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試卷測驗 - 102 年 - 102慈濟大學 學士後中醫- 英文#27071
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1. After the accident, Tom was badly scarred but the plastic surgeon did a marvelous skin ____ and now you can hardly see any trace of it.
(A) transfer
(B) change
(C) graft
(D) transplant


2. The court heard that the six defendants had been ____ into making a confession.
(A) coerced
(B) confided
(C) conducted
(D) induced


3. The teacher_________ at the suggestion that she had in any way neglected the students.
(A) beheld
(B) bristled
(C) assailed
(D) disclaimed .


4. They lived in an apartment building ____ to the MRT station.
(A) adjunct
(B) abreast
(C) adjacent
(D) obscured


5. Unlike ceramics, components of some types of plastics are known to be ____ to human health.
(A) haphazard
(B) infectious
(C) infamous
(D) hazardous


6. A copy of the Chinese version of Diamond Sūtra, found among the Dunhuang ____ in the early 20th century, was dated back to May 11, 868.
(A) manuscripts
(B) manuals
(C) manifestos
(D) minstrels


7. Samsung has ____ Apple, the iPad and iPhone maker, in the worldwide chip eating challenge.
(A) suppressed
(B) subsumed
(C) submerged
(D) supplanted


8. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake was a ____ 9.0 undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan.
(A) epicenter
(B) magnitude
(C) scale
(D) degree


9. The medical board declared the treatment worthless and the practitioner a ____.
(A) magician
(B) wizard
(C) charlatan
(D) trickster


10. We hadn’t realized that there would be a power cut so were astonished when the whole house was ____ into darkness.
(A) dived
(B) drowned
(C) plunged
(D) dredged


11. By this time next year, these birds ____ south.
(A) are about to migrate
(B) will have migrated
(C) have already migrated
(D) which will migrate


12. Patricia is sure ____ her opponents in the next competition.
(A) squash
(B) to squash
(C) at squashing
(D) to have squashed


13. It is essential that he ____ the rule.
(A) break not
(B) breaks not
(C) not break
(D) not breaks


14. The city is ____ as it used to be.
(A) twice as populated
(B) two time as populated
(C) twice more populated than
(D) two more times as populated


15. Charles Dickens is ____.
(A) famous not only in England but also in America
(B) not only famous in England but also in America
(C) not famous only in England but in America also
(D) not famous in England only but also in America


16. Little ____ that Bill has been failing all his subjects at school!
(A) his father suspects
(B) suspects his father
(C) his father to suspect
(D) does his father suspect


17. ____ better wages and working conditions.
(A) What’s interested the workers most is
(B) What interest the workers most are
(C) What interests the workers most are
(D) What interests the workers most is


18. That professor has a bad habit ____ with his notes while he’s giving a lecture.
(A) to fiddle
(B) of fiddling
(C) fiddles
(D) had fiddled


19. There are many cute kitties here. You can choose ____ you like.
(A) that
(B) of which
(C) which of
(D) whichever


20. David told his amah ____.
(A) to have his shoes shining
(B) to have his shoes shone
(C) to have his shoes shined
(D) shining his shoes

21( ).

III. Cloze Test: Choose the best answer for each missing word or phrase in the passages. 20% A Fifty years ago, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was founded to give people the opportunity to be superheroes. Of course, the WWF doesn’t give out superhuman 21 , but it does provide a vehicle for people to work together toward the preservation of our natural world. The 22 of the WWF has always been very simple: the conservation of nature. However, the “evil forces” that are destroying the natural world have never been more complex. Climate change, industrialization, commerce and other forces are 23 to the destruction of many of Earth’s natural habitats. The WWF estimates that 150 to 200 of Earth’s species become extinct every day. Sadly, human beings are often the chief 24_. Pollution, urban development, deforestation, the illegal wildlife trade, and unwise fishing and farming 25 harm nature. Even the things we buy and waste we produce have an adverse effect on the natural world.
(A) powers
(B) entries
(C) depths
(D) drives

22( ).

(A) mandate
(B) association
(C) mission
(D) persuasion

23( ).

(A) cause
(B) contributing
(C) owing
(D) attributing

24( ).

(A) contributors
(B) gatekeepers
(C) victims
(D) villains

25( ).

(A) acts
(B) practices
(C) instructions
(D) regards

26( ).

B Anxiety can be a symptom of an underlying health issue such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, or heart arrythmia. Abnormal and pathological anxiety or fear may 26 be a medical condition falling under the blanket term “anxiety disorder.” Such conditions came 27 the aegis of psychiatry at the end of the 19th century and current psychiatric diagnostic criteria 28 several specific forms of the disorder. Recent surveys have found that as many as 18% of Americans may be 29 by one or more of them. Standardized screening tools such as Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A) can be used to 30 anxiety symptoms and suggest the need for a formal diagnostic assessment of anxiety disorder. The HAM-A measures the severity of a patient's anxiety, based on 14 parameters, including anxious mood, tension, fears, insomnia, somatic complaints and behavior at the interview.
(A) it
(B) its
(C) itself
(D) it's

27( ).

(A) by
(B) for
(C) with
(D) under

28( ).

(A) recognize
(B) recognized
(C) to recognize
(D) is recognizing

29( ).

(A) affected
(B) infected
(C) effected
(D) inflicted

30( ).

(A) treat
(B) attack
(C) detect
(D) sense

31( ).

IV. Reading comprehension: Choose the best answer for each question. 20% A. I don’t know much about studio financing models, but I do know they weren’t working for Veronica Mars. For years, the cast, fans and producers had wanted to turn our old TV show—in which I played a quippy teen detective—into a movie. But Warner Bros. would not give us the money to make it happen. So executive producer Rob Thomas and I turned to Perry Chen’s incredible crowdfunding website, Kickstarter. The setup was fun and simple. In exchange for their pledges, we’d give fans personal prizes—a digital copy of the movie for $35, a video message from me for $600 and so on. We needed $2 million to make the movie. We wound up raising $5.7 million from more than 90,000 backers. There’s something so smart and magical about that idea—connecting consumers with creators and letting them vote with their own money. I haven’t met Perry yet, but I look forward to meeting him someday so I can thank him for his brain.
【題組】31. Which profession does the speaker of this short article belong to?
(A) hedge fund management
(B) film production
(C) financial appraisal
(D) product marketing

32( ).

【題組】32. Who is Perry Chen?
(A) The founder of Kickstarter
(B) A 3D software engineer
(C) A studio tycoon
(D) A comedian

33( ).

【題組】33. Which of the following is the best title for this short article?
(A) My Dream Comes True
(B) The Magic Created by Perry Chen’s Brain
(C) The Age of Crowdfunding
(D) The Rival of Hollywood

34( ).

【題組】34. Which of the following statements is not endorsed by the passage?
(A) Kickstarter, a crowdfunding website established 10 years ago, has eventually proved its effectiveness in helping people with creative ideas to start up and realize their dreams.
(B) Kickstarter is a crowdfunding website friendly to Internet users.
(C) It is Perry Chen’s brain that creates the miracle of Kickstarter.
(D) In our Internet era, inventiveness is the gateway to success.

35( ).

【題組】35. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Trust is not a crucial factor that makes crowdfunding possible.
(B) Kickstarter enables people with creative ideas to raise funds to launch their dream projects.
(C) Perry Chen does not believe in people’s power.
(D) Whimsical ideas fare better than inventiveness in our Internet era.

36( ).

B. Everyone’s eyelids close and open rapidly, or blink, for any number of reasons. One reason is that the eyes are protecting themselves from something that is irritating them. Another reason is that they are protecting themselves from a bright light. A third reason is that they are trying to keep themselves free from dirt and dust. Every time you blink your eyes, you are actually crying, or producing tears. These tears keep your eyes wet. So that when an irritating substance, such as a bit of dirt, gets into your eye, your eyelids close and the tears try to wash away the dirt. A person blinks his or her eyes about 25 times per minute. Every person has a blind spot. A blind spot is the point where you may be facing a small object and not be able to see it. The reason everyone has a blind spot is that there is one point on the retina where the optic nerve leaves your eye. No pictures or images are received because the point is not sensitive to light. Try this experiment to find out where your blind spot is. Mark each side of this page with a visible dot. Hold this page about 12 inches in front of you. Close your left eye and leave your right eye open. Look only at the dot on the left. Now move the page slowly toward your face, and then move it slowly away from your face. As you move it away, at a certain point the dot at the right side disappears totally. It is at that point that the dot falls exactly on your blind spot. Just as you are either right-handed or left-handed, so are you either right-eyed or left-eyed. That means one of your eyes is stronger, or more dominant, than the other. Here’s another experiment you can do to find out which is your dominant eye. Hold a pencil vertically at arm’s length in front of you and at eye level. With both your eyes open, line up the pencil with a shelf, picture, clock or something else on the wall. First close one eye, then the other. Did the pencil stay in the same place with one eye open? Did it seem to move to the side of the other eye? Whichever eye was open when the pencil lined up with your object on the wall is your stronger, or dominant, eye.
【題組】36. According to the article, why do you blink your eyes?
(A) to protect them from dirt and dust
(B) to protect them from a bright light
(C) to protect them from irritating substances
(D) all of the above

37( ).

【題組】37. The passage explains that the tears caused by blinking actually try to ____.
(A) show how sad you are
(B) wash away dirt or dust that gets into your eyes
(C) keep the eyes moving
(D) all of the above

38( ).

【題組】38. A person is either right-eyed or left-eyed, depending on which eye is ____.
(A) bigger
(B) clearer
(C) rounder
(D) stronger

39( ).

【題組】39. A blind spot is that point on the retina which is ____.
(A) defective
(B) sensitive to light
(C) not sensitive to light
(D) fully developed

40( ).

【題組】40. The main purpose of the article is to ____.
(A) explain defects in the eye
(B) describe functions of the optic nerve
(C) make you conduct experiments
(D) make you appreciate how your eyes function


試卷測驗 - 102 年 - 102慈濟大學 學士後中醫- 英文#27071-阿摩線上測驗
