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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 地特四等◆法學知識2024~2015難度:(286~290)
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請依下文回答第 36 題至第 38 題:
David knew that doctors were good men, and the adults had always told him that doctors were there to help people when they were ill. So he 36 quietly while the doctor touched him and 37 the dirt away with something from a bottle. It hurt all the time, and then the doctor put something else on his burns, and that hurt, too. But the doctor explained that 38 he did not do it, the burns would be more painful the next day.



請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題In 2010, a South Korean couple was _6_ the murder of their daughter through neglect. When their daughter was born, she weighed 2.9 kilograms. Three months later, when she _7_ , she weighed 2.4 kilograms. The strangest part was that the parents were playing a game for many hours each day in which they raised a _8_ child online. Similarly, in 2014, a young South Korean man who spent much of his time in Internet Cafés was arrested after his two-year-old son starved to death. South Korea has seen exponential growth in computer and Internet use. This has caused many to worry that certain users are _9_ unable to control how much time they spend on the Internet. They fear an epidemic of addiction to video game. South Korea is not _10_ : many other developed countries have also experienced huge growth in video games and Internet addiction.
(A) over
(B) alone
(C) all
(D) new


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 
   We've all had nights when we lie awake in bed, unable to quiet our racing thoughts. There are plenty of reasons why sleep may be evading you—maybe you had caffeine too late in the afternoon, 21 , or you've been staring at your laptop screen for hours and haven't given yourself time to relax before bed. These are things to keep in mind for improving future nights of sleep. But what if you've done everything "right" leading up to bedtime, and you still find yourself 22 and turning? 
   It's very common for people to report being physically tired, but not being able to shut their mind off, especially if they're very worried about something. Worries keep people awake, and they don't have to be 23 worries. It could also be something positive you're planning, like a trip or a big event with a lot of things you have to remember. Spending time during the day or earlier in the evening to sit and 24 those concerns may help, but if it's too late for that, grab a notebook and try physically writing them down in a list for the next day. A recent study found that writing out a to-do list of future tasks helped people fall asleep nine minutes faster than people who wrote about tasks they'd already 25 that day. Researchers think the act of getting them down on paper helps clear the mind and stop rumination, at least temporarily.



24 The countries have agreed on strengthening co-operation in order to _ the economic crisis by joint effort.
(A) involve
(B) resolve


35 Unless viewed with a microscope, neither ______nor viruses can be seen by the naked eye.
(A) bacteria
(B) deadlines
(C) portraits
(D) wildlife

一、英譯中:請將以下文章譯為中文(20 分)Middle power diplomacy is a concept in the international relations literature that applies to states that, due to either their material and financial capabilities or their political culture and leadership, contribute actively to conflict resolution, peacekeeping, or official development assistance. It is often described as acting as a “good citizen” of the international community: more involved than smaller states in international affairs, but also more compromising and multilateral in focus than the great powers. The Republic of China (ROC), like most small states, is significantly influenced by the actions of larger states and thus reliant on multilateral cooperation to ensure its own security. Moreover, the ROC continues to find itself in an historically complicated and often tense geopolitical position where larger states’ spheres of influence overlap, especially those of China and the United States. It is questionable, therefore, whether middle powers like the ROC can always play a truly independent role and will not ultimately be tempted to side with one great power or another. It might be more meaningful to identify middle powers by their effects on mediation and diplomacy and their leadership’s attitudes rather than quantifying their financial or material capabilities. 


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 地特四等◆法學知識2024~2015難度:(286~290)-阿摩線上測驗
