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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(4096~4100)
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Tom's colleagues threw ______ party for him the dau before he officially retired. They wanted to show how much they would miss him.
(A) commencement
(B) farewell
(C) graduation
(D) welcome


【題組】 The drug Ecstasy or “E” is an amphetamine, which comes in a pill or tablet form. If you take an E, you might experience a general state of euphoria,      43       increased sensitivity to touch, taste, and color and raised confidence. At higher doses, a user can also experience sudden feelings of panic, depression, confusion, and anxiety. Ecstasy is often termed the “love drug” or “hug drug” because it    44    feelings of heightened sensuality. Translation: you will be loving everyone you meet. This is dangerous     45     it may lead you to trust people you have only just met. Ecstasy users can suffer severe dehydration from dancing for hours and not noticing their fatigue. Other physical    46        of a pill include: sweating, teeth grinding, blurred vision, nausea and cramping. The street quality of Ecstasy can never be    47   . The reality is that you could have a deadly reaction. If you or one of your friends starts vomiting or loses consciousness after taking a pill, stay calm and call an ambulance or go to the hospital straight away.

(A) qualified
(B) gratified
(C) guaranteed
(D) quarantined


Please get your shirt ______ before you go out.
(D)to wash


The scientist ______ his speech to make it easier for children to understand the threat of global warming.
(A) estimated
(B) documented
(C) abolished
(D) modified


        The development of information technology—computers and electronic communication devices—is another factor currently influencing organizational structures. Automatic data-processing systems have been widely   41   in a range of settings. Anyone who draws money out of a bank, or buys an airline ticket, depends on a computer-based communication system. Since data can be processed   42   in any part of the world linked to such a system, there is no need for physical proximity between those involved. However, a fully-fledged “electronic office,” in which the bulk of the work is carried out by machines rather than humans, is still   43   , and there are many problems in the way of its realization.   44   , there is a strong trend towards the transplant of many office activities to electronic machinery. Word-processors, computer networks, teleprinter links, and other electronic systems have already   45   the nature of much office work. In some leading American banks, the trust department, where stock transfers are made, has been completely automated.
(A) altered
(B) mystified
(C) diluted
(D) offered


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(4096~4100)-阿摩線上測驗
