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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 國家安全情報特種考試_三等_政經組(選試英文)、情報組(選試英文)、國際組(選試英文)、資訊組(選試英文)、電子組(選試英文):外國文(英文)#108631
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1 The film released last week was criticized for its _________ violence and nudity.
(A) fugitive
(B) excessive
(C) inferior
(D) reluctant


2 He liked this _________ turn in his affairs to become a sailor, which promised an opening into novel scenes and excitements.
(A) argumentative
(B) adventurous
(C) applicable
(D) abundant


3 Shopping experts advise consumers to approach liquidation sales _________ , since there is no guarantee that they have the lowest prices and the intended quality.
(A) fearlessly
(B) cautiously
(C) defficiently
(D) reciprocally


4 Some people think that their pay has increased over the years, but studies show that we are _________ when it comes to salaries considering the increased living costs.
(A) farfetched
(B) overlooked
(C) shortchanged
(D) undermined


5 Many public welfare organizations aggressively participated in the quake relief efforts; in fact, their _________ of relief supplies was much faster than the government's.
(A) motivation
(B) performance
(C) percentage
(D) mobilization


6 In view of the failure of the current preventive measures, the government is working on _________ measures to cope with the increasing virus outbreak.
(A) benignant
(B) belated
(C) receding
(D) remedial


7 According to the governor, the wild fire has _________ the state and wiped out more than 650,000 acres of forest and residential areas.
(A) annotated
(B) devastated
(C) inculcated
(D) palpitated


8 The film critic praised the director that the characters in his new film are flawed but _________ , witty, funny, and well worth the time and money spent.
(A) critical
(B) fabulous
(C) hysterical
(D) malicious


9 After twenty years of heavy drinking, he has a _________ potbelly.
(A) massive
(B) momentous
(C) masochistic
(D) masterful


10 To effectively fight a pandemic, everyone should put _________ interests over individual interests.
(A) collective
(B) conventional
(C) incorporated
(D) incredible


11 Mass production is _________ only if it is accompanied by mass consumptions, and both need to be supported by mass distribution.
(A) obsolete
(B) feasible
(C) equitable
(D) rectified


12 Charles Dickens was one of the most _________ writers of his era, producing fifteen extraordinary novels and a great number of works in different genres.
(A) traumatic
(B) inundated
(C) tremendous
(D) prolific


13 Mr. Cooper is rough in manner and responds _________ when asked a question, but he is actually a very gentle person.
(A) benignly
(B) gruffly
(C) sagely
(D) sympathetically


14 Certain special archives and confidential documents in a library collection are usually _________ to ordinary citizens.
(A) inaccessible
(B) inaudible
(C) insulating
(D) infamous


15 John must have been hungry for a whole day; he _________ the whole pizza and twelve chicken legs in fifteen minutes.
(A) begged off
(B) doled out
(C) polished off
(D) carried out


16 In front of the mountains was a _________ land vastly covered by only sand and stones.
(A) barren
(B) audible
(C) chaotic
(D) discreet


17 Obese workers often experience injuries that are more _________ because extra weight generates increased force during an accident.
(A) saturated
(B) savage
(C) segregated
(D) severe


18 Sweet potatoes are rich in _________ for they are an excellent source of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and potassium.
(A) compartments
(B) compliments
(C) nuisances
(D) nutrients


19 Sophie is the best stylist in this beauty salon, so you are _________ .
(A) at irregular intervals
(B) called a halt
(C) far and wide
(D) in good hands


20 When writing an academic paper or thesis, you can put _________ or extra information in the footnotes.
(A) confidential
(B) confirmative
(C) superficial
(D) supplementary


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:
         The most common question that curator Edward Bleiberg fields from visitors is a straightforward but salient one:Why are the statues’ noses broken?Bleiberg, who __21__ the Brooklyn museum's extensive holdings of Egyptian, Classical and ancient Near Eastern art, was surprised the first few times he heard this question. He had taken for __22__ that the sculptures were damaged; his training in Egyptology encouraged visualizing how a statue would look if it were still __23__ . It might seem inevitable that after thousands of years, an ancient artifact would show wear and __24__ . But this simple observation led Bleiberg to uncover a widespread pattern of deliberate destruction, which pointed to a complex set of reasons why most works of Egyptian art came to be __25__ in the first place.

(A) oversees
(B) alienates
(C) devastates
(D) fortells


(A) convinced
(B) granted
(C) poached
(D) abridged


(A) tolerant
(B) latent
(C) alert
(D) intact


(A) layer
(B) fair
(C) tear
(D) display


(A) debarked
(B) defaced
(C) deserted
(D) despised


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:
        Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals,organizations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment and, __26__ , to repair damage and reverse trends. Due to the pressures of overconsumption, population growth and technology, the biophysical environment is being degraded,sometimes permanently. This has been recognized, and governments have begun putting __27__  on activities that cause environmental degradation. Since the 1960s, environmental movements have created more __28__ of the various environmental problems. There is disagreement on the extent of the environmental impact of human activity and even scientific dishonesty occurs, so protection measures are occasionally debated.
          Discussion concerning environmental protection often focuses on the role of government, legislation,and law enforcement. __29__ , in its broadest sense, environmental protection may be seen to be the responsibility of all the people and not simply that of government. Decisions that impact the environment will ideally __30__ a broad range of stakeholders including industry, indigenous groups, environmental group and community representatives. Gradually, environmental decision-making processes are evolving to reflect this broad base of stakeholders and are becoming more collaborative in many countries.

(A) what is possible
(B) where is possibility
(C) what possible
(D) where possible


(A) refrains
(B) restraints
(C) reward
(D) revenge


(A) overdose
(B) entertainment
(C) inferiority
(D) awareness


(A) Moreover
(B) However
(C) Therefore
(D) Likewise


(A) observe
(B) preserve
(C) involve
(D) dissolve


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:
        If you are currently in refugee or asylee status, you may be able to help your relative obtain asylee or refugee status. You can start the process by filing a Form I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition.Filing instructions and forms are available on our Web site at www.uscis.gov.
        If you were admitted to the United States as a refugee or were granted asylum less than 2 years ago,you may file an I-730 for the following relatives:
• Husband or wife;
• Unmarried children who were under age 21 at the time you were admitted as a refugee or granted asylum in the United States.
        An I-730 petition must be filed within 2 years of being admitted as a refugee or being granted asylum.If it has been longer than 2 years since you were admitted as a refugee or were granted asylum, you may want to get legal advice to determine if there are any other immigration benefits available to your relative.
         After you file the I-730 petition, we will mail you a receipt so you know we received it for processing.If your petition is incomplete, we may have to reject it, or ask you for more evidence or information,which will delay processing. Please send all required information the first time to avoid delay. If your relative is in the United States, we may require him or her to appear for an interview with an immigration officer. We will notify you when we make a decision regarding your case. If we approve your petition,and your relative is in the United States, we will send you an approval notice, notifying you that your relative has been granted derivative refugee or asylee status and what steps to take next. If we approve your petition and your relative is outside the United States, we will send you an approval notice and forward your petition to the U.S. Embassy or consulate nearest your relative. The U.S. Embassy or consulate will notify your relative when and where to appear, inviting him or her to apply for travel authorization to enter the United States.
         The time it takes to process and approve your relative’s petition depends on a number of factors.Once you file, we will send you a receipt. You can check and monitor current processing times on our Website. Also, if you marry after I become a refugee or asylee, you cannot file an I-730 for your husband or wife if the marriage occurred after you become a refugee or asylee. However, you may want to get legaladvice to determine if there are any other immigration benefits available to your spouse.
         The law limits eligibility to the relatives listed in this guide shown above. If your relative was granted refugee or asylee status based on his or her relationship to you, the relative cannot file a Form I-730 for other family members.

【題組】31 What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To inform how to seek refugee status for oneself in the U.S.
(B) To inform how to help relative get refugee status in the U.S.
(C) To inform how to apply for travel authorization to enter the U.S.
(D) To inform how to get legal advice on refugee or asylum status in the U.S.


【題組】32 In the passage, which of the following has the closest meaning to the word “petition”?
(A) A request
(B) A demand
(C) A claim
(D) A status


【題組】33 Who are the relatives for whom a person may file an I-730?
(A) Brothers and sisters.
(B) Unmarried children under 21.
(C) Children under 21 who are married.
(D) Husband or wife who has obtained refugee status.


【題組】34 According to the passage, how long will it take for a petition to be approved after it is filed?
(A) It takes two years after it is filed.
(B) Approval notice is sent right away.
(C) Estimation of time is provided on the website.
(D) There will be no way to find out.


【題組】35 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Processing will be delayed if the petition is incomplete.
(B) The applicant will receive a receipt in the mail after filing an I-730 petition.
(C) The person who filed the petition may be required to appear for an interview with an immigration officer.
(D) If the relative is granted refugee status through filing an I-730, he or she cannot file a form I-730 for other family members.


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
         Universal student-debt cancellation is a bad idea. It would be a big handout to Americans from upper-income families, most of whom are able to pay off their loans without too much trouble. “Education debt,”as Sandy Baum and Victoria Lee of the Urban Institute have written, “is disproportionately concentrated among the well-off.”(If you’re skeptical, I laid out the evidence in a recent column.)A much better idea would be an enormous investment in colleges that enroll large numbers of middle-class and lower-income students. These colleges tend to be underfunded and suffer from high dropout rates. This investment program could be combined with targeted debt forgiveness for those college graduates(and especially non-graduates)unable to repay their loans.
         When I heard this week that Elizabeth Warren was instead proposing a sweeping debt-relief program,I was disappointed. Her campaign has been full of ideas to reduce poverty and lift middle-class living standards. A big debt-cancellation program is much less progressive than most of her ideas. But as I dug into the details of her new proposal, I discovered that it wasn’t as bad as I had first feared. It is more targeted than her campaign has sometimes made it sound. Her plan is considerably less regressive than universal debt cancellation would be. I still don’t love the idea. Warren would wipe out up to $50,000 in debt for anyone making less than $100,000 a year. It means that a 24-year-old in Silicon Valley making$90,000--and on a path to earn far more--could get a windfall. And people earning up to $250,000--say, a 27-year-old investment banker or corporate lawyer--would get some benefit from the plan. Warren would also make tuition free at every public college, including those with overwhelmingly upper-income students, like the University of Virginia and the University of Michigan. This money would do much more good if it instead went to community colleges, which are typically starved of resources.
          Yet the Warren plan is better than I first thought—for two reasons. First, people earning more than$100,000 a year can’t get the full $50,000 in debt relief; someone earning $220,000 could get only$10,000, for example. Second, the $50,000 cap means that people who took on more debt to get a degree in business, law and medicine--and are often earning very high salaries--will still have to pay back some of their loans.

【題組】36 According to the passage, why would a universal student-debt cancellation be an undesirable policy?
(A) It would not benefit college students from lower-income families.
(B) It would be an unnecessary gift to high-income students.
(C) It would not be fair to students of private colleges.
(D) It would only do good to poorer students in public colleges.


【題組】37 Which of the following makes Warren's new proposal more acceptable to the author?
(A) The loan relief also applies to elite universities.
(B) It basically makes tuition free at every public college.
(C) It is more targeted at helping lower-income students.
(D) It allows a college graduate earning $90,000 a year to get a full debt cancellation.


【題組】38 Why is the $50,000 cap a desirable measure in the author's opinion?
(A) It makes the proposal's budget plan more viable, so there would be less resistance among taxpayers.
(B) It is fair since people who took on more debt to get a higher degree still have to pay back the rest of their loans.
(C) It is the average amount of student loans of poorer students.
(D) It is a necessary measure since college education is expensive.


【題組】39 According to the author, which of the following is the most desirable way to relocate federal education funds?
(A) Making all public colleges in the U.S. tuition-free.
(B) Allocating funding according to academic performances of colleges.
(C) Giving education funds to all private colleges.
(D) Allocating most financial supports to community colleges.


【題組】40 According to the passage, which of the following statements about Warren is true?
(A) Most of Warren's education reform ideas are of the progressive kind.
(B) Warren's universal education debt policy is very progressive.
(C) Warren believes in the importance of providing resources to community colleges.
(D) Warren thinks that the more a student borrows, the more she/he should be reimbursed.

一、英譯中:請將以下英文翻譯成中文(15 分)
 For weeks I have been crisscrossing Ukraine reporting on the war. I’ve witnessed people who’ve lost everything they had, women with children who have nowhere to go, children whose bodies are broken and whose lives are changed forever. I’ve interviewed the relatives of the tortured and killed. I have seen displacement, injury and loss everywhere I’ve visited until I have stopped believing that there are any people or places left in Ukraine that have remained untouched by this war.

二、中譯英:請將以下中文翻譯成英文(15 分)
日本一家商店已經備有一具機器人,以確保顧客都有戴上口罩。它可 以找出沒有戴口罩的顧客,並且禮貌地要求他們戴上。若人們排隊結 帳時未遵守社交距離,它也可以插手干預。對大部分的民眾而言,由 機器人要求他們戴口罩,比遭到真人要求來得較不尷尬。

三、英文作文:(20 分)
British writer Alex Morritt says, “The more time we spend interconnected via a myriad of devices, the less time we have left to develop true friendships in the real world.” In response to Morritt’s words, write an English essay in NO MORE THAN 200 words to express your opinions, either positive or negative, with supportive reasons.

試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 國家安全情報特種考試_三等_政經組(選試英文)、情報組(選試英文)、國際組(選試英文)、資訊組(選試英文)、電子組(選試英文):外國文(英文)#108631-阿摩線上測驗
