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科目:新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)
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107. In order to provide their customers _____ a wide range of food products, food distributors usually collaborate with various suppliers.
(A) to
(B) for
(C) with
(D) on


111. The use of artificial intelligence is increasingly _____ in various industries, including finance and retail, to streamline operations and enhance customer experience.
(A) prevalent
(B) widely
(C) broad
(D) popularly


121. Passport control areas are _____ for airport advertisers to promote duty-free products and services.
(A) authority figures
(B) public properties
(C) prime locations
(D) commercial transactions


126. In a year's time, the company's brand awareness will have been boosted through a series of high-profile advertising campaigns, and we anticipate a _____ in customer loyalty.
(A) surge
(B) drop
(C) reduction
(D) soar


Questions 135~138 refer to the following passage. 
New technology is making cash    135    and turning us into a cashless society. Many of us use credit and debit cards, and    136    payments using tap-and-go cards are becoming popular. Though this can put you at risk of fraud, they are capped and banks cover any losses. Chip and PIN technology has reduced fraud and speeded up transactions. Wearable tech is another option    137    those who find getting their bankcard out too much trouble. It is    138    for people who don't want to use their card, phone, or watch and is particularly useful for small-valued goods.

(A) obscure
(B) obsolete
(C) observant
(D) obsessive


(B) thrilled
(C) frustrated
(D) overloaded


Questions 143~146 refer to the following email. 
Dear Department Managers, 

I am writing to inform you that in the coming weeks, we will be    143    a series of meetings to organize workshops for our entry-level employees and interns. The purpose of these workshops is to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and contribute to the success of our company. 

We believe that these workshops will be beneficial for both our employees and our company, and we are looking forward to seeing the positive impact they will have. To ensure that the workshops are effective, we would like to invite you to share your    144    and suggestions on what topics and areas should be covered during the training sessions. 

Your valuable input will help us    145    the workshops to meet the specific needs of your department and enhance the overall quality of the program. We encourage you to take the time to reflect on the skills and knowledge that your team members need to succeed in their roles, and share your ideas with us. 

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our company. We appreciate your involvement in this    146    and look forward to working with you to create a successful and engaging workshop program. 

Best regards, 

Laura Carl

(A) accustom
(B) accompany
(C) transit
(D) tailor


(A) transition
(B) proposition
(C) initiative
(D) movement


Questions 155~157 refer to the following information. 
The Netherlands is known for its cycling lifestyle, which is deeply ingrained in the country's culture. --[1]-- Cycling is not only a means of transportation but also a way of life, a social activity, and a source of enjoyment. Dutch people of all ages cycle to work, school, or the grocery store, but also for leisure, sport, or tourism.

The country has an extensive network of cycle paths and routes, which makes cycling safe and accessible to everyone. --[2]-- From urban areas to rural landscapes, there are plenty of opportunities to explore the Dutch countryside on two wheels. Some of the most popular routes include the Flower Route, the North Sea Route, and the Hanseatic Route.

--[3]-- It helps reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, and it promotes physical exercise and mental well-being. Moreover, cycling is an affordable and efficient way of getting around, compared to other modes of transportation.

If you want to experience the Dutch cycling lifestyle, you can rent a bike or join a guided tour. --[4]-- There are many companies and organizations that offer cycling packages and services, such as bike rental, luggage transfer, and accommodation. Cycling in the Netherlands is a unique and rewarding experience that combines culture, nature, and sport.

【題組】155. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “Cycling in the Netherlands is not only convenient but also environmentally friendly and healthy.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]


Questions 158~160 refer to the following email. 
Subject: About the interview

Dear Gary, 

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on your recent job interview for the Information Specialist position. I would like to thank you for your interest in our company and for taking the time to meet with our team last Monday afternoon.

During the interview, we noticed that you were quite nervous, which is understandable given the circumstances. However, we also observed that you struggled with a few basic technical questions related to the job. While this did concern us at first, after reviewing your impressive work experience from your past two jobs, we have decided to invite you to a second interview.

We believe that you have the potential to be a great fit for our team and that you possess the necessary skills and experience to succeed in this role. We understand that interviews can be stressful, and we want to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your abilities.

To that end, I would like to offer you some tips on how to relax and reduce your nerves before the second interview. First, take some time to prepare for the interview by reviewing the job description and researching our company. Second, try to get plenty of rest the night before the interview, avoid caffeine or other stimulants that may make you more anxious, and practice deep breathing exercises and visualization techniques to help calm your nerves. Lastly, remember to be yourself and take your time when answering questions, as we are looking for someone who is passionate and knowledgeable about the field.

We would like to schedule the second interview for next Monday at 2:00 pm. Please let us know if this works for you or if you would prefer another time.

Thank you again for your interest in our company, and we look forward to seeing you again soon. 

Best regards, 

Michael Emons 
HR Manager

【題組】158. What is the purpose of the email?
(A) To offer Gary the Information Specialist position.
(B) To thank Gary for attending a job interview.
(C) To provide Gary with interview tips for his next interview.
(D) To ask Gary to reschedule his second interview.


Questions 164~167 refer to the following instant messaging chain.
Kelly Porter: Susan, we need to talk about the videos you've been making about your experience with customers. 

Susan Morris: Okay, what's wrong? 

Kelly Porter: Frankly, I'm disappointed that you've been making these videos without consulting me first. They could potentially damage our professional reputation and are not aligned with our conservative approach to social media. 

Susan Morris: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any harm. I thought the videos would be a great way to connect with customers and promote our brand. 

Kelly Porter: I appreciate your intentions, but you need to understand the gravity of the situation. Your videos could be seen as unprofessional and violate our confidentiality agreements. We need to put a stop to them immediately. 

Susan Morris: I understand, and I apologize for any negative impact they may have had. Is there anything else I can do to make it right? 

Kelly Porter: Yes, I expect you to take this matter seriously and be more mindful of our brand image in the future. Let's schedule a meeting to discuss other marketing strategies that align with our values. 

Susan Morris: Certainly, I fully understand the gravity of the situation, and I am committed to being more mindful of our brand image in the future. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss alternative marketing strategies with you, and I am eager to work together to find effective solutions.

【題組】165. Why is Kelly disappointed with Susan?
(A) Because Susan's videos have caused harm to customers.
(B) Because Susan did not consult Kelly before making the videos.
(C) Because Susan has violated the company's confidentiality agreements.
(D) Because Susan's videos are not aligned with the company's conservative approach to social media.


Questions 168~171 refer to the following table.

【題組】171. Which of the following statements best describes the leadership skills of regular workers?
(A) They possess outstanding leadership skills and can motivate and influence others effectively.
(B) They have basic leadership skills and may not be able to motivate and lead others effectively.
(C) They lack leadership skills and are unable to motivate and influence others effectively.
(D) They have moderate leadership skills and can motivate and influence others occasionally.


Questions 172~175 refer to the following table.

【題組】174. Which type of gig work is best suited for individuals who have a passion for customer service and a desire to interact with people on a daily basis?
(A) Food Delivery with extra tips.
(B) Freelance Writing with social media writing skills.
(C) Personal Shopping with premium luxury items.
(D) Ride-hailing with luxury vehicles.


【題組】175. Which type of gig work is best suited for individuals who have a desire to earn money quickly without significant investment?
(A) Food Delivery with a car.
(B) Freelance Writing with a computer.
(C) Personal Shopping with a personal shopper certification.
(D) Ride-hailing with a car.


Questions 176~180 refer to the following and .
Japanese Computer Peripherals Manufacturer to Open Direct Retail Stores Across Major Cities

TOKYO, JAPAN - In a highly anticipated move, a leading computer peripherals manufacturer based in Japan has announced the opening of their direct retail stores across major cities between Kyushu and Tokyo on September 9th.

With a focus on quality and innovation, the manufacturer has been designing and manufacturing computer peripherals for over two decades, garnering a reputation for excellence in the industry. To better serve their customers, the company has established direct retail stores across major cities in Japan, from Kyushu to Tokyo, allowing consumers to interact with and purchase their products directly.

As part of their commitment to delivering the best products and services to their customers, the manufacturer has invested heavily in technology, utilizing robots and artificial intelligence in their three nationwide logistics centers to improve efficiency and reduce costs. With these centers already operational, the company is now able to fulfill orders and deliver products faster and more accurately than ever before.

The grand opening of the direct retail stores on September 9th promises to be a landmark event, with customers eagerly anticipating the chance to experience the latest in cutting-edge computer peripherals and technology. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, the manufacturer is poised to continue their success for many years to come.

Subject: Request for Campus Recruitment Resources

Dear Career Counseling Office,

We hope this email finds you well. We are a leading computer peripherals manufacturer based in Japan, and we are looking to expand our team at our nationwide logistics centers. As part of our recruitment efforts, we would like to request your assistance in organizing a campus recruitment event at your institution.

As you may be aware, we have recently opened three nationwide logistics centers that utilize advanced technology, including robots and artificial intelligence, to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. In order to continue providing the best products and services to our customers, we are seeking talented individuals to join our team.

We believe that your institution may have many students who would be a great fit for our company. As such, we would like to request your assistance in providing us with the following resources for a campus recruitment event:
● A venue on campus for the recruitment event
● A date and time for the recruitment event
● Promotion of the recruitment event to students through your institution's communication channels

We would also appreciate any additional resources or recommendations that you may have to make this event a success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

Kaito Nakamura
Human Resources Department
TechWave Inc.

【題組】176. According to the news release, what is the focus of the computer peripherals manufacturer?
(A) Cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
(B) Direct interaction with customers.
(C) Artificial intelligence and robots.
(D) Quality and innovation.


【題組】177. What is the significance of the logistics centers mentioned in the news release?
(A) They help fulfill orders and deliver products faster and more accurately.
(B) They provide customers with a direct retail experience.
(C) They showcase the latest computer peripherals and technology.
(D) They reduce costs and increase efficiency for the manufacturer.


Questions 191~195 refer to the following information, web page, and comments. 
London's Natural History Museum has unveiled a new exhibit featuring the Patagotitan dinosaur, the largest creature to ever walk the Earth. The exhibit includes a cast of the creature's skeleton made from real fossil bones and measures 121ft from nose to tail. Visitors can walk between the dinosaur's legs and touch its bones. The Patagotitan lived 100 million years ago and weighed approximately 57 tons. The exhibit is expected to draw crowds of visitors from around the world and runs for several years.


The three-tier plan for the Patagotitan exhibition at the Natural History Museum includes a focus on the display, experience, and science of the dinosaur. Visitors can view the cast up close, walk between the dinosaur's legs, and learn about the techniques used to study the creature. The exhibition includes interactive elements such as touchscreens, tactile textures and sounds, and interactive displays to enhance the overall experience.

1. "The Patagotitan cast was the highlight of my visit to the Natural History Museum. Seeing it up close was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. by Joan Draine" 
2. "Walking between the legs of the Patagotitan was awe-inspiring. The tactile elements really brought the dinosaur to life. by Emily Davis" 
3. "I loved learning about the scientific techniques used to excavate and study the Patagotitan. The interactive displays made it easy to understand. by Rachel Lee" 
4. "The scientific information in this tier was fascinating. It was amazing to think about the world of the dinosaurs and the history of life on Earth. by Mark Briggs"

【題組】195. Which visitor(s) to the Patagotitan exhibition at the Natural History Museum seemed to be most interested in the scientific information presented?
(A) Joan Draine only.
(B) Mark Briggs only.
(C) Emily Davis only.
(D) Rachel Lee only.


Questions 196~200 refer to the following brochure, email, and letter. 
Escape the city heat and explore the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding areas of Sydney with the Summer Island travel package. This special event offered by Australia Railways provides tourists with a hassle-free and affordable way to discover the hidden gems of the surrounding areas of Sydney. If you're looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and want to experience the natural beauty and charm of the region, then the Summer Island travel package is for you.

Highlights of the Journey

To make the most of your Summer Island experience, we've highlighted some of the top destinations you'll visit during your journey. Take a look at the table below to get a taste of what awaits you:
Book Your Summer Island Experience Today

Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the stunning surrounding areas of Sydney. Book your Summer Island travel package today and get ready to discover the beauty of Australia's coast.

Subject: Complaint regarding the Summer Island Travel Package Experience 

Dear Blue Wave Travel,

I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction and frustration with the Summer Island travel package that I recently participated in. My name is Anna Bennis, and I was excited to explore the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding areas of Sydney. However, I encountered several issues during the trip that made my experience disappointing.

Firstly, the hassle-free and affordable experience that was advertised did not match my experience. During our visit to Bondi Beach, we faced substantial delays in transportation. To make matters worse, the shuttle bus ran out of gas halfway to our destination, leaving us stranded on the side of the road for hours. We had to wait for another bus to arrive, which not only caused us to miss out on valuable beach time but also made the overall experience extremely unpleasant. Additionally, I found the costs of certain activities to be misleading, as they were not included in the package price, forcing me to spend more than I had anticipated.

Secondly, the wine-tasting event at Hunter Valley was an absolute disaster. The vineyards were overcrowded, and we had to wait in long queues to taste the wines. It was impossible to enjoy the gourmet food and beautiful countryside as advertised when we were constantly battling crowds and delays. This experience left me feeling frustrated and disappointed.

Overall, the Summer Island travel package failed to live up to the expectations set by the brochure. I demand compensation for the inconveniences I faced and expect a prompt and satisfactory response.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Anna Bennis

Dear Anna Bennis,

We are sorry that your Summer Island travel package didn't meet your expectations. We would like to apologize and offer a half refund of your travel expenses as a goodwill gesture. We value your feedback and will use it to improve our services. Your refund of $1,250 will be processed within five business days. Please see the table below for a breakdown of your travel expenses and the discounted price:6433867612efc.jpgIf you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Blue Wave Travel

【題組】199. What does Anna expect from Blue Wave Travel in response to her email?
(A) Anna demands a full refund for the Summer Island travel package due to a lack of advertised services and compensation for the inconveniences she faced.
(B) Anna expects a discount on future travel packages as a token of appreciation for her feedback and experience.
(C) Anna wants an apology and a gift card for her troubles during the Summer Island travel package.
(D) Anna wants a free trip to another destination of her choice as compensation for the inconveniences she faced during the Summer Island travel package.


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