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21 Pretending to be a superhero allows a child to act out and process any anxiety he/she has, thereby resolving or reducing ____ fears.
(A) underwriting
(B) underlying
(C) underlining
(D) undertaking


24 The comedian used humor to ____ the audience’s attention away from the controversial topic.
(A) divert
(B) exclude
(C) dissolve
(D) engrave


27 He was quiet and timid, so unlikely to go round ____ afterwards if it was a disaster.
(A) gloating
(B) glistening
(C) glimpsing
(D) gossiping


33 Instead of working on her own, Jane enjoys doing her class assignments and projects through ____ with her classmates.
(A) collaboration
(B) exaggeration
(C) intervention
(D) prosecution


39 Polly has been under stress from work and family, but she doesn’t know how to ____ her anxiety to her husband or friends.
(A) articulate
(B) cumulate
(C) optimize
(D) subscribe


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
       “Somebody must have made a false accusation against Josef K., for he was arrested one morning without havingdone anything wrong.” As in Kafka’s long story Metamorphosis—which begins with the line “Gregor Samsa awoke onemorning from uneasy dreams to find himself __41__ in his bed into a gigantic insect”—the entire narrative of The Trial emerges from the condition that announces itself in the opening sentence. The protagonist, Josef K., never discovers whathe is being __42__ , and is never able to understand the principles governing the system of justice in which he findshimself ensnared. Instead, the narrative follows his exhausting determination to understand and to __43__ his innocencein the complete absence of any doctrine that would explain to him what it would mean to be __44__ , or indeed, of whathe actually stands accused. In following Josef K.’s struggle toward 45 , the novel presents us with an astonishinglymoving account of what it is to be born naked and defenseless into a completely incomprehensible system, armed onlywith a devout conviction of innocence.

(A) absolution
(B) revolution
(C) elaboration
(D) superstition


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
         Guide dogs are service or assistance dogs trained specifically to help people with a visual impairment navigatearound. Apart from helping people navigate, they are a companion and provide a sense of freedom to the visuallyimpaired. We all might have seen a guide dog with a person, but do we know how they help the visually impaired personor handler? Do we know the intensity of training and what it takes to be a guide dog? Here are a couple of things youprobably didn’t know about guide dogs.
         First, not every dog is cut out to be a guide dog. They are carefully chosen for breeding with the sole purpose totrain them to be a guide dog. Most of the guide dogs originate from a carefully planned breeding program. Enormousfocus is given to the physical health and characteristics like intelligence, good temperament, stability and willingness towork. It is a known fact that when puppies are screened, only about 70% make the cut.
          In addition, the training period for a guide dog from the time of its birth is anywhere between 15-18 months. Theygo through two different stages in their training. The first stage is when the puppies spend about a year in a specificvolunteer’s household. They learn to abide by some guidelines and are exposed to different people, sounds, situations,places like railway stations, shops, traffic areas as a part of their training. They’re exposed to a fun and unique training.On the second stage, the dogs receive a formal training at a training center by professionals. This training lasts for about 5-6 months. The dogs are assessed at regular intervals and continuously monitored for progress.

【題組】46 According to this passage, which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “make the cut”?
(A) Comply.
(B) Apply.
(C) Qualify.
(D) Quantify.


【題組】48 Which of the following can best describe the tone of this passage?
(A) Cynical.
(B) Indifferent.
(C) Objective.
(D) Prompt.


【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following best describes the nature of the first-stage training?
(A) Exceptional.
(B) Incredulous.
(C) Apprehensive.
(D) Malicious.



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