阿摩:一個人的成功絕不是個人的努力 而是別人給予的助力
(1 分3 秒)

5. If you keep adding sugar to your coffee so ______, you will get diabetes soon.
(A) miserly
(B) lavishly
(C) parsimoniously
(D) conservatively


8. Cash grants were part of the financial ______ given to developers of new solar power technology.
(A) incentives
(B) discomforts
(C) collapses
(D) stunts


15. ______, the news about the terrible rail disaster shocked the audience.
(A) Watching TV last night
(B) To watch TV last night
(C) While watching TV last night
(D) While they were watching TV last night


18. Local residents have been forced to think of ways to conserve water, _____ other cities have had made changes to avoid water scarcity.
(A) just as
(B) likewise
(C) in contrast
(D) in addition


Passage 3 
      There remained an appreciation for the artistic qualities of certain kinds of graffiti. Some of the more famous graffiti artists even started their own art galleries, which leads to the idea that not all forms of graffiti were destructive. Even so, the idea of graffiti as art was still not widely accepted, and the art form remained outside the mainstream—that is, until the appearance of the mysterious graffiti artist Banksy. Banksy is a secretive graffiti artist from the UK, whose graffiti art started appearing in the late 1990s. Banksy takes great care to hide his identity. His graffiti usually involves humorous pictures with anti-authority slogans. Banksy likes to take risks in order to draw attention to his ideas and works. In one set of schemes, Banksy snuck into world-famous museums and galleries and hung up his own artwork next to that of the masters. In many of these places, his addition was not discovered until days later. Banksy somehow managed to do all this without getting caught by the police. In time, his actions attracted the attention of the news and the general public. While still creating his secretive street art, he also started to sell his works through a gallery. Famous actors and musicians became interested in collecting his works. Since his first works went on auction, Banksy and his art have only become more popular, more expensive, and more a part of public awareness. His fans want to follow his upward trajectory from the outlaw spraying walls in Bristol, England, during the 1990s to the artist whose work commands hundreds of thousands of dollars in the auction houses of Britain and America. Today, he has “bombed” cities from Vienna to San Francisco, Barcelona to Paris and Detroit. And he has moved from graffiti on gritty urban walls to paint on canvas, conceptual sculpture and even film, with the guileful documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, which was nominated for an Academy Award. Many people criticize Banksy for relying on easy satire, his emphasis on anonymity, and the lack of any proposals for the future, failing to contribute anything other than relatability to society. But it is undeniable that thanks to Banksy, ideas about what is or is not art have been revised, and this outsider art form has been brought inside today’s galleries and museums.

【題組】47. According to the passage, the word “snuck” is closest in meaning to ______.
(A) snickered
(B) robbed
(C) facilitated
(D) stole


【題組】48. What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Banksy is actually a group of graffiti artists.
(B) Banksy is an artist active in art communities exclusively in the UK.
(C) Despite his success, Banksy tends to keep anonymous.
(D) Banksy did not have proper art materials, so he started spraying walls.


【題組】50. Which is the best title for this passage?
(A) Banksy’s Graffiti: Winner of Academy Award?
(B) Graffiti Legalization: Time to Act?
(C) How Did Banksy Break into the Art World?
(D) Graffiti in Exile: How Did Banksy Do It?


