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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2846~2850)
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Due to the hard economic times, we can expect a ____________ in job vacancies.
(A) decline
(B) capacity
(C) sketch
(D) balance


A relief team rescued 500 villagers from mudslides caused by the typhoon, but there were still five people who ____________ into thin air and were never seen again.
(A) transformed
(B) survived
(C) explored
(D) vanished


The traffic on Main Street was ___ for several hours due to a car accident in which six people were injured.


43-46 For many, summer is the time to shed the extra pounds piled on all winter. But for some of those trying to lose weight, there’s often this one spot on their body that just won’t let go of that fat. It turns out there’s a genetic reason for this and the information is proving helpful to researchers trying to learn who is at risk for diabetes. Dr. Ronald Kahn, president of Boston’s Joslin Diabetes Center, says the research stems from basic questions people ask of him. He explains, “People ask me as a diabetes and obesity expert, … ‘Doctor, why is it that when I gain weight it always goes to my belly?’ Or, ‘When I lose weight my face gets thin and my hips stay big?’” Kahn and his team have identified genes that match up to where our bodies store fat. Kahn said fat location is an important risk factor in developing diabetes. He said, “When fat is inter-abdominal—that is, inside our bellies, the so-called beer belly type of obesity—this fat creates more insulin resistance. And remember that insulin is the major hormone that controls our blood sugar.” He said doctors might one day be able to analyze someone’s genes and warn those with the greatest disposition for large bellies. 閱讀上文,回答第 43題至第 46 題
【題組】46 According to this passage, what determines where a person stores his or her fat?
(A) The kind of food this person consumes.
(B) The amount of food one consumes.
(C)Whether one has an inclination for diabetes or not.
(D) The genes inherited from one’s family.


Even by the brutish standards of Tasmanian devils, Rosie, Harry, and Clyde have led a lamentable life. A year ago, when the three were each the size of a sesame seed, they wriggled out of their mother’s birth canal and undulated their way to her pouch. There, each locked onto a teat and grew quickly. But within months, their mother developed devil facial tumor disease—a mysterious malady that in the last three years has killed nearly half of all the world’s devils, marsupials that are found only in Tasmania. Shortly after she died, the baby devils, grown to the size of tiny puppies, were found dangling from their mother’s pouch, starving to death. Rescued and reared by hand, Rosie, Harry, and Clyde recently joined six similarly orphaned devils at the Launceston Lakes and Wildlife Park, all in strict quarantine. The fate of their exotic species—Sarcophilus harrisii—may lie in what happens to these rambunctious youngsters in the next 12 to 18 months. “If they contract the disease, devils may be headed for extinction in the wild,” said a wildlife biologist. Right now, wildlife experts are struggling to comprehend the nature of the fast-moving epidemic. Moving at a rate of 10 to 16 kilometers a year, it is 100 percent fatal. Only the west coast, isolated by mountain ranges inhospitable to devils, is disease free. Nearly half of the estimated 150,000 devils in Tasmania are now dead.
【題組】48.According to the passage, what has happened to Tasmanian devils?
(A)Environmental pollution
(B)Tumor epidemic
(C)Wildlife hunting
(D)Animal starvation


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2846~2850)-阿摩線上測驗
