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8 Brian and Jerry are close friends _____ their difference in age and religion.
(C)in spite of
(D)in addition


Smoking is not good for our health. Nicotine __46__ the cigarette hurts our lungs and can cause cancer. However, in recent years more and more young people have __47__ smoking. Obviously, many young people enjoy smoking, partly because it gives them the false __48__ of freedom. Besides, smoking may help them __49__ friends with other young people. It is a __50__ that they are too young to think about the long-term effect of smoking on their health.
(A) at
(B) for
(C) on
(D) in


第 41 題至第 45 題為題組 
        For decades, childhood obesity rates have been on the rise. Now some U.S. cities are seeing progress in their fight against fat. New York City showed a 5.5% drop in the number of overweight children from 2007 to 2011. Philadelphia showed a 4.7% drop, and Los Angeles a 3% drop. Declining childhood obesity rates have also been reported in parts of Mississippi, the state with the highest obesity rate in the nation.
        In 2011, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began a project to combat childhood obesity. The project’s goal is to find ways to make healthy changes in a community’s schools, food stores, parks and other places. For example, Philadelphia works with an organization called the Food Trust to connect schools with local farms and bring fresh vegetables to cafeterias. New York City has required chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus. Mississippi created a program called “Fruits & Veggies: More Matters” to teach kids how to add healthy foods to their daily diets. These examples send a clear message: Any community that makes these kinds of changes over a few years will see their children get healthier.
        Now schools nationwide are doing their part. Fried food has disappeared from many cafeteria menus. Whole-wheat bread has replaced white bread. Drinks like water and low-fat milk have replaced sugary beverages, including fruit punch, sports drinks and soda. Many schools have banned junk food and require healthier snack options in vending machines.

【題組】44 Which measure was taken by Philadelphia to combat childhood obesity?
(A)Establishing chain restaurants all over the city.
(B)Providing fresh vegetables in school cafeterias.
(C)Giving calorie information on restaurant menus.
(D)Teaching children how to go on a healthy diet.


45 If you did not eat your meals, you ________ enough energy to play games, stay awake, or even think.
(A) had not had
(B) did not have
(C) would not have
(D) would not have had


32 The town _____ great changes since I was here last time.
(A) has undergone
(B) undergoes
(C) was undergoing
(D) underwent


3 A friend of __________ is coming to stay with me next week.
(A) me
(B) my
(C) Mary
(D) mine


第46 題至第 50 題為題組 
I attended my 43 year-old uncle’s wedding last Sunday afternoon. It was not a 46 wedding held in a church with a simple cake-and-tea or coffee reception afterwards. Instead, my uncle and his fiancée 47 their vows of marriage in a beautiful garden at a five-star hotel. Since both my uncle and his fiancée were already working at 48 jobs in two of the most successful computer companies in the city, they didn’t need to depend upon their parents to help pay for their wedding. The couple invited many co-workers and friends besides their relatives. The wedding guests drank pink champagne and ate a 49 of special delicacies prepared by the hotel’s gourmet cooks. Attending this splendid wedding made me think that waiting to tie the wedding knot until one is older and 50 independent is a good idea.



請依下文回答第 28 題至第 30 題 
  Bullying is an important issue that is definitely seen in our world these days. There are various explanations why children or youngsters bully other children. The majority of the community has been or will be bullied throughout their school-age life. The effects of bullying on kids can be devastating; it can create social separation or even suicide. The common reason of bullying is families’ situations that lead to health, wealth and relationship complications in long-time period. Bullying is when somebody or a group of individuals who have more power, persistently and intentionally cause harm or trouble for someone else or group of individuals who really feel helpless to react. 
  Olweus says there are usually three types of bullying on school-aged children. The first one is physical bullying that involves physical damage and damage to property. Second most common type is called verbal bullying, which contains any type of verbal provocation such as abusive language, insults or racial comments. The next type is cyber bullying; it comprises sending unpolished images, tweeting slang memos, or posting false web pages. There are several different effects which bullying can have on children. Nowadays social separation is a main problem in kids. When children are bullied for a long period of time, it can make them feel inferior and unconfident in themselves that can have a bad effect on the way they intermingle in public. A research shows there are numerous cases of student committing suicide for the past few years. However, sometimes victims go for revenge against the bully with severe acts of violence. Besides, all these people lose their trust in relations, their competence to love and more importantly they restrict themselves to be in a well-meaning relationship in future. Along with all these problems, bullying can also disturb victims’ health; they may suffer from eating disorder or might hurt themselves.

【題組】29 Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) The effects of bullying on kids are not as devastating as those on adults.
(B) There are usually three types of bullying on school-aged children.
(C) The victims of bullying may kill themselves.
(D) Sometimes victims take revenge on the bully with violent acts.


