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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2836~2840)
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14 In many ways one of the most remarkable phenomena among insects ____   the use of chemicals to bring the mates together.
(A) are
(B) be
(C) being
(D) is


4 Before going out of business, the store _____ prices for a clearance sale. And, all the merchandise was sold out in a week.
(A) hoarded
(B) bloated
(C) slashed
(D) thrilled


請依下文回答第 29 題至第 32 題 
       Kill the mosquito and you kill the disease. That is the usual approach to controlling malaria. And if done properly, it works. The problem is that the insecticides employed to do the killing destroy lots of other things as well. An old dream of those who seek to eliminate malaria is thus a way of selectively killing only what transmits the parasite: mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, most notably Anopheles gambiae. And that, more or less, is what is proposed by Nikolai Windbichler and Andrea Crisanti of Imperial College, London, in a paper in Nature Communications. They think they have worked out how to stop A. gambiae females being created in the first place. That would break the chain of transmission in two ways: immediately, because it is only females that drink blood and so pass the parasite on; and in the longer term because without females a population cannot reproduce. 
       The researchers’ trick is to engineer into the mosquitoes a gene for a protein called a homing endonuclease. These genes are peculiar, and are probably a type of genetic parasite. They cut particular sequences of DNA in a way that damages the chromosome such DNA is found in. In extreme cases, that destroys the chromosome. (In less extreme cases, the process of repair often copies the endonuclease gene into the repair site; hence the name “homing,” and also the suspicion of parasitism.) 
       Dr. Windbichler and Dr. Crisanti have found a homing endonuclease in a species of slime mould that, by a strange coincidence, cuts a sequence of DNA found repeatedly in the X chromosome of Anopheles gambiae, destroying the chromosome completely. 

【題組】29 How did Dr. Windbichler and Dr. Crisanti stop A. gambiae females being created (reproduced)?
(A)They used insecticides.
(B)They eliminated malaria.
(C)They made A. gambiae males incapable of reproduction.
(D)They inserted a gene to destroy the X chromosome of A. gambiae.


請依下文回答第 20 題至第 24 題  Chimpanzees usually invite comparison with humans. Not only do they bear a family resemblance thatfascinates people, the similarities between the two species go beyond expressive faces and opposable thumbs.Scientists described a young chimp watching as numbers 1 through 9 flashed on the computer screen at randompositions. Then the numbers disappeared in no more than a second and white squares remained. The chimpcasually but swiftly pressed the squares, calling back the numbers in ascending order—1, 2, 3, etc. The video alsoincluded scenes of a human failing the test, seldom recalling more than one or two numbers, if any. In experiments with mirrors, chimps showed an awareness of themselves that is absent in monkeys butpresent in dolphins and all the great apes. When confronted with problems obtaining food from the other side of afence, chimps were not only clever on their own and often competitive with a fellow chimp, but they also showeda willingness to cooperate with one another. Moreover, emotions of caring and mourning have been observedamong chimps, as in the case of the chimp mother that carried on her back the corpse of her daughter after she haddied. After fights between two chimps, others in the group were also seen consoling the loser.
【題組】20 How have scientists learned that chimpanzees are capable of self-awareness?
(A)Through experiments with mirrors
(B)Through experiments with numbers
(C)Through experiments with dolphins
(D)Through experiments with computers


34 Our discussion should dispense with political slogans and go straight to the heart of the matter.
(A) Our discussion should include political ideas so that we can go into the matter more thoroughly.
(B) Our discussion should do without the political catchwords and deal with the crucial matter.
(C) Our discussion is filled with political slogans that go straight to the heart.
(D) Our discussion should be agreed with political slogans and deal with the heartfelt matter.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2836~2840)-阿摩線上測驗
