was an important year for them because not only were the first settlements legally established, but they were also granted Thai citizenship which gave them identity cards and ready access to health care, schooling, and other modern government services. 
       Ultimately, the most general explanation for the emergence of suicide among the Mla Bri is a classic one found in many societies. The rapid social change of the last thirty years has been deeply disorienting for the Mla Bri, as they stopped living in the remote forest, and took up the modern life of permanent housing, schooling, medical care, electricity, television, and other accoutrements. Such kind of “civilization” contributed to material well-being and a healthier lifestyle, but at the same time led to a breakdown in the system of social norms. As with many other groups, the effects of this are probably elevated rates of alcoholism, marital dissolution, and the suicide problems.

【題組】46 Which of the following is the most appropriate title for this passage?
(A) Social Progress in Mla Bri of Northern Thailand.
(B) Suicide among the Mla Bri of Northern Thailand.
(C) Modernization of the Mla Bri in Northern Thailand.
(D) Domestic Violence in the Mla Bri of Northern Thailand.


【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following can be inferred?
(A) The lack of rice cultivation was the main cause of the instability of food supply to the Mla Bri.
(B) Violent confrontations among the Mla Bri tribes were not uncommon due to their nomadic nature and lifestyle.
(C) The Mla Bri’s permanent settlement before 1993 has resulted in their disproportionate land ownership.
(D) The shift from a nomadic lifestyle to stable settlements might explain the suicide problems in the Mla Bri.


【題組】48 Which of the following is closest in meaning to “subsistence” in the first paragraph?
(A) Substance.
(B) Subsidiary.
(C) Sustenance.
(D) Substitution.


【題組】49 What is the last paragraph mainly about?
(A) The shortcomings of temporary housing of the Mla Bri.
(B) The consequences of the modernization to the Mla Bri.
(C) The dominant lifestyle of the Mla Bri between 1993 and 2001.
(D) The historical development of the social norms of the Mla Bri.


【題組】50 What does they in the passage refer to?
(A) The people.
(B) The outsiders.
(C) The settlements.
(D) The government services.


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 交通事業公路升資考試_佐級晉員級_各類別-郵政、公路:英文#112706-阿摩線上測驗
