(47 秒)
試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104-1 司法官、專技高考特種考試_三等_各類科、律師:綜合法學(二)(法學英文)#24788
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56 Joanna, 21-year-old, orally promises to sell Ty, 30-year-old, a book in return of Ty’s promise to pay NT$500. There is a valid contract, because there is_______ of legally capable parties.
(A) mutual assent
(B) mutual standing
(C) unanimous decision
(D)beating of two hearts


57 In a public company limited by shares, which of the following has the power to elect or remove a director?
(A) directors
(B) supervisors
(C) the shareholders’ meeting
(D) president


58 A company, organized by one or more shareholders, with the total capital of the company being divided into shares and each shareholder being liable for the company in an amount equal to the total value of shares subscribed by him, is called:
(A) an unlimited company
(B) a company limited by shares
(C) an unlimited company with limited liability shareholders
(D) a limited company


59 Which of the following is NOT the triggering event of a dissenting shareholder’s appraisal right?
(A) merger
(B) sale of substantially all of the company’s assets
(C) spin off
(D) share exchange pursuant to Article 156, Paragraph 8 of the Company Law


60 Directors who possess professional knowledge and certain qualifications and may not have any direct or indirect interest in the company are called________ .
(A) insider directors
(B) independent directors
(C)dummy directors
(D) shadow directors


61 A market manipulation claim can be based on _________that are entered with the knowledge that sales of substantially the same size, at substantially the same time and price, have been entered by the wrongdoers for the sale of such security.
(A) wash sales
(B)matched orders
(C)front running
(D) short sales


62 Miller rents an apartment from Tyler. Both parties do not specify the term of the lease. Under Article 450 of the Civil Code, Miller may__________ the lease at any time.
(A) breach
(B)enter into
(C) finish
(D) terminate


63 Pursuant to Article 12 of the (2005) Amendment of the Constitution of the R.O.C., amendment of the Constitution shall be initiated upon the proposal of one-fourth of the total members of the Legislative Yuan, passed by at least three-fourths of the members present at a meeting attended by at least three-fourths of the total members of the Legislative Yuan, and sanctioned by electors in the free area of the Republic of China at ___________held upon expiration of a six-month period of public announcement of the proposal, wherein the number of valid votes in favor exceeds one-half of the total number of electors; and the provisions of Article 174 of the Constitution (Main Text) shall not apply.
(A) an election
(B) a recall
(C) an initiative
(D) a referendum


64 John uploaded on his blog some information which contained images of naked women, He was then charged by the prosecutor for disseminating pornographic information to the public according to Article 235 of the R.O.C. Criminal Code. During the trial, John claimed that he was merely exercising his_________ guaranteed by the Constitution.
(A) freedom of assembly
(B)freedom of association
(C) freedom of expression
(D)freedom of movement


65 Elisabeth sues William in Taiwan Taipei District Court but fails to pay court costs and expenses within the time period specified by the court. The court may ________the case under Article 249 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(A) dismiss
(B) overrule
(C) reverse


66 Which is the best term for the situation where a party intentionally hides a piece of evidence for the purpose of obstructing the use of such evidence by the opposing party?
(A) perpetuation of evidence
(B) spoliation of evidence
(C) admission of evidence
(D) examination of evidence


67 Pursuant to Article 195-1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, “Where a party’s means of attack or defense involves the __________of either party or a third person, the court may, on motion, order the hearing not be held in public if the court considers it appropriate to do so.”
(C) property
(D) privacy


68 According to Article 319 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, an injured party may file a_________ in the event that he is without legal capacity, or of limited legal capacity, or is dead, it may be filed by his statutory agent, lineal relative or spouse.
(A)public prosecution
(B)private prosecution
(C) public advocate
(D)private offering


69 The party who appeals a decision is called_________ .
(D) defendant


70 According to Article 77 of the R.O.C. Criminal Code, anyone who is sentenced to a certain number of years’ imprisonment may be considered for________ after he has served half of his sentence.
(C) partition
(D) probation


試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104-1 司法官、專技高考特種考試_三等_各類科、律師:綜合法學(二)(法學英文)#24788-阿摩線上測驗
