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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 台灣中油股份有限公司_僱用人員甄試試題_各類別(全):英文#113751
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21. After climbing the mountain, Ronald eventually _______ his fear of heights.
(A) explained
(B) depended
(C) overcame
(D) elected


22. The _______ of this meeting is to decide who the next class leader will be.
(A) goal
(B) label
(C) production
(D) method


23. He doesn’t like to listen to _______ about others because most of them aren’t true.
(A) barriers
(B) activities
(C) attempts
(D) rumors


24. The company has a standard _______ for dealing with all cases.
(A) interaction
(B) procedure
(C) achievement
(D) harmony


25. Because it is too_________ to take the flight, we just take the train.
(A) expensive
(B) convenient
(C) cheap
(D) express


26. We may ___ many obstacles in the process of learning.
(A) delight
(B) converse
(C) encounter
(D) dazzle


27. Washington, D.C. is the _______ of the United States.
(A) captain
(B) gown
(C) groom
(D) capital


28. I was quite ________ with Mary’s description of her poor childhood.
(A) interested
(B) excited
(C) impressed
(D) ignored


29. The best athletes come from _______ the world to join the Olympic Games.
(A) above all
(B) all over
(C) all right
(D) after all


30. The severe typhoon led to serious floods, _______ the village on the hillside.
(A) to destroy
(B) and destroy
(C) destroyed
(D) destroying


31. By the end of this month, the bridge _______ .
(A) will have been built
(B) would be built
(C) might be built
(D) will build


32. ______ data, learning diligently will achieve higher success.
(A) By means
(B) According to
(C) In addition
(D) Rather than


33. I was used to ______ alone, so travelling with friends has been a big adjustment for me to make.
(A) travelling
(B) travel
(C) to travel
(D) travelled


34. The hamburger smells ______ good ______ I can’t wait to have a bite.
(A) such, that
(B) such, what
(C) so, what
(D) so, that


35. Waitress: Are you ready to order?
Mr. Liu: Not quite yet.
Waitress: Oh, ______ , sir.
(A) I forgot to bring the credit card
(B) please come again
(C) take your time
(D) the seat is taken


36. Olive: What’s the biggest source of pollution? You might be surprised at the answer.
Penny: Plastic bags?
Olive: No, disposable diapers.
Penny: But how come they became a source of pollution?
Olive: ____________
(A) About forty years ago.
(B) They don’t break down easily.
(C) Cotton diapers are good for the environment.
(D) People are using fewer disposable diapers.


37. Charles: Hi, Roger. _______ 
Roger: Good, thanks for asking. My ankle doesn’t hurt anymore.
Charles: That’s nice! I think we can play basketball together again soon.
(A) How’s your recovery coming along?
(B) What are you searching for?
(C) Who is your best friend?
(D) Why are you mad at me?


38. A: I am looking for a new apartment.
B: My building has some vacancies. Are you interested in them?
A: _______________
(A) No. Are you crazy?
(B) Yes. Can you give me more details?
(C) Should I trust you?
(D) Can I repair the house?


39. A: I feel excited about the discount of the department store next week.
B: It sounds great. _______________
A: I can’t wait to go.
(A) I don’t have the budget for shopping.
(B) You should save for the raining day.
(C) I’m afraid we don’t have time for shopping.
(D) Maybe we can go shopping together.


40. A: Why are you studying English?
B: The qualification of entering the company is to pass the English Proficiency Examination,so I need to master English as hard as I can.
A: _______________
B: Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll try it from today on.
(A) Native speakers talk too fast to understand.
(B) Speaking in my native language.
(C) Listening to English broadcast every day helps a lot.
(D) You should cherish your native language more.


【題組】11. I’m looking forward to Chinese New Year, and _______ is my younger brother. 

【題組】12. I’m not sure if you can rely ________ him to get the job done. 

【題組】13. He never tries to take advantage _______ his colleagues; instead, he is very generous. 

【題組】14. Energy from the sun is called _______ energy. People use it to produce heat in different ways. 

【題組】15. If I _______ wings, I would fly up to the sky, looking down from the clouds on everything. 

【題組】16. It is suggested that everyone should take exercise at _________ three times a week. 

【題組】17. Barry can speak many languages, such _________ English, Spanish and Japanese. 

【題組】18. ________ he will attend the meeting next week or not, the meeting will not be canceled. 

【題組】19. To say is one thing and to do is ________. 

【題組】20. Either you ________ your brother has to be responsible for this.


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 台灣中油股份有限公司_僱用人員甄試試題_各類別(全):英文#113751-阿摩線上測驗
