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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(4111~4115)
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This cutting-edge equipment is state-of-the-art. 
(A)These powered knives and saws are very good for arts and crafts. 
(B) This cutlery is designed only for use in art. 
(C)This modern, hi-tech tool is designed especially for art. 
(D)This equipment is the newest and most advanced of its kind.


34 Before _____ a broken machine, make sure to disconnect it from the electricity supply.


31 Automakers are developing cars that can sense and respond to _____ on the road to prevent accidents.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
 In the four minutes it probably takes to read this review, you will have logged exactly half the time the average 15- to 24-year-old now spends reading each day. That is, if you even bother to finish. If you are perusing this on the Internet,the big block of text below probably seems daunting, maybe even boring. Who has the time? Such is the kind of recklessly distracted impatience that makes Mark Bauerlein fear for his country. “As of 2008,” the 49-year-old professor of English at Emory University writes in “The Dumbest Generation,” “the intellectual future of the United States looks dim.”The way Bauerlein sees it, something new and disastrous has happened to America’s youth with the arrival of the instant gratification go-go-go digital age. The result is, essentially, a collective loss of context and history. The problem is that instead of using the Web to learn about the world, young people mostly use it to gossip about each other and follow pop culture, relentlessly keeping up with the ever-shifting linguafranca of being cool in school. Social life is a powerful temptation and most teenagers feel the pain of missing out.
And all this feeds on itself. Increasingly disconnected from the “adult” world of tradition, culture, history, context and the ability to sit down for more than five minutes with a book, today’s digital generation is becoming insulated in its ownstultifying cocoon of bad spelling, civic illiteracy and endless postings that hopelessly confuse triviality with transcendence.
At fault is not just technology but also a newly indulgent attitude among parents, educators and other mentors, who,Bauerlein argues, lack the courage to risk “being labeled a curmudgeon and a reactionary.”

【題組】 47 According to the passage, how much time does the average 15- to 24-year-old spend on reading each day?
(A) 4 minutes.
(B) 8 minutes.
(C) 12 minutes.
(D) 16 minutes.


40 In Japan, combined junior high and senior high schools are mostly _____, but the number of public ones is increasing.
(A) collective
(B) communal
(C) shared
(D) private


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(4111~4115)-阿摩線上測驗
