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【精選】 - 國營事業◆國文 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2011難度:(2951~2975)
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3.The babysitter ___ the crying baby by reading bedtime stories.
(A) soothed
(B) inspected
(C) varied
(D) swiped










下列「 」內詞語所指的年齡與其他三個相異的選項為: 


(B)‚第六、七聯必須對仗 ƒ


(A)嫵(ㄨ ˇ)媚動人






四、閱讀測驗 Hello, and welcome to Business Talk. This month we’re looking at the role of ethics in business. According to Richard Reed, co-founder of Innocent Drinks, the company behind award-winning fruit-based smoothies, ethics are fundamental to the company’s success. Innocent says that, as well as making money, the objective is always to leave things a little bit better than it finds them, an inspiring way to approach business. So, how did the success of Innocent all begin? Innocent was founded back in 1998 by Richard and two friends from Cambridge University. They decided to set up a business together and spent £500 on fruit to make smoothies to sell at a music festival. A sign above their stall said ‘Should we give up our jobs to make these smoothies?’ They asked people to put their empty bottles in one of two bins marked ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. At the end of the festival the ‘Yes’ bin was full, so they went into work the next day and resigned. Innocent continues to innovate and the product range now consists of vegetable pots and other healthy, natural products as well as smoothies, and the company is constantly working on new lines. Innocent sells to over 10,000 retailers in 13 European countries, and its market is constantly growing. So what is it that makes Innocent an ethical company? Apart from only using packaging that can be recycled, it uses only 100% natural products and each year gives 10% of its profits to charities in the countries where its fruit comes from. Innocent wasn’t the first company to tap into the fruit market, but it was one of the first. It’s always important to be different from the competition and, with Innocent, the combination of ethics and clever marketing is a recipe for success.
【題組】47. Who actually decided that Richard and his two friends should sell smoothies?
(A) They themselves.
(B) People who attended the festival.
(C) Their former employers.
(D) Retailers in 13 European countries.


第二篇: The Cy Young Award is an honor given annually in baseball to the best pitchers in Major League Baseball, one each for the American League and National League. The award was first introduced in 1956 by Baseball Commissioner Ford Frick 36 Hall of Fame pitcher Cy Young, who died in 1955. The award was originally given to the single best pitcher in the major leagues; 37 in 1967, after the retirement of Frick, the award was given to one pitcher in each league. Each league’s award is voted on by members of the Baseball Writers Association of America, 38 one representative from each team. As of the 2010 season, each voter places a vote for first, second, third, fourth and fifth place among the 39 of each league. The pitcher with the highest score in each league wins the award. If two pitchers receive the same number of votes, the award is shared. The current formula 40 in the 2010 season. Before that, dating back to 1970, writers voted for three pitchers, with the formula of 5 points for a first place vote, 3 for a second place vote and 1 for a third place vote.
(A) at
(B) in
(C) to
(D) with


  Many business professionals are troubled by countless meetings, many of which are not effective and become a waste of time. The truth is,it is not that difficult to plan and conduct a meeting with  31  results. Bad meetings are those that tend to drone on forever, you never seem to  32  the point, and you leave wondering why you were even present.  33  , effective ones always make attendees feel that they have really accomplished something. 
  So what makes a meeting effective? Effective meetings are about three basics: They achieve the meeting’s  34  . They take up a minimum amount of time. They leave participants feeling that a sensible process has been followed. If you structure your meeting planning, preparation, execution, and follow up around these three basic  35  . the result will be an effective meeting.

(A) By far
(B) No matter how
(C) On the contrary
(D) Likewise


12.「猛瞬間、一剎那、霎時、須臾、轉眼間」五個詞語,用來形容時間短暫的有幾 個?


3. We had better not go too far away ________ home when our parents are still alive. 
(A) to
(B) from
(C) at
(D) for


35. _______ the obvious problem, our manager insists on continuing the project.
(A) Although
(B) Because
(C) Instead
(D) Despite


10. 「他是個不計較的孩子」,「不計較」可代換成下列哪一個詞語?
(A)鑽頭鑽 尾




第二篇: Mobile payments are advertised as a quick and convenient way to pay for anything. Just tap your smartphone to the payment terminal and — like magic — your credit card is charged for your purchase. It really couldn’t be 36 . However, for digital payments to work, several pieces need to fall into place. First, you need a phone that can make mobile payments — typically, a higher-end smartphone with near-field communication (NFC) to let it talk to payment terminals. Then you need to set up your existing credit cards in the mobile wallet your phone 37 . Usually, that’s Apple Pay for iPhones, Google Pay for Android phones, and Samsung Pay for Samsung phones. Next, the bank providing your credit card has to accept your mobile payment platform. And 38 , the place you’re shopping at needs to accept mobile payments from your chosen payment app. If any of those things don’t happen, you 39 a mobile payment. When mobile payments work the way they’re designed to, they’re not just convenient; they’re astonishingly convenient. They are fast and secure, and they are widely accepted. Furthermore, everything is on your phone. You don’t have to carry cash or cards around because everything you need to make a 40 is on your phone.
(A)aren’t making
(B) are making
(C) aren’t made
(D)are made


Education in Russia is organized and coordinated by the state, which ensures that general education is free and available for everyone. Most schools are state schools but 16 schools have also been established in recent years. Education usually begins 17 pre-school before the age of six, although it is not compulsory. Children typically go to kindergartens or other pre-schools which 18 on both intellectual and physical activities. The next step is primary school, which is part of the general education program. 

General education in Russia comprises three stages: primary education, which lasts for four years; basic general education, lasting for five years; and secondary education, which lasts for two to three years. 19 , Russian general education is aimed at the intellectual, emotional, moral and physical development of the individual. It aims to develop the abilities that will allow a student 20 to life in society and help individuals to make conscious choices concerning professional education.

(A) public
(B) primary
(C) secondary
(D) private


4. The ____ of electricity steadily increased as the economy developed.
(A) consumption
(B) attendance
(C) portrayal
(D) sphere


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stevens,
      Thank you very much for inviting me to dinner last week. I certainly had an enjoyable time. You have a lovely home and I enjoyed seeing the new living room furniture you recently purchased.
      The dinner itself was excellent. It goes without saying that Mrs. Stevens is an excellent cook. All of the food was delicious, but I especially enjoyed the roast beef and the mashed potatoes, not to mention the special homemade bread. I also enjoyed the tasty cheesecake for dessert. Above all, I enjoyed having the chance to spend time with you both. I particularly liked hearing more about your recent trip to Italy. You certainly had some interesting adventures there. My only regret is that the evening ended too quickly.                Once again, thank you for having me over for such a wonderful dinner. I look forward to having you both over to my home for dinner very soon.
   Sincerely yours,
   Nelson Gregory

【題組】50. What kind of letter it was?
(A) A recommendation letter.
(B) A goodbye letter.
(C) A thanksgiving letter.
(D) A thank-you letter.


5. If the spread of COVID-19 _______ more serious, I will stay home as much as I possibly can.
(A) turns
(B) turned
(C) has turned
(D) will turn


39. It took Judy a year to ____ the Civil Service Examination and she passed it.
(A) ready for
(B) get over
(C) prepare
(D) prepare for


請根據此詩,回答第 8 至 10 題:
 織縑日一匹,織素五丈餘。將縑來比素,新人不如故。 (古詩〈上山採蘼蕪〉)

(A) 新人的容貌不輸給故人,但手腳不太乾淨
(B) 故人對新人的表現,處處不滿意
(C) 新人織布的方法和故人不同,織出的花樣也比較單調
(D) 新人在各個方面,都比不上故人優秀


【精選】 - 國營事業◆國文 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2011難度:(2951~2975)-阿摩線上測驗
