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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 地特四等◆法學知識2024~2015難度:(311~315)
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3 依憲法增修條文規定,關於總統、副總統之罷免及彈劾,下列敘述何者錯誤?


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
   In early 2011, former police officer Lin Jsung-yi began thinking about how he would spend his free time after he retired in March that year. As he was pondering, he 41 to hear about a citizen farmers program launched by the city government that allowed local residents to grow produce on plots of land rent-free for six months. He quickly 42 for the program and by July 2011 began his life as an urban farmer. “I thought I would just 43 .” Lin recalls. “But after I started, my interest in gardening grew. Seeing the plants get taller and larger each day gave me a great sense of achievement.” After Lin’s rent-free farming ended in December 2011, he decided to rent a new 44 directly from the landowner and continue what had become his favorite activity. Now he spends one to two hours every morning and at least half a day every weekend working on his farm, doing whatever is necessary: plowing, planting, watering, 45 , weeding, etc. For him, urban farming has not only filled his free time after retirement, but given him the spiritual rewards that he has never experienced before.

(A) give it a try
(B) get it over with
(C) let it go
(D) put it away


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Ever since he was little, Larry had been fascinated by balloons and fantasized about using them to fly. When he was 33, he decided to 46 his dream come true. He bought an aluminum garden chair, 42 weather balloons and an air gun to shoot the balloons when he was ready to land. He also got a parachute, just 47 . Larry planned to fly 483 kilometers across the Mojave Desert. He tied the chair down with ropes and attached the helium-filled balloons to it. Then, he sat down in the chair with his gun and parachute. He was ready to go. When Larry’s friends untied one rope, 48 , the other rope broke, and Larry and his chair rose rapidly into the sky. He ascended much more quickly and much higher than he had expected. Before he knew it, he was 5,000 meters above the ground. The trip wasn’t turning out the way Larry had planned. He was high up in the sky 49 the air was thin and cold. Shivering with cold, Larry decided to 50 , but he couldn’t because he had dropped his gun during his ascent. All he could do was float wherever the wind took him. When he finally floated down, the ropes holding the balloons became tangled in some power lines, and the chair hung just two meters above the ground. Larry was able to climb down unhurt, but the tangled ropes caused a twenty-minute power blackout in the neighborhood.


36 Adam is knowledgeable about almost everything because he likes to read_____                .


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題: Do you often feel that “If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong”? If yes, then you are living under the influence of Murphy’s Law. Many people interpret this law as a pessimistic view of life. 11 the theory is a message of hope, a call to excellence. In 1949, the US Air Force was running a test to study the human tolerance for G-forces during rapid deceleration. Engineer Edward A. Murphy designed a special harness that had 16 sensors, each of which could be installed in two ways. At the end of one crucial experiment, it was found that the sensors provided a zero reading. Murphy’s assistant had installed all of them 12 , with each sensor wired backwards. In a voice like thunder, the 13 engineer complained, “If there are two or more ways to do something and one of those results in a catastrophe, then someone will do it that way!” This is the original form of Murphy’s Law. Later Murphy 14 the sensors so that they could be installed in only one way. As Murphy’s Law spread across the world, it was taken as a principle 15 pessimism. Murphy was unhappy with this misinterpretation. The optimistic law aims to crystallize a principle: one should always assume the worst scenario when designing objects and minimize human error.
(A)No wonder
(B)In fact
(C)For one thing
(D)At least

三、英文短篇寫作(30 分):
請閱讀以下短文,並依指示寫作。文長必須在二百字以內。 The diplomatic culture of the 21st century is essentially different from that of the previous centuries. For example, the growing participation of celebrity actors and actresses in intergovernmental affairs, and international negotiations. In your opinion, do you agree that the new phenomenon is a plus to facilitate international diplomacy? Why? Or why not? Write a short essay in English in response to the question above. Few things you need to know before you begin to write the essay. (1) Provide just ONE argument, and support it with reasons as specifically as possible; (2) you will post the essay online (Facebook, Blog, or Twitter, etc.), and since your target readers are most probably from all over the world, write in a way that most people have no difficulty in understanding the main points of your argument; (3) since people nowadays do not have too much time for long essays, make sure the length of your essay has to be within the limit of 200 words. 代號:40140-40340 頁次:6-2


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 地特四等◆法學知識2024~2015難度:(311~315)-阿摩線上測驗
