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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(301~325)
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What does Dell Hymes think that native speakers need to know in addition to knowledge of grammar and sound system?
(A) What language is appropriate in a given situation.
(B) How common a piece of language is.
(C) Whether a piece of language is feasible in real life
(D) All of the above


What should a syllabus designer consider about the content of a syllabus?
(A)student needs
(B)the situation in which the teaching takes place
(C)the type of student (e.g., age, educational background, & previous learning experience)
(D)all of the above


In a TPR classroom is one in which students do a great deal of listening and acting.


11. Some people get so _________ to online video games that their social life and health suffer negative effects.
(A) conducted
(B) convinced
(C) advertised
(D) addicted


3. What the principal saw was a big mess in his school: collapsed buildings, burned desks and chairs.This _____ was caused partly by the earthquake and partly by gas explosion.
(A) catastrophe
(B) disposition
(C) fugitive
(D) lubrication


8.Much of Sri Lanka’s coastline was ___ by the December 26 tsunami in 2004, leaving thousands of villagers homeless.
(A) hampered
(B) devastated
(C) rattled
(D) mobilized


5. The teaching activity of spot-the-difference or description of a given picture to another student, who creates a drawing from the description is the example of ___________.
(A) an opinion gap task
(B) a reasoning gap task
(C) a language exchange task
(D) an information gap task


C. The world, it is often observed, is becoming increasingly standardized. We mostly buy similar things—drinks, food and fashions—wherever we happen to be. However much we may resist this apparent trend emotionally and hope that it is only our imagining, intellectually we must accept that this brave new world has its advantages. For standardized products save time, reduce confusion, and may be cheaper and more predictable, especially when attached to a dependable brand. There is one market, however, in which the inclinations of our hearts and heads are aligned, and moreover are forcing things back towards variety: women’s clothing. There, the customer is queen, and she seems to prefer chaos to order. It is not the fashions themselves that are turning the clock back on standardization. Rather, it is the sizes in which women’s clothing is sold. Not so long ago, these sizes were numerical and orderly, even if the particular system used varied from country to country. It did not matter if a size 12 dress in Britain was called a 38 in the U.S. and a 44 in Italy, for a simple conversion chart would suffice. But that is no longer the case. Clothing sizes have become more and more a matter of vanity and not of measurement, for women have become larger in various ways. Not surprisingly, women would like to indulge their appetites and not be reminded by ever increasing dress sizes of the consequences for the waistlines. Some clothing firms have accommodated such desires by retaining the same sizing numbers but making the clothes larger. Others have resorted to soothing words—petite, regular and “missy”—that trade stark precision for comforting vagueness. In America, it is even possible to buy women’s clothes in size zero. Will the negative size be next? Men are, of course, going through the same expansion in bodily dimensions. They do not, however, have to deal with the same confusion. While it may occasionally be hard to work out what exactly is meant by “medium” or “extra-large,” mainly predictable indications of clothing sizes still predominate. Some suggest that this is because for men “bigness” does not carry the strong negative connotations that it does for women. Women, however, are finding that shopping is becoming difficult, because of the declining level of standardization in their clothing sizes: More things must be tried on, taking more time and buying online is a poor option. One is tempted to make the seemingly sensible proposal of introducing standardization once more, but this idea ignores the fact that there are powerful market forces—female preferences for clothing sizes that disguise fattened figures—that would resist such an imposition. An alternative suggestion that has been put forth is for clothing firms to agree on a standard sizing to be put on some sort of bar code or other marker unreadable to shoppers. In that case, those who wanted speed and clarity could easily obtain a size indicator free of obfuscation, while those who would rather deceive themselves and soothe their vanity could continue to do so by sticking to the written labels.
【題組】56. What are the advantages of product standardization?
(A) A woman may prefer chaos to order.
(B) They save time and reduce confusion.
(C) Clothing sizes may disguise fattened figures
(D) Clothing sizes become more and more a matter of vanity.


14. ___________of measurement has ever equaled the metric system in simplicity.
(A) Another system
(B) Other systems
(C) No other system
(D) No system other


7. If you've gone through a(n) _____ experience, you may be struggling with upsetting emotions, frightening memories, or a sense of constant danger.


IV. 閱讀測驗:24%,每題2分 
  Ever fashionable, the Alessi brand has managed to transform from a metal utensil and dish designer to fully explore all kitchen and household options, incorporating the work of leading designers from Philippe Stark to Michael Graves and Aldo Rossi. Throughout its history Alessi has chosen direction based on the guidance of its designers and the development of the product itself. The brand vision appears to be to revel in design in all areas of life, to enjoy and celebrate the simplicity of everyday objects, and to take risks whether there exists a need for risk or not. Or put simply: No man should be forced to dine from a boring plate. 
  But how did Alessi acquire such a frivolously jubilant reputation? The year was 1921, the setting, a small town in the foothills of the Italian Alps, the founder Giovanni Alessi for whom the company is named was a metal expert working with a lathe to create workmanlike metal utensils and dishes. The result was a family-run brand that would continually adapt to set style in the kitchen and home using a variety of mediums from silver, bronze and stainless steel to porcelain, ceramic, and eventually, plastic. 
  Although Giovanni was an able craftsman, it wasn’t until his eldest son Carlo stepped up to the plate in the thirties and forties that the brand began to be associated with a style of design unique to the Alessi name. Carlo’s playfully flamboyant Bombe coffee and tea set is celebrated as creating a design sensibility in Italy that can still be seen as an influence in many of the products today. It was these early designs that encouraged ordinary Italians to view their kitchen as a living arthouse, where the salt and pepper shaker were more than just the functional sum of their parts. 
  Carlo’s eldest son Alberto continued along the path set by la famiglia and propelled the company into the international world of design. In the early nineties, on the advice of his designers, Alberto allowed the use of plastic to address a trend of “customers yearning for joyful, playful design,” as he put it. This change of direction for the brand, which prior to the advent of plastic, was becoming an clitist symbol of yuppie affluence, helped Alessi to break away from the harsh lines of the eighties and adjust to the more organic nineties. 
  And it is this advice from his designers that seems to inform Alberto’s approach to managing the brand’s direction. Rather than tracking the whims and desires of the market base, Alessi follows the suggestion of its designers in deciding where its next steps will be. This approach is a boon to designers who may wish to design free from the confines of the audience’s voice. In this manner the evolution of Alessi’s such that an elegant cup and saucer can reside next to a flamboyantly tentacled octopus whisk. 
  But for those aesthetes who worry that the brand is too accessible to the masses, Alessi has created a dual branding system to distinguish between its popular price point products and the more exclusive designs. There is the Alessi product, which is mass produced and easily accessed through department stores, and then a system of marks for designers dedicated to experimenting and manufactured in limited editions. These names include Officina Alessi, product designed solely in metal, Alessi Twergi, using only wood, and Alessi Tendentse, which uses porcelain and crystal glass. 
  Content for its products to be confined to the kitchen, the Alessi name in turn aspires to attain recognition within the design community. And the rest of the world obviously concurs as Alessi design can be found in museums throughout the world.

【題組】40. When was the Alessi company founded?
(A) In the late 19th century
(B) In the early 20th century
(C) In the mid-20th century
(D) In the late 20th century


2. It is undoubted that William Shakespeare was a ________.
(A) litter giant
(B) literary giant
(C) torture giant
(D) vision giant


1. In fact, the ________  themes may.have been much more complex than described.
(A) important
(B) absolute
(C) straight
(D) implicit


20._______Samson gives the appearance of sincerity and reliability, just remember that you cannot trust him an inch.
(A) As far as
(B) That
(C) So
(D) Though


4. The construction of the garbage incinerator was rejected by the locals due to the _____ smoke harmful to the residents.
(A) obstreperous
(B) pecuniary
(C) noxious
(D) recalcitrant


        Technology trailblazer Elon Musk has unveiled a pig with a computer chip implanted in her brain that could pave the way to computer-to-brain interfaces in humans. Mr. Musk has a near-unrivalled record in pioneering technology, from electric cars and hyperloop travel to space tourism. Gertrude the pig showcases his latest ambition - to allow us to control computers with our brains. Conversely, computers could enhance our brainpower and abilities. The interface is part of a tech startup called Neuralink. Mr. Musk announced that trials would soon begin on humans. He believes the technology represents a giant leap into the future and will considerably change our lives by giving us superhuman powers. 
       The results shown in Gertrude the pig were somewhat modest in. comparison to the potential Mr. Musk envisages the technology will one day deliver. He hopes Neuralink will help people with neurological conditions like strokes, dementia and headaches. It could also mean our brain is wired directly to the Internet. Just like in a science fiction movie, we could control phones, computers and household devices simply with the power of thought. The most mind-blowing aspect of the technology is what Musk calls "superhuman cognition". This is to counter artificial intelligence becoming powerful enough to destroy the human race. He added the technology will "achieve symbiosis with artificial intelligence".

【題組】27. ( ) What did the article say computers could enhance in us?
(A) our taste
(B) the sense of touch
(C) our brainpower
(D) invisibility


8. In some ancient cultures, people killed maids as sacrifice to _______ the anger of gods.
(A) amplify
(B) augment
(C) aggravate
(D) appease


13. We can spend our afternoon walking through the park or driving _____ the beach.
(A) alone
(B) along
(C) besides
(D) beneath


14. Please give me your papers _____ you finish them.
(A) as soon as
(B) as soon as when
(C) as soon as possible
(D) as possibly soon


第 36 至 40 題為題組
       Roger Federer, the legendary tennis player, made the decision to retire from the sport last September in London, a city known for its association with Wimbledon and its connection to royalty. During his remarkable career, his final event was the Laver Cup, which pitted Europe against the rest of the world, featuring his greatest rivals, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic.    36    . However, it is not solely these numbers that have endeared Federer to the public. 
          37    . While his forehand is fierce and his backhand wicked, his playing style remains elegant and fluid, a captivating spectacle. Moreover, there is an almost regal aura surrounding Roger, from his impeccable hair to his simple yet classy RF logo. Additionally, as a father of four, Federer is a marketer's dream. It comes as no surprise that he has amassed an estimated $1 billion through sponsorships, endorsements, appearance fees, and business deals throughout his career.    38    . He maintains eye contact during press conferences and provides thoughtful responses, even when faced with silly questions. 
       It’s true that injuries began to take their toll on Federer, and his once seemingly invincible body started revealing signs of wear.    39    . During that year, he defeated his long-time rival Rafael Nadal in the Australian Open final and went on to secure his eighth Wimbledon title, showcasing his enduring skill and determination. An impressive achievement came in 2018 when Federer, at the age of 36, became the oldest player to hold the number one ranking in the world. He successfully defended his Australian Open title that year and ultimately won his final major championship.    40    . While there will undoubtedly be future stars in the world of tennis, Federer will forever hold a unique place in the hearts of fans and enthusiasts alike worldwide due to his contributions to the sport!

(A)What sets Federer apart and makes him so beloved is his grace both on and off the court.
(B) These accomplishments further solidified his status as one of the greatest tennis players of all time.
(C) However, he demonstrated a remarkable comeback in 2017 following knee surgery.
(D)With an impressive record of 20 Grand Slam titles, 23 consecutive Grand Slam semifinals, a six-year reign as the world’s number one player, and a total of 103 ATP singles titles, Federer’s accomplishments are truly remarkable.
(E) Despite his wealth and fame, Federer treats members of the media with respect.


16. The beach is so magnificent _______ it has been featured in numerous travel magazines and brochures.
(A) that
(B) if
(C) while
(D) because


1. The manager praised the team for their ________ efforts in completing the project ahead of schedule.
(A) diligent
(B) spontaneous
(C) erratic
(D) lethargic


6. The city government will _______ a new policy regarding bus and metro fare starting next month.
(A) complement
(B) installment
(C) implement
(D) supplement


        The gut-brain connection is no joke; it can link anxiety to stomach problems and vice versa. Have you ever had a ‟gut-wrenching” experience? Do certain situations make you ‟feel nauseous?” Have you ever felt ‟butterflies” in your stomach? We use these expressions for a reason. The gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to emotions. Anger, anxiety, sadness, elation — all of these feelings (and others) can trigger symptoms in the gut. The brain has a direct effect on the stomach and intestines. For example, the very thought of eating can release the stomach's juices before food gets there. This connection goes both ways. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person's stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression. That's because the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected. This is especially true in cases where a person experiences gastrointestinal upset with no obvious physical cause. For such functional GI disorders, it is difficult to try to heal a distressed gut without considering the role of stress and emotion.
         Given how closely the gut and brain interact, it becomes easier to understand why you might feel nauseated before giving a presentation, or feel intestinal pain during times of stress. That doesn't mean, however, that functional GI conditions are imagined or ‟all in your head.” Psychology combines with physical factors to cause pain and other bowel symptoms. Psychosocial factors influence the actual physiology of the gut, as well as symptoms. In other words, stress (or depression or other psychological factors) can affect movement and contractions of the GI tract. In addition, many people with functional GI disorders perceive pain more acutely than other people do because their brains are more responsive to pain signals from the GI tract. Stress can make the existing pain seem even worse.
        Based on these observations, you might expect that at least some patients with functional GI conditions might improve with therapy to reduce stress or treat anxiety or depression. Multiple studies have found that psychologically based approaches lead to greater improvement in digestive symptoms compared with only conventional medical treatment. So next time when you have an upset stomach, you may try to take care of your emotions while taking medication so that you can have your symptoms subside sooner.

【題組】42. According to the passage, when people experiences gastrointestinal upset with no obvious physical cause, _______.
(A) they had better try to think positively
(B) they might be under some kind of pressure or feel anxiety
(C) they probably need to have a thorough checkup of his brain
(D) the intestinal pain or discomfort is simply imagined


1. The rapidly _____ global demand for environmentally-friendly electric vehicles catalyzed automakers to substantially increase production output and accelerate technological innovation.
(A) bypassing
(B) bickering
(C) boycotting
(D) burgeoning


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(301~325)-阿摩線上測驗
