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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2776~2780)
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Robert Frost (1874-1963) is one of the most well-known 20th century American poets. People like to talk about his nature poems which seem to show a spontaneous love of nature and simple little pleasures in life. But little do most people know about the    37    side of the great poet’s life. Robert Frost lost his first son and second daughter when they were little. And in his sixties, two years after his beloved wife’s death, his son, long    38    from depression and suspiciousness, committed suicide with a deer hunting rifle. In his last years,    39     still keeping a terribly busy and active public life, he was tortured by pneumonia, cancer, and embolism. Having learned about the    40    of the poet, we can finally fully appreciate the death wish shown in one of his famous poems of his last years, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.”
(A) organic
(B) optimistic
(C) symbolic
(D) traumatic


第 47 題至第 50 題為題組 When we view a scene in which another person exhibits delight, pain, or disgust, the parts of our brain that react when we experience those emotions ourselves are activated. Scientists at the NeuroImaging Center, the Netherlands, wanted to see if that same region that governs those three emotions—the anterior insula—was activated when people read about someone experiencing disgust. To test this, they placed participants in an fMRI scanner, which measures changes in blood flow in the brain, and showed them 3-second movie clips of an actor sipping from a cup and then looking disgusted. “Later on, we asked them to read an article and imagine short emotional scenarios in it,” said study team member Christian Keysers. “For instance, bumping into a drunken man, who then starts to throw up, and realizing that some of his vomit had ended up in your own mouth.” Finally, the researchers had the participants taste an unpleasant drink while in the scanner. “In all three cases, the same location of the anterior insula lit up,” Keysers said. People with damaged anterior insula lose the capacity to feel disgusted. “If you give them sour milk, they would drink it happily and say it tastes like soda,” Keysers said. But for normal people, sipping that sour milk will result in them spitting it right back out with a “blech.” It is an evolutionary advantage to have the same reaction when watching someone else spit out the milk: you won’t try the same milk if you are aware of the other person’s disgust. “What this means is that whether we see a movie or read a story, the same thing happens: we activate our bodily representations of what it feels like to be disgusted,” Keysers said. “And that is why reading a book and viewing a movie can both make us feel as if we literally feel what the protagonist is going through.”
【題組】48 What was the purpose of the experiment conducted by the NeuroImaging Center according to the article?
(A)To record participants' reactions to sour milk.
(B)To observe how well the fMRI scanner worked.
(C)To see how many emotions the anterior insula governed.
(D)To test how people reacted when reading about someone experiencing disgust.


6 Medical tourism is _____ in Thailand as more and more people from around the world are heading to this country for inexpensive yet high-quality medical services.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 Taking a snooze in mud may not sound very appealing to you. To a pig, however, a mud bath means coolness, comfort, and protection from bothersome insects. 41 , a pig can’t buy insect repellent or sunscreen the way you can. A thick coating of mud protects the pig’s sensitive skin from 42 and from the sun’s burning rays. The mud also helps keep the animal cool. 43 very few sweat glands, pigs cannot cool off by sweating. On hot days, they may pant as dogs do. But stretching out in cool mud is an even better way of 44 the heat of a summer afternoon. Some people think that pigs are dirty animals because of their habit of bathing in mud. 45 , pigs are very clean animals. Their relative, wild hogs, seek out clean, fresh water for cooling off. And when barnyard pigs are given a choice, they prefer bathing in cool water to lying in the mud. Many farmers help their pigs beat the heat by giving them frequent showers.
(A) developing
(B) maintaining
(C) exploiting
(D) escaping


36 The man is awkward in words and does not know how to _______ his feelings to the one he loves.
(A) concern
(B) convey
(C) convert
(D) conserve


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2776~2780)-阿摩線上測驗
