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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(4036~4040)
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14 It is hard to judge a stone in the rough. Diamonds tend to lose at least 50% of their weight during the _____ process.
(A) distracting
(B) polishing
(C) retrieving
(D) squeezing


42 題至第 46 題 
Sometimes the normal processes of cell growth, death, and regulation get completely deranged. Cells are transformed and begin robbing their neighbors’ blood supply, like vampires. They defy normal limitations on growth, multiply unceasingly, and then invade space reserved for others. They refuse to die on schedule. These are cancer cells, and they are responsible for about two million new cases of various cancers that occur every year in the United States, and over half a million deaths. One out of five people in industrialized countries will die of cancer, most of them from tumors that originated in a lung, breast, prostate gland, colon, or rectum. And except for a few very clear instances such as lung cancer caused by smoking or exposure to certain chemicals and radiation, no one knows exactly why. Unlike smallpox or malaria, cancer is not a distinctive disease with a single cause. It arises from various kinds of mutations in a cell’s DNA. Some mutations occur naturally. In the course of an average human lifetime, billions of trillions of cell divisions take place. Given this huge number of replications, mistakes are bound to happen. They may result in a disadvantageous change for the organism; some may even spawn cancers. More often, mutations and cancers are prompted by external causes.

【題組】46 What does this article suggest about diseases such as smallpox or malaria?
(A) They are diseases caused by exposure to certain chemicals.
(B) They are diseases caused by various kinds of mutations in a cell’s DNA.
(C) They are diseases that cause many deaths in industrialized countries.
(D) They are diseases with a distinctive cause.


45 Foreign brides introduce the greatest population _____ in Taiwan since the last great wave of immigration in 1949.
(A) break
(B) resistance
(C) shift
(D) modesty


請依下文回答第 8 題至第 12 題 
        When a bee returns from a more distant food source, she does what is called the Schwanzeltanz or the waggle dance. She wags her abdomen as she runs straight a short distance while making a rasping sound with her wings.She makes turns that create a figure-eight design. The movements of the dance indicate to the other bees in the hive where they must fly to find the food. Karl von Frisch was the first to decode the dances of the honeybees. As early as the 1940s, he found that honeybees can communicate the direction, distance, and quality of a food source to members of their hive through elaborate dances. Scientists have also discovered that the bees produce a hive-specific pheromone that they leave at the source of the nectar, helping to direct the other bees to the site. A pheromone is a chemical that is secreted by one individual and acts from a distance on another individual to alter that individual’s behavior. The scout bee also brings back the scent of the nectar itself, which further aids the other bees in locating the food source. So there are several indicators of where the food is located: the “dance,” the pheromone, and the odor of the food.

【題組】11 Which part of the body does a honeybee wiggle in the dance?
(A)The abdomen
(B)The wings
(C)The tail
(D)The head


35 For some people, _________ is a way of life, a never-ending journey, and they are forever trying to buy a ticket to the beloved’s heart.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(4036~4040)-阿摩線上測驗
