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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2826~2830)
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請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題         
      Four-star general Walter (Dutch) Kerwin, who helped pioneer the US military’s historic shift to an all-volunteerforce in the 1970s, had seen firsthand the problems that could plague a conscripted army fighting a modern war.Kerwin was the Army’s personnel chief during the Vietnam War, grappling with draftees deserting, abusing drugs andeven murdering unpopular commanders. With draftees’ tours limited to 12 months, military units lost their vitalcohesion. In order to help “bring this level of indiscipline down,” as he told Congress at the time, Kerwin drafted plansfor what became the all-volunteer force that celebrated its 35th birthday on July 1, 2008.        
      Kerwin famously spoke of the line that he felt must be drawn between those in uniform and those they protect.“The values necessary to defend the society are often at odds with the values of the society itself,” he said. “The Armymust concentrate not on the values of our liberal society but on the hard values of the battlefield.”         The volunteer Army isn’t without problems—conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have forced it to lower recruitingstandards and increase bonuses to attract and retain soldiers—but with a conscripted force, the US probably couldn’thave waged the two wars now under way. Compared with morale during Vietnam, the spirit among US troops servingin war zones is relatively high—a fact that will no doubt be Kerwin’s legacy.

【題組】 38 According to the passage, which of the following crimes was not committed by the draftees General Kerwin dealt with?
(A) Deserting.
(B) Drug abuse.
(C) Murder.
(D) Sexual abuse.


36 His head is pounding and every one of his senses is on fire.
(A) He commits some violent acts to hurt himself.
(B) He is having a headache.
(C) He feels very hot.
(D) He is injured by some brutal forces.


Obvious parallels have been drawn between the extinction of languages and the extinction of plants and animals. Inall probability, like the majority of creatures in natural history, the majority of languages in human history have passedfrom the scene; they have 39 predators, changing environments, or more successful competitors. Moreover, thepace of extinction is clearly 40 both for languages and for biological species. In the past, despite a few exceptionalperiods (e.g., the late Mesozoic era, when the dinosaurs 41 ), the process has proceeded discretely and locally.Today, 42 , it is proceeding generically and globally. We appear to have entered a period of mass extinctions–a 43 to diversity in our natural ecology and also in what might be called our cultural ecology.

(A) threat
(B) promise
(C) leeway
(D) value


11 Renting a car in Morocco isn’t cheap, but it is possible to strike very good _______ with some of the smaller dealers.


11 With imported, exported or transited goods, Customs may examine or exempt examination either by________ or by application. Customs may, if necessary, withdraw samples.
(C) authorization


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2826~2830)-阿摩線上測驗
